11th April 2012, 12:01 AM
Will there be any Negative Marking in Bank PO Exams?
Bank PO.
is there negative marking in d xam? |
11th April 2012, 02:11 AM
There is a high level competition for PO positions of various Banks. The number of candidates who will apply for these Bank PO Exams are going on increasing.
The selection procedure for these positions is by -Written Exam -Interview The written exam consists of questions from the following categories -Reasoning -Quantitative Aptitude -General Awareness -General English -Computer and Marketing knowledge In addition, there will be a descriptive test for a duration of 1 hour. One need to secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the categories of the written exam in order to get qualified in the exam. Yes. There is negative marking for the wrong answer questions in Bank Exams for the recruitment of PO positions. The negative marking will be 0.25 in the sense for every 4 wrong answers that a candidate attempts, 1 mark from the actual marks he scored will be deducted. One has to keep this in mind and have to attempt the answers with proper care. You did not mention the highest academic qualification that you have. If you are interested and if you meet the required eligibility criteria to apply for Bank PO Exams, you can have good preparation for the same and crack it. For updated information on various bank PO Exams and their notifications, you can visit http://www.bankexamsindia.com/ |
11th April 2012, 02:20 AM
hello friend,
obviously, negative marking for the wrong answer questions in Bank Exams for the recruitment of PO positions. That will be 0.25 for every 4 wrong answers that a candidate attempts, 1 mark from the actual marks he scored will be deducted. so be careful while attempting the questions. If you are interested and if you meet the required eligibility criteria to apply for Bank PO Exams, you can have good preparation for the same and crack it. For updated information on various bank PO Exams and their notifications, you can visit http://www.bankexamsindia.com/ GOOD LUCK |
11th April 2012, 02:26 AM
Yes there are the negative marking in each wrong answer because in this type of exam the number of candidates are in large number so that to select the desired candidates negative marking system is come because what happen if the negative marks are not there then candidates if not know the correct answer then also they put the answer , so candidates become fell free for answering and if the negative markings are there then candidates thinks first before mark the answer so they become serious .
16th April 2012, 01:19 AM
Hello dear,There is a high level competition for PO positions of various Banks. The number of candidates who will apply for these Bank PO Exams are going on increasing.
The selection procedure for these positions is by -Written Exam -Interview The written exam consists of questions from the following categories -Reasoning -Quantitative Aptitude -General Awareness -General English -Computer and Marketing knowledge In addition, there will be a descriptive test for a duration of 1 hour. One need to secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the categories of the written exam in order to get qualified in the exam. Yes. There is negative marking for the wrong answer questions in Bank Exams for the recruitment of PO positions. The negative marking will be 0.25 in the sense for every 4 wrong answers that a candidate attempts, 1 mark from the actual marks he scored will be deducted. One has to keep this in mind and have to attempt the answers with proper care. You did not mention the highest academic qualification that you have. If you are interested and if you meet the required eligibility criteria to apply for Bank PO Exams, you can have good preparation for the same and crack it. |
13th August 2012, 03:55 PM
Dear Friend ,
Yes there is negative marking in Bank PO Exams . In Bank PO Exams , 250 objective questions are asked from five different subjects namely - * Quantitative Aptitude * General Awareness * Reasoning * English * Computer/Marketing One Mark is given for each correct answer and 1/4 marks are deducted for each wrong answer. So , try to prepare well for the examination to avoid wrong answers. This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want. |
13th August 2012, 05:02 PM
The number of candidates who will apply for these Bank PO Exams are going on increasing.
The selection procedure for these positions is by -Written Exam -Interview The written exam consists of questions from the following categories -Reasoning -Quantitative Aptitude -General Awareness -General English -Computer and Marketing knowledge In addition, there will be a descriptive test for a duration of 1 hour. One need to secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the categories of the written exam in order to get qualified in the exam. Yes. There is negative marking for the wrong answer questions in Bank Exams for the recruitment of PO positions. The negative marking will be 0.25 in the sense for every 4 wrong answers that a candidate attempts, 1 mark from the actual marks he scored will be deducted. One has to keep this in mind and have to attempt the answers with proper care. You did not mention the highest academic qualification that you have. For updated information on various bank PO Exams and their notifications, you can visit http://www.bankexamsindia.com/ |
13th August 2012, 10:31 PM
-->yes,there is negative marking in bank PO exams. -->In bank PO exams,250 objective questions are there from different subjects like:- -quanititative aptitude -general awareness -reasoning -english -computer -marketing -->one marking is given for each correct answer and 1/4 marks are deducted for each wrong answer. -->so,prepare carefully for the exam in order to avoid the negative marking. all the best...go ahead and work hard!!! |