19th January 2014, 12:25 AM
Application date or official link of following universities for Biotechnology courses?
hi recently biotech coursesevery year announcement andra university , nagarjuna university,osmania university, hyderabad central university , etc.
hyderabad central university and provide fellowship , jawaharlal nehru technological university so can anybody tell me the application date for all the mentioned universities? Or at least show me the official link of all the announcements. |
12th March 2015, 11:33 PM
* Andhra University offers Bio technology courses by giving an entrance test name AUCET. * Starting date of online application submission is from :09-03-2015. * Last date for submission of online application is 16-04-2015. * http://audoa.in/Default1.aspx?cet=aucet OSMANIA UNIVERSITY & JNTU: * Osmania university and JNTU offers Bio technology course. * The admission process is done through an entrance examination EAMCET. * http://www.apeamcet.org/Content/PaymentProcedure.aspx * Online application form submission starts from : 06-03-2015. * Online application form submission ends on : 11-04-2015. NAGARJUNA UNIVERSITY : * Nagarjuna University offers Bio technology Post graduate courses. * Online submission of application starts from 20-02-2015. * Last date for Submission of online application is on 20-03-2015. * http://anudoa.sssolutions.co.in/Defa...x?cet=ANUPGCET HYDERABAD CENTRAL UNIVERSITY : * Hyderabad central university offers admission to Bio technology course. * It offers Integrated M.Sc/Ph.d in Bio technology course. * The application date is over. * http://acad.uohyd.ac.in/ |