3rd December 2009, 11:15 PM
What is the scope of Nanotechnology in India?
Do u think that there are enough institutes and enough laboratory equipments and scholars for Nanotechnology in India???
13th December 2009, 11:28 AM
Nanotechnology is an emerging field in India,and any emerging field requires time, good infrastructure and good professionals for its foothold in that country.
One of the main reason why scope of biotechnology in india is some what bleak is the unawareness of this among Indian students. |
14th December 2009, 02:36 PM
many analysts say that nano technology has a greater scope but no one knows when will it come....India will be a good place for it but not now.....if you are extremely interested, go for some best university in the world....
15th December 2009, 01:32 AM
nano technology is still in nascent stage in India.
for better opportunities try to go to america where research are being done extensively on use of nano technology in military |
8th January 2010, 01:08 AM
If you want to go in basic research hen, enough instiues are here but if you want to go for application orientation then it's beter to go outside or come up with innovative ideas and lots of patience.
8th January 2010, 12:11 PM
Nano Technology combines Bio technology, Chemistry, Physics and Bio informatics. Many Institutes in India are providing PG and UG courses in Nano technology. But it is certailnly true there are lack of Laboratories equipments in India. But don't get dishearted and just go for it. As its a growing technology in India and as our country is progressing you will not face any problems in coming days. Best of Luck for your carrier.
8th January 2010, 03:32 PM
hie friend.......
In India its not more developed.......but it future..it will be developed,, you may have good scope for nanotecnology........ good luck!!!! |
8th January 2010, 07:33 PM
hi friend
it has a great scope in india you should try for US or other foreign countries also visit this link for more details http://www.winentrance.com/nanotech.htm good luck |
13th February 2010, 06:37 PM
i guess overall only central universities and institutes can provide good laboratory for research work for students......there are a few universities like tezpur central university equipped with state of art faciliity where you can pursue masters in science in nanotech
16th February 2010, 09:36 AM
there are good career in nanotechnology, your future are sucure in this field. it is developing day by day and there are great chance to get a job in this field.
16th February 2010, 12:28 PM
hiiiii well thats very interesting because nanotechnology means the technology at molecular level .with recent acvances in chemistry and biotechnology ,it is gaining vast improvement and interest .it is hopeful to become avery interesting field for research and study.all the best if u r going to start career in this field!!!!!!!!!!!!
16th February 2010, 07:11 PM
nano technology is yet to arrive in india.
If you want to study then try to go abroad for UG and PG. Finally it has a great scope for the future generation. |
10th March 2010, 11:34 PM
Nano technology is the upcoming field now. At present there is no sufficient laboratories.... Seminars,workshops are being conducted ... people are well aware of it.. It will be rising very soon
14th March 2010, 02:35 AM
nanotechnology is one of the interesting and promising field in india.... it have bright future in future...after complete the nanotechnology course you can go to aboard............ all the best.... ![]() |
1st April 2010, 12:23 AM
my dear friend,
there is a large scope of Nanotechnology in India but with well qualification with immense knowledge of science. as it is an new horizon there very less companies. only university would provide the coures............. |
28th April 2010, 04:17 PM
![]() Quote:
hope u find it useful!! |
1st July 2010, 02:03 AM
nano technology is having very bright future but not in india. May be in future india will make progress in this field also but not now. You must try universities of foreign countries because only there you will find nanotechnologists getting highly paid jobs.
29th August 2010, 05:59 PM
Dear friend ;
The future of nanotechnology is bright in all over world. But in India; there are not enough institutes and enough laboratory equipments now. So if you want to make future in nanotechnology then go to USA. |
2nd March 2011, 11:43 AM
Am varshini...Am doing my 12th now... i am interested in nano n planning 2 choose tat course d next year... please guide me... i need 2 know the qualifications needed 2 do it and one of the best universities which cud offer this course 2 me...
