8th January 2012, 05:02 PM
What kind of jobs are available for me in government sector after doing diploma in ECE and Government Apprenticeship in TNEB? How to prepare for the government exams?
I'm Rajeswari, i done diploma in ece and governmet apprenticeship in TNEB. i want about, which kind of job or post available for me in govt sectors. And how to applay for that job vacancy. And how i know that job vacancy details. How to prepar for that govt exams. I kindly request to you for the replay.
22nd March 2012, 05:43 PM
i am ananthi i had finished my DECE, now i do parttime BE(ECE) in pre final year with 76%. i know any govt jops to my qualification
21st August 2012, 10:41 PM
Hi i'm senthil and now i'm studying BE(ECE) . How many jobs vacant in ECE in allover companies
18th May 2014, 12:37 PM
Hii, i done diploma in ece, i want about whic h kind of job or post availabe for me in govt sectors. And how to applay for that job vacancy. And how i know that job vacancy detail. How to prepare for that govt exam. I kindly requst to u for the reply