24th August 2013, 01:33 AM
What is the pattern and syllabus for TCS aptitude test?
I know that TCS have changed its paper pattern for aptitude test. So, may i know latest paper pattern or syllabus for TCS aptitude test. and please mail some sample paper of TCS aptitude. i want this for 2013 placement procedure.
28th May 2015, 07:35 PM
Pattern and syllabus for TCS aptitude test
* Syllabus......... --> Time and Work --> Time and Distance --> Train questions --> Number Series --> Logical Deduction --> Clocks and Calendars --> Blood Relationship --> Seating Arrangement --> Partnership --> Theme Detection --> Coding and Drcoding --> Probabality --> Data Interpretation * Examination pattern --> Verbal: - 15 questions --> Quantitative: -15 questions --> Technical: - 20 questions * Time duration --> ONE HOUR or 60 min |