23rd April 2011, 12:55 AM
Dear friend
Nanotechnology has tremendous protential in India specially in the areas of Pharma Sciences, Textiles, Food and Agriculture, Packaging, Cosmetics, Automobiles, and many more areas such as Energy, water purification where India is facing acute problems Nanotech can be used to provide solutions. I personally believe that the estimated 1 trillion market potenitial of Nanotech as pridicted by Americans is very much achivable. India should act on Nanotech in big way as our Former President as already said that the next generation will be for scientist where India can take much lead as compared to developed counties. Nanotechnology is a global phenomenon and rising field which spans across all the area of science and the technology. Molecular engineering is a technology, which related to scrutiny and creation of the minute objects and measuring between one to hundred nanometers. Nanotechnology is the application of engineering, science, and the technology for developing novel devices and materials in nano-range. Nanometer is used for measuring very minute particles such as molecules or atoms. One nanometer equals one-billionth of meter. Nano materials are very small and are near about 50,000 times smaller than that of diameter of the human hair. These are very strong and effective in the chemical reaction even though they are very small. For making the weak material stronger, nano material may be mixed with that material and mixture becomes very stronger and effective. Examples of nano materials are diamond and carbon. Nanotechnology is a extraordinary and unique branch and basically combines chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. Nanotechnology is also referred as molecular manufacturing. It is related with the manufacturing and designing electronic circuits and the devices. This field is mostly popular in abroad, but now Indian industries also started to use this technology. In the India, Nanotechnology targeted to the main flow such as electronics, industrial products and healthcare markets. Scope for the nanotechnology is a tremendous and is one of greatest carrier option for the engineering graduates. |
15th May 2011, 06:21 AM
will i get a job in india itself,,in 5 years,,by that time i will be completing the course,,and what is your opininion about nanotech in nit calicut,,its known as physical engineering,,isnt it the same thing.??
18th May 2011, 02:32 PM
hi friend,
Nano Technology combines Bio technology, Chemistry, Physics and Bio informatics. Many Institutes in India are providing PG and UG courses in Nano technology. But it is certailnly true there are lack of Laboratories equipments in India. But don't get dishearted and just go for it. As its a growing technology in India and as our country is progressing you will not face any problems in coming days. Best of Luck for your carrier. |
4th July 2011, 07:04 PM
if u want to study nanotechnology basic course in India please contact
Binoy:08086088119 Philip:08086044669 we also provide higher studies and job placements linkups for our students.. please contact us for more details.. the certificate has international validity and its fully accredited under International Association Of Distance Learning,UK.. |
6th July 2011, 05:20 AM
i got nanotechnology in IITR for m.tech programme.
Does anyone has the idea of nanotechnology department at IITR? I had sent them (to the TPO of nanotechnology dept IITR) a mail regarding this (about the past placements and research projects), but didn't get the reply. |
23rd July 2011, 02:08 AM
Nanotechnology is one of the most exciting and wide area of research.
It is a unique and special branch of science that essentially combines physics, chemistry, biology, engineering etc. It is one of the hottest career option available to Indian Engineering graduates. Students with M.Tech in Nanotechnology are in great demand both in India and abroad. It is a rapidly growing and emerging field. It is a very new field in India and focusing on streams like electronics, healthcare markets, and other industrial products. The major areas for the development of applications involving Nanotechnology are medical and pharmaceuticals, information technology, electronics, magnetics and optoelectronics, energy chemicals, advanced materials and textiles. There are about 38 laboratories, across the country, to carry out research and development work in this field. Those with Ph.D in Nanotechnology will have vibrant opportunities in the Research & Development sectors. Some of the companies in India that provides job prospects are Cranes Software International Limited, Bangalore; Monad Nanotech Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai; Velbionanotech, Bangalore; Qtech Nanosystems (P) Ltd, Bangalore; Innovations Unified Technology, Mumbai etc. I hope now you understand that if there is enough institutes and enough laboratory equipments and scholars for Nanotechnology in India!! |
20th September 2011, 03:41 PM
![]() Quote:
now a days, nano technology is a very good field in india, it is the technique for treatment of a disease by nano particles, it is the most popular branch, you can get good opportunity after complete the course either in india or in abroad. best of luck> |
8th June 2012, 03:45 PM
hey guys!!! i am really interested in literature field and would like to make a career out of it..i was actually thinking about being a journalist.so just want to know is their any scope of it in india????
8th June 2012, 07:26 PM
The Nanotechnology impact on India is predicted to be larger than the IT and internet boom.The epicentre of this boom will be in places like Bangalore and Chennai which are the hub of manufacturing, IT and medicine.The Indian government has already started Nanoscience and Nanotechnology initiatives and various funding agencies like the Department of Science and Technology.
Nano-technology courses are mainly focused in the following areas : 1. Designing of durable, resistant and cheaper materials. 2. Designing of electronic components with special emphasis on dimension and power 3. Techniques for tapping solar energy and increase in its power 4. Convergence of genetic medicine, nano- technology and development of unique drug delivery system. 5. Relation between environmental science and nano-technology. A nano-technologist can seek employment in the following areas : Agriculture Environment industry Medicine Food and Beverage Teaching Genetics Bio-technology Space Research Forensic Science. |
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