5th April 2011, 01:39 PM
Revathy GM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 102

Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

guide me with some important tips to attend ISRO Exam(CSE ) dept.

5th April 2011, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

Tips For ISRO Examination

1. to appear in ISRO examination you should have basic knowledge of your department. a very deep knowledge is very much helpful to crack ISRO examination.

2. try to cover whole syllabus of your department because question may come from any side. you may leave one or two topic from a chapter but never leave whole chapter at all.

3. time is very much important in ISRO examination. ISRO examination only for 90 minutes. so be careful about time. try to practice model paper for ISRO examination by considering time is a great factor. try to solve model paper seriously in time.

4. by some good book for ISRO examination and practice them carefully. but before practicing first complete whole syllabus from book.

5. at the day of examination don't take pressure so much. be cool minded before appearing in the examination.

6. always try to answer that type of question for which you have confirm answer. don't give answer without being confirm because there is negative marking in ISRO examination.

7. Reach examination center before 1 hour at least.

this year ISRO examination will be held on 16th April, 2011. hall ticket already sent through email for eligible candidate those applied for the examination.

best of luck.
5th April 2011, 07:03 PM
Senior Member++++
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Posts: 2,571
Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

TIME MANAGEMENT is the first aspect for ISRO exam..
you should have your technical stuff to the peak to get a opportunity in ISRO..
it depends on your grip on the subject..
be perfect in all the languages especially in JAVA and C++ ..
5th April 2011, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

