9th March 2012, 11:34 PM
When can I get the hall ticket for the TANCET entrance exam? Do they send a hard copy of the hall ticket or soft copy?
sir i am lavanya, i registered for tancet exam through online and send the dd and application to anna university.. there is no response from there so when i get the hall ticket? and they send the hard copy of hall ticket or soft copy?
10th March 2012, 07:31 AM
Re: When can I get the hall ticket for the TANCET entrance exam? Do they send a hard copy of the hall ticket or soft copy?
Dear friend,
You don't worry about it. They will send the hard copy to your mailing address. They not send the soft copy. They already starts the procedure. If you not get your admit card just before the 4 days of exam. You can get it from the Anna University, Chennai campus directly. They also mentioned in the broucher those students not get the admission admit card with in time they can get the duplicate admit card from campus by showing proof of your application. All the very best |
10th March 2012, 12:58 PM
Re: When can I get the hall ticket for the TANCET entrance exam? Do they send a hard copy of the hall ticket or soft copy?
Dear Lavanya,
Download TANCET 2012 Admit Card, Hall Ticket Anna University has been declared the notifications about TANCET 2012 Hall Ticket, Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) 2012 Hall Tickets download.Here they are providing the information about TANCET 2012 Hall Ticket 2012 For MBA, MCA, M.E, M.Tech 7 M. Entrance Examination for M.B.A, M.C.A and M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan Degree Program mes will be conducted on 31st March and 1st April, 2012 respectively. Admit Card is available online at the main official website. Candidates can get all the details from here. View this URL: http://www.annauniv.edu/tancet2012/ |
26th March 2012, 07:34 PM
Re: When can I get the hall ticket for the TANCET entrance exam? Do they send a hard copy of the hall ticket or soft copy?
i hav not got the hall ticket yet,i hav done an online registration.i called up the enquiry centre chennai and they asked to collect it from chennai before the exam.i guess this is the procedure for online applications..ders no point appying online when you hav to collect in your hall ticket in person before the exam.so people from other states plz dont appy online coz your hall ticket will never reach.