23rd January 2014, 01:17 AM
What to do if Civil Services exam admit card is not received?
dear sir ,
i have applied for civil service but i didnt got my admit card so what should i do in such circumstances? |
5th February 2014, 03:34 AM
Hello Friend !!
Do not worry about not receiving the admit card, you are provided an option to download the admit card ONLINE. Visit the Website: upscadmitcard.nic.in/ You will get the list of upcoming Civil Examinations list. There is a link provided to download the admit card, Click on it. Login with either your REGISTRATION ID or ROLL NO. or BY NAME. If you have applied and you received an acknowledgement then you get the admit card through this process. Reasons for not receiving Admit Card : Sometimes the address may be incorrect in the Application Form. Or the Postal Code or PIN Code of your city may vary with one wrong digit. Or sometimes, it get delayed due to public holidays. You can now start preparing for the examination by leaving the Admit Card issue apart. All the Best !! |
5th February 2014, 06:28 AM
No paper Admit card will be Issued by the Union Public Service Commission. Only e-admit card only issued and it will be available after submit application form. That time you can download the e-admit card from the official website of UPSC. To download admit card you need to provide the details about you like Registration No, Date of Birth and Character shown in the Image and than submit the button. It will generate the e-admit card.