23rd May 2013, 07:37 PM
What is the date of B.Com entrance in BHU?
what is the date of b.com intrance in bhu....please give me the details
20th September 2015, 05:32 PM
Re: What is the date of B.Com entrance in BHU?
BHU University notify for the sale of application forms and related information official statement for admission to various Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in this session 2014-2015.
The date of B.Com entrance in BHU as given below:::::::::::::::::::::::>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. :: Sale of application forms from the office counter: 6th February, 2015 :: Last date for receipt of completed forms: 6th March, 2015 ADDRESS::::::::::::>>>>>>>>>> Banaras Hindu University Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Road,, Banaras, Uttar Pradesh 221005 0542 670 3253 |