17th April 2019, 08:17 PM
What is the eligibility to join B.Sc Forestry?
What is the eligibility to join B.Sc Forestry? What is the scope of B.Sc Forestry and job opportunities? Is there any entrance to join B.Sc Forestry? Is K-CET compulsory to join B.Sc Forestry?
23rd April 2019, 12:54 PM
The minimum eligibility required to get admission in B.Sc forestry is 10+2 from a recognized educational Board with minimum 45% marks.
You can get job opportunities in zoological parks, wildlife ranges, wildlife research institutes, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), wildlife department , forest departments, national parks & sanctuaries, forest nurseries etc. The admission procedure varies from college to college there are certain colleges which take admission on the basis of 10+2 marks, other take their won entrance test. There are certain colleges which take admission on the basis of All India Entrance Exam of ICAR. The average annual course fee in India ranges between INR 5,000 and 3 lacs. You have to contact the college to get more details. |