ISRO Exam 2011 Notice-Exam on
16th April 2011 Electronics Syllabus for
ISRO Scientist Exam (1) Physical Electronics,
Electron Devices and ICs: Electrons and holes in semi-
conductors, Carner Statistics,
Mechanism of current flow in a
semi-conductor, Hall effect;
Junction theory; Different types
of diodes and their characteristics; Bipolar Junction
transistor; Field effect
transistors; Power switching
devices like SCRs, GTOs, power
MOSFETs; Basics of ICs-bipolar,
MOS and CMOS types; basic and Opto Electronics. (2) Signals and Systems: Classification of signals and
systems; System modeling in
terms of differential and
difference equations; State
variable representation; Fourier
series; Fourier transforms and their application to system
analysis; Laplace transforms and
their application to system
analysis; Convolution and
superposition integrals and their
applications; Z-transforms and their applications to the analysis
and characterization of discrete
time systems; Random signals
and probability; Correlation
functions; Spectral density;
Response of linear system to random inputs. (3) Network Theory: Network analysis techniques;
Network theorems, transient
response, steady state sinusoidal
response; Network graphs and
their applications in network
analysis; Tellegen’ s theorem. Two port networks; Z, Y, h and
transmission parameters.
Combination of two ports,
analysis of common two ports.
Network functions: parts of
network functions, obtaining a network function from a given
part. Transmission criteria: delay
and rise time, Elmore’ s and other definitions effect of
cascading. Elements of network
synthesis. (4) Electromagnetic Theory: Analysis of electrostatic and
magneto-static fields; Laplace’ s and Poisson’ s equations; Boundary value problems and
their solutions; Maxwell’ s equations; application to wave
propagation in bounded and
unbounded media; Transmission
lines: basic theory, standing
waves, matching applications,
microstrip lines; Basics of wave guides and resonators; Elements
of antenna theory. (5) Analog Electronic Circuits: Transistor biasing and
stabilization. Small signal analysis.
Power amplifiers. Frequency.
response. Wide banding
techniques. Feedback amplifiers.
Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators, Rectifiers and power supplies. Op
Amp, PLL, other linear integrated
circuits and applications. Pulse
shaping circuits and waveform
generators. (6) Digital Electronic Circuits: Transistor as a switching
element; Boolean algebra,
simplification of Boolean function
Karnaugh map and applications;
IC Logic gates and their
characteristics; IC logic families: DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS, PMOS and
CMOS gates and their
comparison; Combinational logic
circuits; Half adder, Full adder;
Digital comparator; Multiplexer
De-multiplexer; ROM and their applications. Flip-flops. R-S, J-K, D
and T flip-tops; Different types
of counters and registers.
Waveform generators. A/D and D/
A converters. Semi-conductor
memories. (7) Control Systems: Transient and steady state
response of control systems;
Effect of feedback on stability
and sensitivity; Root locus
techniques; Frequency response
analysis. Concepts of gain and phase margins; Constant-M and
Constant-N Nichol’ s Chart; Approximation of transient
response from Constant-N
Nichol’ s Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed
loop frequency response; Design
of Control Systems;
Compensators; Industrial
controllers. (8) Communication Systems: Basic information theory;
Modulation and detection in
analogue and digital systems;
Sampling and data
reconstructions; Quantization
and coding; Time division and frequency division multiplexing;
Equalization; Optical
Communication: in free space and
fiber optic; Propagation of
signals at HF, VHF, UHF and
microwave frequency; Satellite Communication. (9) Microwave Engineering: Microwave Tubes and solid state
devices, Microwave generation
and amplifiers, Wave guides and
other Microwave Components
and Circuits, Microstrip circuits,
Microwave Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Masers, Lasers;
Micro-wave propagation.
Microwave Communication
Systems-terrestrial and satellite
based. (10) Computer Engineering: Number Systems. Data
representation; Programming;
Elements of a high level
programming language PASCAL/C;
Use of basic data structures;
Fundamentals of computer architecture; Processor design;
Control unit design; Memory
organization, I/o System
Organization. Microprocessors:
Architecture and instruction set
of Microprocessor’ s 8085 and 8086, Assembly language
Programming. Microprocessor
Based system design: typical
examples. Personal computers
and their typical uses. Computer Science Syllabus for
ISRO Scientist Exam (1) Computer H/W Digital Logic:
Logic functions, Minimization,
Design and synthesis of
Combinational and Sequential
circuits — Number representation and Computer Arithmetic (fixed
and floating point) (2) Computer Organization:
Machine instructions and
addressing modes, ALU and Data-
path, hardwired and micro-
programmed control, Memory
interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Serial
communication interface,
Instruction pipelining, Cache, main
and secondary storage. (3) SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Data
structures: Notion of abstract
data types, Stack, Queue, List,
Set, String, Tree, Binary search
tree, Heap, Graph – (4) Programming Methodology: C
programming, Program control
(iteration, recursion, Functions),
Scope, Binding, Parameter
passing, Elementary concepts of
Object oriented, Functional and Logic Programming – (5) Algorithms for problem
solving: Tree and graph
traversals, Connected
components, Spanning trees,
Shortest paths — Hashing, Sorting, Searching — Design techniques (Greedy, Dynamic
Programming, Divide-and-
conquer) – (6) Compiler Design: Lexical
analysis, Parsing, Syntax
directed translation, Runtime
environment, Code generation,
Linking (static and dynamic) – (7) Operating Systems: Classical
concepts (concurrency,
synchronization, deadlock),
Processes, threads and Inter-
process communication, CPU
scheduling, Memory management, File systems, I/O systems,
Protection and security. (8) Databases: Relational model
(ER-model, relational algebra,
tuple calculus), Database design
(integrity constraints, normal
forms), Query languages (SQL),
File structures (sequential files, indexing, B+ trees), Transactions
and concurrency control – (9) Computer Networks: ISO/OSI
stack, sliding window protocol,
LAN Technologies (Ethernet,
Token ring), TCP/UDP, IP, Basic
concepts of switches, gateways,
and routers. Mechanical Syllabus for April
ISRO Scientist Exam 1. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Linear Algebra: Algebra of
matrices, system of linear
