3rd June 2012, 08:43 PM
Is there any vacancy for NCC C certificate holder as a security executive in PSU's?
is there any vacancy for ncc c certificate holder,as a security executive in psu's...MBA degree additional qualification.plz rply on my id [email protected] |
27th October 2012, 10:26 AM
I got in 52.2% in degee course and i got in 'B' grade in NCC 'C'.please tell me which defence job or line better for my career.and i am best cadet in ncc.Please give me ans for my e-mail id [email protected]
6th November 2012, 07:34 AM
I had got 78.9 percent in mba international business ,having B certificate in ncc grading A ,pls provide me carrier in ncc or defence to my email id [email protected]
2nd April 2013, 12:19 PM
I had got 70% in mba Finance, having C certificate in ncc, pls provide me career in ncc or defence to my email id [email protected]