12th May 2010, 11:21 AM
shriya goyal
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What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

I am now studying in +1 class.What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing my +2 session?

12th May 2010, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

the procedure to become and astronaut ands its reqirement are at
12th May 2010, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

dear friend
to become an astronout a b.tech degree in aeronoutical engineering is required after completing your +2 which is a 4 year degree course
all the best
12th May 2010, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

After +2, firstly you have to take admission in B.Tech/B.E./B.Sc in aeronotical science, then you can further move towards your goal of astronout, but minimum criteria is just complete your graduation degree with aeronotical engg.& then proceed for master degree in your specialization.For further study you can have to go abroad.so be mentally prepared.
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12th May 2010, 04:55 PM
herpreet singh
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by shriya goyal View Post
I am now studying in +1 class.What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing my +2 session?
wen u comleting ur 12th session then u have 2 go with a btech with aenoutical engg then u must go to astronouts & its easy way 2 go but u have 2 clear the entrance examination of most of engg institute after ur selection ur rank decided which branch u have 2 go yaar ok bbyee i think ill help u with some more topics ..........best of luck..
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18th May 2010, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

I think you have to give the entrance exam of the iist ...........thisis indian institute of space and technoloy........

Best of luck.......
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26th May 2010, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Dear Shriya,

You have the same Query which I have discussed HERE

So, kindly refer to my Post there, I am sure it will be helpful for you.


Last edited by faiyaz; 26th May 2010 at 06:23 PM. Reason: Correction in whole post
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26th May 2010, 10:48 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

dear friend

To become a astronaut, you need to a Bachelor's degree from a
recognized university in engineering, biological science, physical
science or mathematics. Candidates should have at least three
years of related progressively responsible, professional experience
after receiving the degree................
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27th May 2010, 04:27 AM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

dear friend
you must have bachelor's degree either B.sc,BE/B.tech to become an astronaut after completing 12th.
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27th May 2010, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

dear friend,
if you want to be an astronaut then it is very good,
but for this you must have graduation degree in engineering,mathematics biology or in physics...then you can apply for this.
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13th June 2010, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

wat exact kind of engeeneering degree required to become a mission specialist astronaut
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15th June 2010, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

after completing B.S.C com 3 years,can i have chance to become an astronaut?
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30th June 2010, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Sir, I have got MATERIALS & METALLURGICAL branch. Please tell me how can I become an ASTRONAUT.
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3rd July 2010, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Sir, I have got MATERIALS & METALLURGICAL branch. Please tell me how can I become an ASTRONAUT
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12th July 2010, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

what is the minimum qualification n what are the good universities in india for aeronautical engineering?
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12th July 2010, 02:56 PM
Shagun Makin
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by shriya goyal View Post
I am now studying in +1 class.What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing my +2 session?
Dear friend if you want to be an astronaut then after completing your +2 look for ward to do engineering i.e. B.tech from Aeronautical Engineering.

This will even give you a chance to get into NASA and also it has good scope in future.

Best of luck!!
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12th July 2010, 04:25 PM
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Thumbs down Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by shriya goyal View Post
I am now studying in +1 class.What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing my +2 session?
mmmmm. like many astronauts are teachers or are in army also
so there is no particular field where you can go for it....
you better join some college in aeronautical engineering as you branch
then you must also pass the fitness test also.........
it is a bit difficult also
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12th July 2010, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

you have to take admission in B.Tech/B.E./B.Sc in aeronautical science, then you can further move towards your goal of astronaut, but minimum criteria is just complete your graduation degree with aeronautical engg,you need to a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics. Candidates should have at least three years of related progressively responsible,
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14th July 2010, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

can i become astronaut after completing my B.E in mechanical engineering
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15th July 2010, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

you can fill the form after passing 12th with science.
in more than 700 colleges ,you can fill your candidature for aeronautics engg.
well known are iit,iist,srm,vit
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24th July 2010, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

i have passed 12 ,now which option should i choose doing bsc hons physics from DU or drop year then do aeronautical engeenering from reputed institutes like iits,iist because i hav'nt score good in entrance exams
i would also like to know which pathway should be better to go to nasa ??????...............
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4th November 2010, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

i am 148cm height so am i eligible for the astronaut?
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4th November 2010, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

i am 148cm height so am i eligible for the astronaut?
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7th November 2010, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have passed 12 ,now which option should i choose doing bsc hons physics from DU or drop year then do aeronautical engeenering from reputed institutes like iits,iist because i hav'nt score good in entrance exams
i would also like to know which pathway should be better to go to nasa ??????...............

