11th October 2015, 10:47 PM
What qualification is required for Music Teacher post in KVS?
I want to become a Music Teacher in KVS. So please tell me about the qualification required for this?
12th October 2015, 12:25 AM
Kendriya Vidyala Sangathan (KVS) is a system of central government schools in India which are established under MHRD.
**I appreciate your willingness of becoming a music teacher in KVS. Following are the qualification required for this: --student must possess senior secondary school certificate with at least 50% marks or Intermediate with at least 50% marks. --Student also possess a graduation degree in music from a recognized university. --able to teach student either in Hindi or English Language. --knowledge of computer application. Selection Procedure: The selection is done on the basis of merit which is made on the basis of marks obtained by student in the exam. **The written exam consists of two part. Part I consists of English and Hindi questions of 15 marks each. The student has to be qualify in this exam after securing 4 marks in each subject and total of 10 marks then after eligible for Part II. **The Part II of the written exam consists of 120 questions: --Reasoning- 30 questions --Current Affairs - 30 questions --subject related questions - 60 questions. **Since it is a central government job so lot of candidate apply. so you have to prepare it accordingly. |
8th May 2018, 04:21 AM
I have qualified double m.a. in music and dance and i have scored 58% in music and dance also. I have passed out b.ed. But i had scored 44.48% in senior secondary. Am i able to be a music teacher in KVS?
22nd May 2018, 01:23 AM
I have completed diploma in indian classical vocal music from raja maan sigh tomar university gwalior and I am appearing in bcom and I scored 66.2 percentage from kvs jabalpur.
Am able to be a music teacher in kvs |
23rd July 2018, 01:01 AM
I have completed my degree in carnatic music in 3'rank n had 22yrs of teaching experience in pvt institution and 38'yrs stage experience as a professional singer. Am 44 years. Can i apply for kvs exam for the post of music teacher?
16th August 2018, 05:23 PM
I've done b.a honours in indian classical music vocal I scored 77%in honours and did masters in indian classical music vocal n scored 75% from panjab University, Chandigarh
Not did b.ed N not given exam of ctet.. Given entrance exam of m.phil(music) in panjab University Can I apply for kvs exam????? |