11th August 2013, 01:45 PM
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When will be the 2nd chance compartment 12th exam

When will be the 2nd chance compartment xii exam forms avilable in schools and what is the last date for submission,also what are the procedures plss help???

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15th September 2015, 09:00 PM
Maa ka pyaar
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Default Re: When will be the 2nd chance compartment 12th exam

Compartmental examination is a golden opportunity provided to those who have failed in any one subject of their board examination to avoid a loss of crucial academic year.

Also the application form for the same examination is made available on the respective official link of board of education with the declaration of board results the application is received for 22 days from the date of declaration.

Sorry to inform you that there is no provision of 2nd compartmental examination. Once you have failed in your compartmental examination you will have to reappear in your board examination next year to get higher secondary school degree.
16th September 2015, 01:00 AM
ranjan Ayush
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Default Re: When will be the 2nd chance compartment 12th exam

Compartmental examination is the examination which is held by the purpose of avoiding a loss of an academic year from the students career who has failed in any one subject of their respective board examination.

The notifications and application forms for the same examination are released by the declaration of board results and one has to apply for the same examination within 22 days from the date of relase of the application form on the official website of their respective board of education.

Sorry to let you know that there is no provision of 2nd chance for compartmental examination and students failing in the first compartmental examination has to reappear in their board examination once again next year.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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