14th July 2012, 11:12 AM
What is the date of BBA cournseling? What are the exact dates?
Do anyone has any idea related dates for bba counseling ...when it is supposed to be held..what are the exact dates.? plz help out i'm so confused .
27th December 2012, 03:21 PM
For your kind information,i would like to bring to your notice that the counselling for the BBA course in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University has been announced which is based on the CET test.The dates and the details are given in the pdf given here. For other counselling purposes,you can go to the official webpage of the concerned institutions and you can have the confirmation. thanks. |
16th May 2013, 03:00 PM
Hi, I attand the CET 2013 and my CET rank is 11595 and i have no any information about counselling . Please give me information about dates of counselling.