25th November 2012, 08:08 PM
What is the eligibility criteria to do MHA in TISS?
What is the eligibility criteria to do MHA in TISS?what is the salary offered?what is the course duration?
31st August 2013, 11:46 PM
TISS Admissin Entrance Exam Application Form 2013:-
Education qualification: – candidates those who are going to apply for the TISS admission entrance exam, they must have minimum 3 years bachelor degree or its equivalent qualification from any recognized university or deemed university. Selection process: – applicants will be selected on the basis of written exam, pre-interview t pplication Fee: – Rs. 300/- for general , free for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD applicants .est, personal interview performance. How to apply: – interested and eligible students can apply through online mode from the official website of TISS. |