Operator cum Technician Trainee, Attendant cum Technician Trainee, Steel Authority of India Limited


Steel Authority of India Limited has its headquarter located at New Delhi, India. The company was founded in the year 1954 under Government of India. Mr. Chandra Shekhar Verma is the present Chairman of the company. This state owned enterprise is considered as one of the top steel makers in the world. The company is also considered among the top five highest profit earning corporates in the country. The authority has its plants located at Bhilai, Rourkela, Salem etc. The employee strength of the company is approximately One lakh Thirteen thousand (as calculated in the year 2006).

Job Profile:

Candidates are invited to apply for the following vacant non executive positions of Operator cum Technician Trainee and Attendent cum Technician Trainee in Steel Authority of India Limited. Only eligible Indian Nationals are invited to apply for the specified posts. The posts of Operator cum Technician Trainee and Attendent cum Technician Trainee are available in various disciplines.


The minimum age limit set for the post of Staff Nurse Trainee is 18 years as on 1 February 2012.
The maximum age limit set for the post of Staff Nurse Trainee is 28 years as on 1 February 2012.

Relaxation will be provided to the reserved categories candidates (Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes or OBC etc)in the upper age limit as per the rules of Government of India only.

Educational Qualification:

All interested candidates are required to possess the minimum educational qualification set for the specified posts as mentioned below:

For the post of Operator cum Technician Trainee: Candidates are required to possess Diploma in Engineering from any recognized institute or university. Candidates must possess Diploma in the disciplines of Metallurgy or Chemical or Mechanical or Ceramics or Electrical or Civil or Instrumentation Engineering.

For the post of Attendent cum Technician Trainee: Candidates must have done Matriculation from a recognized board. Candidates should also have done ITI in the relevant trade i.e. Fitter or Turner or Electronics or Diesel Mechanic or Machinist or Electrician or Welder or Instrumentation or Refrigeration & AC.

No. of posts: Total 745 posts are available.

Operator cum Technician Trainee: 220 posts are available.
Attendent cum Technician Trainee: 525 posts are available.

Pay Scale:

Operator cum Technician Trainee: Consolidated salary of Rs. 9160-13150 per month.
Attendent cum Technician Trainee: Consolidated salary of Rs. 8630-12080 per month.

Application Fee:

Candidates are required to pay the application fee of prescribed amount before applying online at the SAIL website. Candidates must pay the application fee in any branch of State Bank of India by the means of a Payment Challan which can be downloaded from the website.

Application fee for Operator cum Technician Trainee: Rs. 250 only
Application fee for Operator cum Technician Trainee: Rs. 150 only

However, candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheuled Trade categories will have to pay the application fee of Rs. 50 only for both the posts.

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply online at the official website of Steel Authority India Limited. Candidates can apply online from 6 February 2012 onwards. Applications recieved after due date will not be accepted by the company.

Contact Details:

Steel Authority of India Limited,
Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela - 769011 (Odisha).

Last date for online application: 10 March 2012

For more information visit http://sail.shine.com



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17 Responses to “Operator cum Technician Trainee, Attendant cum Technician Trainee, Steel Authority of India Limited”

  1. 17

    Sir. plz send me trainee attendat cum technician pervious 10 years quations papers

  2. 16
    Ajit Pasayat:

    please send me sample question paper with syllabus of sail,Rourkela attendant cum technician post.

  3. 15
    Rahul chikhale:

    Opperator cum technician trainee and attendat cum technician trainee previous 10 year quation paper

  4. 14

    before year model quiztion paper

  5. 13

    i ask the result of rourkela steel plant which exa 21.7.2012.

  6. 12
    m subhan:

    sir, I am (m subhan) written Attendant cum technician (trainee) (Electrician) Exam for Rourkela Steel plant held on 21.07.2012.Please send my result (Roll No:1413092220)

  7. 11
    Parthasarathi Sahoo:

    I have attained for Attendant Cum Technician (Trainee) Electrician please sent my result my roll no.2113097309

  8. 10
    Sivanath Majhi:

    Sir I Sivanath Majhi & I lost my written exam roll no. for the post of OCT, for RSP sail. Which was held on 08 July 2012, so there for I can’t see my result. So I kindly pray to you pls. send me my roll no. immediately to my mob. no. +91 9938640680 or by email- rohit.sivanath@gmail.com

  9. 9
    sitaram lal:

    sir want all exam of sail welder trade question paper please request .

  10. 8

    Sailplacementpaper chemical diploma

  11. 7

    how to apply

  12. 6
    porselvi. B:

    am i doing M.Sc. Electronics science till april i complete my course. can i eligible for operator cum trainee post or attendence cum trinee post.
    sir, Plz reply as soon as possible.

  13. 5
    milan kumar naik:

    please send my result on my mobile. my no. is 9583336261. otherwise post it to my address….

  14. 4

    please help me on finding my result which i have given in 18dec2011

  15. 3
    Mrutyunjaya Mohanty:

    Sir I lost my admit card of sail written test will be held on 29 january can i get from any website

  16. 2

    Respected Sir,
    I am Ananda Kumar Giri attend the written test examination for the post of jr. Operator cum technician trainee(E) in rkl steel plant on dated 18/12/2011 at NMIET, BBSR and inform me when the result for the written test will be published. Send me for my email address. My roll no is 1020110881

  17. 1

    sir am completed diploma mechanical i want previes year question papers of sail operater cum technician trainee for diploma mechanical engineering