18th December 2018, 01:35 PM
Course structure of BE(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) in National Engineering College, Kodaikanal?
Can I know about the structure of BE(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) course which is available in National Engineering College, Kodaikanal? Please provide me the course structure as soon as possible. Thank you!
22nd December 2018, 09:19 PM
BE(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) in National Engineering College, Kodaikana is full time 4 years duration of course, divided into 8 semesters. Course structure of BE(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) is given below.
Semester 1: ------------------ Communicative English Calculus and Matrix Algebra Computational Thinking and Problem Solving Physics/Chemistry Cultural Education I Semester 2: ------------------ Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations Chemistry/Physics Computer Programming Solid State Devices Fundamentals of Electrical technology Cultural Education II Semester 3: ------------------- Humanities Elective I Amrita Values Program I Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Electric Circuits Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering Digital Systems Semester 4: ------------------ Humanities Elective II Amrita Values Program II Complex Analysis and Numerical Methods Electronic Circuits Signals and Systems Electrical and Electronic Measurements Soft Skills I Semester 5: ------------------ Probability and Statistics Linear Integrated Circuits Control Engineering Electrical Machines Soft Skills II Semester 6: ------------------ Industrial Instrumentation II Process Control Biomedical Instrumentation Microprocessor and Microcontroller Elective I Soft Skills III Semester 7: ------------------ Environmental Studies Power Electronics Industrial Automation Data Acquisition and Communication Elective II Project Phase 1 Semester 8: ------------------ Elective III Elective IV Project Phase II |