Well dear just having B.sc is not enough for it. But also no need to take a drop.....! Read the whole post carefully

Then you have to acquire anyone of the following degree from a good institute like IIT or IISC or IIST (most suitable).

P.hd (Astro physics).
P.hd (Geophysics).
P.hd (Metaphysics) I mean to say any branch of physics which leads to space science,these are few examples.

You can persue these degrees from IIT's or IISc,after acquiring these degrees from there you can appear for entrance conducted by NASA at international level for recruiting Astronauts,Scientists etc.You can also work with our country's ISRO various entrance are cionducted by ISRO for recruiting Scientists and engineers for carrying Space reasearch or various jobs.

M.tech/P.hd (Aerospace engineering)
M.tech.P.hd (Aeronautical engineering)

If someone doesn't able to study engineering then it doesn't means that he has to stop achieving those dreams. One can persue MAster/P.hd from Reputed Institutes like-- IIT's, IISc, and other Universities of NAtional or State Importance, Foreign Universities.

Better to persue these degrees from IIST.IIST conducts Admission to its specialied courses which leads in space tecnhnology.For entering into IIST you have to crack ISAT or IITJEE after that you will be provided Admission into B.tech if you have good performance in B.tech then you would also offered M.tech or P.hd. all study there is free of cost,after aquiring degree from there yopu will be absorb as an Scientist of ISRO.

So, if your academic record is good, then there is no need to drop a year continue your education, and keep studing upto P.hd level for best and effective way to your career growth.

ISRO has just taken a baby step in the field of space reasearch and all the associated things, ISRO is on its way for creating a benchmark, as lots of upcoming projects like- Chandrayan are awaited and many more things. So, defenitely in coming years it is going to create losts of oppurtunities for science graduates and scholars and research asociates.

So, if anyone has taken his/her step towards this sector then withdrawing will not be a good decision.

TIP: Keep reading Employment News, various types of government vacancies, notification etc. are released there. Weather there is requirement for a lower division clerk or a Director for any Satutary body all are published there. ISRO, DRDO, HAL etc. also releases there requirements, Notifications, Anouncements etc.

I always suggest to read that paper to any student and professional.

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7th November 2010, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am 148cm height so am i eligible for the astronaut?
See for the any jobs in space technology you are not required to have specific height instead deep knowledge of the scientific subjects is needed.

So concentrate on having command over the basics instaed of worrying about the height.
Height matters a lot in case of forces only
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7th November 2010, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

Hiiiiiiiiiii Astronaut is always a exciting field for everyone and it is .......but need strong determination, hard work and smart work with patience.In considering a career in space, the first thing you should be aware of is that the majority of careers take place here on the ground; only a relatively small number of people actually get the opportunity to leave the Earth for the limitless boundaries of space.

and the other side is for each astronaut who makes it to space, there are
literally thousands of support people on the ground without whose skills, knowledge and efforts,the mission would not have been possible.

i will sugesst you following:-
1.)Begin your preparation as early as possible.learn basics which we learn in school especially maths,physics,chemistry and learn whatever it comes to you everything...
2.)Since a college degree is a necessity, it is imperative you do well in high school first. Study hard, make good grades, especially on the SAT or ACT. Make a good decision on the course of study you wish to pursue, whether it be engineering, biological or physical science, or mathematics.
3.)for NASA's "minimum degree requirement" for an astronaut is a bachelor's from an accredited institution, so work hard in your chosen classes. Your grades should allow you to enroll in a good Master of Science program.
4.)After college, you'll need 3 years of related increasingly responsible professional experience in your field. You should start preparing for this by choosing wisely when it comes to internships and coop positions in college.
5.)you can apply for many collge in india coming to drdo,sarabhai research centre...etc and even you can apply for NASA....
6.)for NASA, Once you've got your degree and some work experience, it's time to apply for those astronauts positions. Fill out a Standard Form 171
(government employment application) and send it to Astronaut Selection Office, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058.
7.)The astronaut application will be reviewed and ranked by various criteria, including: height, experience and expertise. NASA receives an average of 4,015 pllications to fill around 20 slots every 2 years.
SO apply you ful effort and go for it
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28th April 2011, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

i m in 9th class and i want to be an astronaut so in which subject i have to achieve highest marks and wat course i should do just after completing 2 and at least how much years i have to study and best university for it at a very low cost
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14th June 2011, 07:05 PM
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25th September 2011, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: What degrees are essential to become an astronaut after completing 12th?

I am in F.E. Mechanical engineering. I want to be astronaut. What i do?
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