equations, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. Calculus: Taylor Series, Fourier
Series, partial derivatives, total
derivatives, definite and
improper integrals, multiple
integrals. Vector Calculus: Gradient,
divergence and curl, line and
surface integrals, Green, Gauss
and Stokes theorems. Differential Equations: Linear
ODEs, first order non-linear ODEs,
initial and boundary value
problems, Laplace transform,
PDEs-Laplace, wave and diffusion
equations. Numerical Methods: Solution of
system of linear equations,
interpolation, numerical
integration, Newton-Raphson
method, Runge-Kutta method. Probability & Statistics: Gaussian,
Weibul distribution and their
properties, method of least
squares, regression analysis,
analysis of variance. 2. APPLIED MECHANICS AND
DESIGN Engineering Mechanics: Equivalent
force systems, free-body
concepts, equations of
equilibrium, trusses and frames,
virtual work and minimum
potential energy. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid
bodies, impulse and momentum
(linear and angular), energy
methods, central force motion. Strength of Materials: Stress
and strain, stress-strain
relationship and elastic
constants, Mohrs circle for plane
stress and plane strain, shear
force and bending moment diagrams, bending and shear
stresses, deflection of beams
torsion of circular shafts, thin
and thick cylinders, Eulers theory
of columns, strain energy
methods, thermal stresses. Theory of Machines:
Displacement, velocity and
acceleration, analysis of plane
mechanisms, dynamic analysis of
slider-crank mechanism, planar
cams and followers, gear tooth profiles, kinematics and design of
gears, governors and flywheels,
balancing of reciprocating and
rotating masses.Vibrations: Free
and forced vibration of single
degree freedom systems, effect of damping, vibration isolation,
resonance, critical speed of
rotors. Design of Machine Elements:
Design for static and dynamic
loading, failure theories, fatigue
strength; design of bolted,
riveted and welded joints; design
of shafts and keys; design of spur gears, rolling and sliding
contact bearings; brakes and
clutches; belt, ropes and chain
THERMAL SCIENCES Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties,
fluid statics, manometry,
buoyancy; Control-volume
analysis of mass, momentum and
energy, fluid acceleration;
Differential equation of continuity and momentum;
Bernoullis equation; Viscous flow
of incompressible fluids; Boundary
layer, Elementary turbulent flow;
Flow through pipes, head losses
in pipes, bends etc. Heat-Transfer: Modes of heat
transfer; One dimensional heat
conduction, resistance concept,
electrical analogy, unsteady heat
conduction, fins; Dimensionless
parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer,
Various correlations for heat
transfer in flow over flat plates
and through pipes; Thermal
boundary layer; effect of
turbulence; Radiative heat transfer, black and grey
surfaces, shape factors, network
analysis; Heat exchanger
performance, LMTD and NTU
methods. Thermodynamics: Zeroth, First
and Second laws of
thermodynamics; Thermodynamic
system and processes;
Irreversibility and availability;
Behaviour of ideal and real gases, Properties of pure
substances, calculation of work
and heat in ideal processes;
Analysis of thermodynamic cycles
related to energy conversion;
Carnot, Rankine, Otto, Diesel, Brayton and Vapour compression
cycles. Power Plant Engineering: Steam
generators; Steam power cycles;
Steam turbines; impulse and
reaction principles, velocity
diagrams, pressure and velocity
compounding; Reheating and reheat factor; Condensers and
feed heaters.I.C. Engines:
Requirements and suitability of
fuels in IC engines, fuel ratings,
fuel-air mixture requirements;
Normal combustion in SI and CI engines; Engine performance
calculations. Refrigeration and air-
conditioning: Refrigerant
compressors, expansion devices,
condensers and evaporators;
Properties of moist air,
psychrometric chart, basic psychometric processes. Turbomachinery: Components of
gas turbines; Compression
processes, Centrifugal and Axial
flow compressors; Axial flow
turbines, elementary theory;
Hydraulic turbines; Euler-Turbine equation; Specific speed, Pelton-
wheel, Francis and Kaplan
turbines; Centrifugal pumps. 4. MANUFACTURING AND
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Engineering Materials: Structure
and properties of engineering
materials and their applications,
heat treatment. Metal Casting: Casting processes (expendable and non-
expendable) -pattern, moulds
and cores, Heating and pouring,
Solidification and cooling, Gating
Design, Design considerations,
defects. Forming Processes: Stress- strain diagrams for ductile and
brittle material, Plastic
deformation and yield criteria,
Fundamentals of hot and cold
working processes, Bulk metal
forming processes (forging, rolling extrusion, drawing), Sheet
metal working processes
(punching, blanking, bending,
deep drawing, coining, spinning,
Load estimation using
homogeneous deformation methods, Defects). Processing of
Powder metals- Atomization,
compaction, sintering, secondary
and finishing operations. Forming
and shaping of Plastics-
Extrusion, Injection Molding. Joining Processes: Physics of welding, Fusion and non-fusion
welding processes, brazing and
soldering, Adhesive bonding,
Design considerations in welding,
Weld quality defects.Machining
and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining, Single and multi-point
cutting tools, Tool geometry and
materials, Tool life and wear,
cutting fluids, Machinability,
Economics of machining, non-
traditional machining processes. Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances, linear
and angular measurements,
comparators, gauge design,
interferometry, Form and finish
measurement, measurement of
screw threads, Alignment and testing methods. Tool Engineering: Principles of
work holding, Design of jigs and
fixtures. Computer Integrated
Manufacturing: Basic concepts of
CAD, CAM and their integration
tools. Manufacturing Analysis: Part-
print analysis, tolerance analysis
in manufacturing and assembly,
time and cost analysis. Work-Study: Method study, work measurement time study,
work sampling, job evaluation,
merit rating. Production Planning and
Control: Forecasting models, aggregate production planning,
master scheduling, materials
requirements planning. Inventory Control: Deterministic and probabilistic
models, safety stock inventory
control systems. Operations Research: Linear programming, simplex and duplex
method, transportation,
assignment, network flow
models, simple queuing models,
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11th April 2011, 12:53 PM
Revathy GM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 102
Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

