13th September 2011, 01:17 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
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When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when the next notification will be released for sub inspector of andhra pradesh. and plz provide the information about the procedure to apply and to get a job.

13th September 2011, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.
14th September 2011, 12:27 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Sir,An official website of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission. ... GROUP-I SERVICES (DIRECT) RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION NO. .... post of Assistant Hydrogeologist in A.P. Ground Water Service Notification No:53/2008 will be held ... Deputy Tahsildars & Excise Sub-Inspectors in Group-II Services - Notification No. ...
17th September 2011, 06:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir....., when willl be the 2012 notifications for the subinspector recruitment in andhra pradesh please give me the information
iam waiting for the recruitment....
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19th September 2011, 01:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir , my self maneesh may i no when r the notificatiuons for 2012 for SI plz inform me my email id [email protected] thankq
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20th September 2011, 06:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

please tell me about army ex servicemen quota in sub inspector of police in andhra pradesh and what is the eligibility.
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23rd September 2011, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir,when will be the next selections held ,and what is the age limit .i am from nellore please send the sufficient information to my email adress i,e [email protected]
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24th September 2011, 09:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Sir, I wrote my Exams for Degree recent, can i apply for SI of Police, with out release of my degree results, if my results are released, can i apply for the SI of Police with Internet Mark list...........Please help me.
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25th September 2011, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?
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26th September 2011, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

please inform to the wen will bi the Sub inspector of police recruitment in AP....Th's
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26th September 2011, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

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26th September 2011, 07:55 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Hello sir, this is kiran from visakhapatnam, When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh? plz detailes forword to mi email id [email protected]
thanking you sir.
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26th September 2011, 08:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Dear sir,

Refer to the messages mentioned above and I want to ask the same about the notification for upcoming recruitment and the basic requirements to apply for SI post like qualification, height , chest ....ect
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26th September 2011, 08:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir, when the sub inspector notification released.i mean in 2011 or 2012 please tell me sir
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27th September 2011, 12:55 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when the notification is released for sub-inspector of police for 2011 and 2012.please inform me my email id is [email protected]
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27th September 2011, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

When will be the notification of SI in 2011&2012,please inform to my email id [email protected]
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28th September 2011, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

What is reservation qta 4 ex army persons
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28th September 2011, 07:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when will be the notification of SI in 2011 please inform me my email id [email protected]
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3rd October 2011, 01:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir please inform me when will be the notification of si 2011 are going held> plz inform me at [email protected]
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3rd October 2011, 11:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when will be the notification of SI in 2011 please inform me my email id [email protected]
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4th October 2011, 10:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Hi ,

As Like All Above Comments ,

I do Have A Similar Question.
when will be the notification of SI in 2012...Please Let Me Know On My Mail id :- [email protected]

Thank You in advance.
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5th October 2011, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

what is the age limit of o.c candidates in ap si recruitment.
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5th October 2011, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hii iam studying btech final year and iam eligible or not please reply as early as possible
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7th October 2011, 08:46 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir when is si recruitment 2011-12 notification is going to held plz inform
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8th October 2011, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

whar are the physical standards require for sub inspector
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9th October 2011, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when r sub inspector notification 2011-2012
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10th October 2011, 06:51 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hi. when we have latesu si notification plz infrm me at [email protected]
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10th October 2011, 11:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir, in si recruitement how to implement the reservations of msp1,msp2,msp3,pe,pm.cpp,cdi kindly send me that message mymail,[email protected]
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11th October 2011, 06:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir...
dis z pravin frm hyd when will be SI notifications are going to b held in 2011...plz kindly send the infrmtn to my mail id..
my id z [email protected]....
thank you..
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12th October 2011, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir, plz inform me about si notification andhra and how to practice both physical and wri
ten through mail. My id:[email protected]
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12th October 2011, 09:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir when notification will come pls inform me my mail id is [email protected]
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12th October 2011, 09:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir, plz inform me about si notification andhra and how to practice both physical and wri
ten through mail. My id:[email protected]

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13th October 2011, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.
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13th October 2011, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir my name is nagababu from khammam. sir govt says we release the notification of SI' IS IT TRUE
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13th October 2011, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

what is the age of sub inspector for OC CANDITATES
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13th October 2011, 09:30 PM
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Posts: 597
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hi dear,
Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.

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14th October 2011, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

how much hight of elgibule candates
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14th October 2011, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?


I wrote my IIIrd year degree exams recently, if notification will announced, can i eligible to participate the recruitment,.... Please clarify me Sir.....Please
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14th October 2011, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hello sir...my name is chiranjeevi..am from adilabad..when the SI new notification2012 release? pls inform me..my mail id [email protected]..
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14th October 2011, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

wn d SI notification release2012..pls inform me
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14th October 2011, 09:37 PM
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Posts: 597
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.
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14th October 2011, 10:33 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 597
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hi dear,
Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.
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15th October 2011, 01:19 AM
raju bhai
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 244
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

HI dear,

Andhra Pradesh state police has announced a recruitment notification to recruit 1293 candidates as sub-inspectors of police.

The category wise distribution is 1100 stipend cadet trainee (SCT) SI of police (civil) (males), 169 SCT reserve SI of police (AR)( males) and 24 SCT reserve SI of police (APSP)(males).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates from February 25 to march 13

Applications will be issued from February 16 to march 13.

Eligibility: Candidates having a degree from any recognized university can apply for the post of sub-inspector of police.

Selection procedure:

Through a series of physical ability tests followed by a written test.

Physical tests include:

* A initial 5 kilometer run which should be completed in 25 minutes (* impossible without practice)

* A 100 meter sprint which should be completed in 15 seconds. (* easy)

* A long jump in which a candidate should jump a distance of 3.80 meters (* easy)

* A shot put throw which should be thrown a distance of 5.60 meters (* practice makes it easy)

* A high jump in which a jump of 1.2 meters is required (* practice) and

* An 800 meter run which should be completed in 170 seconds (* easy).

* According to me.

Written test for SI of police consists of 4 papers.

Paper 1: English (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 2: Telugu (Descriptive) : 50 questions, 100 marks

Paper 3: Arithmetic, test of reasoning,

Mental ability. : 200 marks

Paper 4: General studies : 200 marks.

English and Telugu papers are only a qualifying paper and the marks in that section won’t count in making the merit list.

For OC, BC, ST/SC candidates the qualifying marks in these two sections are 40, 35 and 30 marks respectively.

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15th October 2011, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

hi sir.. writen test qualified marks......?
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16th October 2011, 02:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

dear sir,
i am an sc candidate from karimnagar district. my height is 165 cms.
i require the details for the physical test , and the dates for the next recruitment for the SI post.

i want to know if i am satisfying the qualification criterion for the physical test ????

thank you
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16th October 2011, 01:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir, i am madhava completed btech here there is no it jobs so i want to try for police jobs , there are many students same as like me so we suffer a lot so pls release notification as early as possible
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16th October 2011, 03:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

Hi..This laxman..If any one knows please tell me "OC" eligible age(How many years age as of notification released) for SI posts.. please help me out on this question it will helpful to me...
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17th October 2011, 02:39 AM
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Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?
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17th October 2011, 06:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

sir i am zakheer i am very intrest about sub inspector i am proud to say i am police iam requesting u to please send details about notification date and how to perpare and name of best coaching center in hyd thank you sir [email protected] 9059698232
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18th October 2011, 02:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: When will be the notification for the Sub-Inspector Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh?

when will the notification of SI will release?
it was stated that in early october
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