6th December 2014, 03:17 PM
Whether CTS off-campus dive is tough? Topics for preparation of Aptitude test?
can someone please let me know the topics to study in the aptitude test for cts. Will the cts off-campus be difficult? Please help me friends.... |
7th December 2014, 10:40 PM
Selection Procedure:
• Written Test. • Group Discussion. • Technical Round. • HR Interview. Written Test: It includes questions from, • Quantitative Aptitude. • Logical Reasoning. • Series problems. • English Comprehension. Topics to study Quantitative Aptitude: • Problem on Trains. • Profit and Loss. • Allegations and Mixtures. • Time and Distance. • Time and Work. • Number Theory. • Probability. • Permutations and Combinations. • Clocks • Calendar Problems. You can refer Quantitative Book by RS Aggarwal. Group Discussion: Some numbers of students are divided as two groups and are given a topic for discussion. It is to test you in, • Speaking Kills. • Listening Skills. • Communication Skills. • How well you can understand the topic? • How well you respect and respond to others in a professional way? • How well you can support your point? Technical round: It is to test your knowledge in your stream. Make sure you have a good knowledge in your core subjects and this is the gate way to the last round. HR Interview: It is a one to one talk with the HR. It is to test you in different areas like, • How you deal a difficult situation? • How well can you handle the pressure? • What made you to choose this company? In this discussion, you will be given a chance to ask any questions to the interviewer. You will know the type of work you are going to do with the company. When compared to online campus recruitment, offline campus recruitment will be a bit tough, as more number of students will be appearing. But, it is possible to get through all rounds and get selected for the company with hard work and dedication. |