Thank you friends
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15th April 2011, 10:06 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Hyderabad, India
Posts: 2,211
Arrow Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

If your branch is CSE then you are also eligible for the ISRO exam ..

tips for cracking ISRO exam are..

you must have strong will power and confidence

Know perfectly about ISRO examination..
and also ISRO

ISRO is a research organisation..

which is increasing the prestige of India by its research work in space and aviation sectors..

all the work done in the ISRO is by the top brains from the streams of Electronics

and computers and also many other streams accordingly..

and it also should excel in future for which it requires the intellectual brains like you..

for this reason only it conducts exams to recruit the personnel

and it also conducted by ISRO ..

it is conducted with different streams i.e.,


CSE and so on.

this are the details regarding the exam..

and coming to tips for the exam again

all that you need to crack this exam is have

good subject knowledge

strong will power.

smart planning

good execution of the plans

time management

well planning of preparation with dedication..

if you can fullfil all these traits then success is yours

best wishes

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19th April 2011, 01:07 PM
Revathy GM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 102
Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

Thank you Friends
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20th April 2011, 01:19 PM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

Can someone please tell me where to register for this exam . I love astronomy and want to join Isro Please answer!
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31st August 2011, 06:50 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 726
Default Re: Tips for ISRO exam for CSE exam?

hi dear ISRO is a research organisation..

which is increasing the prestige of India by its research work in space and aviation sectors..

all the work done in the ISRO is by the top brains from the streams of Electronics

and computers and also many other streams accordingly..

and it also should excel in future for which it requires the intellectual brains like you..

for this reason only it conducts exams to recruit the personnel

and it also conducted by ISRO ..

it is conducted with different streams i.e.,


CSE and so on.

this are the details regarding the exam..

and coming to tips for the exam again

all that you need to crack this exam is have

good subject knowledge

strong will power.

smart planning

good execution of the plans

time management

well planning of preparation with dedication..

if you can fullfil all these traits then success is yours
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