12th September 2019, 07:35 PM
Course syllabus of MTech(Multimedia Technology) in National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Kolkata?
Hello everyone, I am interested in studying MTech(Multimedia Technology) course from National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Kolkata. I would like to know about the syllabus of this course. Can anyone of you kindly let me know about the course syllabus of this course?
15th September 2019, 08:45 PM
The course syllabus of Master of Technology(Multimedia Technology) in National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Kolkata is given below:-
Year I:- :-Data Structures and Algorithms :-Object Oriented Software Engineering :-Fundamentals of Creative Multimedia :-Computer Graphics :-Multimedia Programming :-Game Programming :-Seminar Year II:- :-Artificial Intelligence :-Digital Image Processing :-Design and Windows Programming :-Computer Modeling and Animation :-Electronic Commerce :-Media Production :-Knowledge Management You can visit the website http://www.nitttrkol.ac.in for more information. |