23rd July 2012, 12:12 PM
from this forum i want gook skill for us and something do others also............... it also helpful for me is in it my career i m crazy in net surfing and this site are easily got it also easy to log in it......... thank you.... |
24th July 2012, 03:17 PM
....this forum is really a new concept and that's the reason why it is spreading like fire in jungle. but there are also some defects of this forum :
(1)checking should be done every day. (2)answers of all members should be checked, not only upto 30 members .i strongly feel that the administrator or forum moderator only checks the answers of top 30 and it is difficult for others to do well in this forum. (3)the members who are copying the answers for just winning the scholarship should be heavily punished even the senior member+++or even higher. |
26th July 2012, 11:58 AM
i think this forum is a great platform to improve our communication,english,typing skills and most important it will improve our knowledge in the education field..i thank to the moderators and members of this forum...good luck
26th July 2012, 09:03 PM
i have an idea with which our website can become more famous ..
\ we know that many people work here with an aim to get money out of it.. and if the website's aim is to improve the viewers then they can do the following way.. some of the amount earned by the people should be taken for charity ... this way we can create a foundation with which we can help several people by keeping our website's name. through this our website will get branding too.. people don't mind giving some of their share for charity.. when we show people how we are helping others there will be so many others who will join this site to help those in a indirect way.. if commercialization is issue ... then it is not a matter through us many needy will get their basic needs.. the entire plan is ready with me... if you feel this is correct then send me a message i will upload the plan what i have thought |
28th July 2012, 04:36 PM
This forum is very useful for almost all students.
But there are many students who use Internet but they don't know about this forum. They know about facebook, twitter but they don't know about this forum. Even I came to know about this forum after a long time, so I think there is need of little publicity for this forum. However, EALP has spread its step in Facebook. But still there are some students who don't believe that they will be awarded with scholarship for their answers. I had seen many students who are calling this site "Fake" but I told them that just try for 1 time and finally they realized that it is real and they won scholarship. I think points should be awarded according to the quality of answers given by the user at the same time. Currently, user post answer which is of good quality and informative then he/she got 8-9 points and again if he/she post answer which is of bad quality or short, then he/she again got 8-9 points. Then, it is not fair. He/she must get points according to the quality of answers at the same time. I had seen that points are deducted after 1-2 days. Also, if user has posted 10-15 posts then he/she is awarded with average points to all the answers. Ex. if he/she had got 6 points in all answers, then it reduced to 4 points in all answers. This usually upset user. There may be some good answers and also there may be some bad answers in those posts. So, points must be awarded according to its quality at the same time. This is my suggestion to you. This forum helped me alot. Now, my typing speed has been improved and it has reached upto 50wpm. Thanks a lot to this forum. |
31st July 2012, 02:03 AM
I think there should be another detail on our profile which indicates the date and time on which our profiles were last reviewed by the moderators for checking the answer quality(just the way there's "You last visited" feature on the top right). This way the members will know when their answers were last reviewed for any change in points per answer and the moderators will be spared by frequent requests by members asking for a review of performance and increment in points.
31st July 2012, 03:05 PM
![]() Upgrading the "Mother Forum" Hello Sir!!! I was Just Browsing through other Forums under Your EALP Banner ![]() The Other Forums have So much in addition to what this Forum has Got! Why Not Upgrade this One Too? :/ Especially the Auto-Save Option! Saves a Lot of Time and efforts don't Go Waste when you Accidentally Glide to other pages.. Please Look into the Matter Sir!!! Thanks and Regards! Nik! ![]() |
1st August 2012, 12:56 AM
Also i want to bring to your notice that a lot of members are simply copying other's posts and pasting them and all of it goes unnoticed. over the past few days i have discovered that a lot of my posts have been copy-pasted in the same thread and it hasnt come to the notice of the moderators to delete it and take action against such members.
I hope you will do something about it. Thanks! |
2nd August 2012, 02:14 AM
As a new user in this Forum.............great to see such a great platform to analysis our thinking to be the best earner.........Honestly i am enjoying with this platform.............Hope this Forum would not disappoint the people who is eagerly.........wanting to help themselves and to others................Dear members............thumps up for the platform...............and i do not suggest.but i believe that...you guys will always think for the best on us............financially.or...servicing.......... ...and will not break our trust in the future...............thanks....................
2nd August 2012, 10:03 PM
what i want to suggest is that for newcomer in this website confuse will get confuse.like i did...........does not know..........where to answer the question........and were is the question to answer......will get irritate from the first impression.......and quit.where as the old user will go on using this forum..............so its a great blockage for the newcomer to join as well as the competition spirit will go on diminishing...........so better clarify or publish on the screen about the question to answer...........so that their is no confusion will arise..........thanking you........
4th August 2012, 04:12 AM
After 12th students can take up the particular course and can take admission in St xavier's college kolkata,because the education system in st xaviers college is the best in India.In the field of placements,faculty,a healthy environment can attract the students towards the college.All the best.
5th August 2012, 02:31 AM
![]() E & C Forum in Urgent Need of Auto-Save Option
Respected Sir, Please Include the Auto-Save Option in this Fairly Good Site! The Reason Why I'm Specifically Mentioning it today is due to the Massive Loss of Data that I had Gained to Complete a Particular Post (Regarding Aeronautical Engg)Regards, Nik! ![]() |
5th August 2012, 03:14 PM
Respected Admin and forum moderator,
***Forum moderators are only manish and Shrawan....why sir ??? Its very hectic work you are every day doing. Checking post, allow only good ones seriously its very tedious job. As guys here are very intellect and talented ones, they will definitely give their best and there fore you should start recruiting moderators like moderators, junior moderators and senior moderators. ***Subho has already said about the Money transfer but it should be there how?? i will tell you now Keep one account number section in the registration process for one who register in this site,(it will be optional) So that, sending Checks by speed post is very hard job and it will get easier(using Online money transfer) and Even it will become very fast. Top 30 will get Money very soon they don't have to wait 30 days for one session ends. |
5th August 2012, 05:13 PM
[QUOTE=Admin;318668]Ideally, that is what we would prefer too but currently we are short on resources. Still, we are doing evaluation much more frequently than we used to do. It's going to improve for sure.
You got it partially right. We check for top 50-60. Again, that is because of shortage of resources. This is where we have improved a lot, now we give warnings, reduce points heavily.. doing all sorts of things to keep the rankings just and fair. While we have been working hard to eliminate such things from the forum, we could very well make use of your help. You can always report the members via Contact US link at the bottom right. |
5th August 2012, 07:05 PM
Dear sir,
my son want to sit for entrance exam of rimc 2013. I want to know the details of study material. And how could I collect? And the address? Plz. contactme 09926899877 or ravivyas02@@gmail.com Regards, Ravi vyas 09926899877 |
6th August 2012, 01:44 PM
Dear sir/madam
I pursuing my b.tech under ptu university in electronics and communication branch.As per the ptu norms i have to do 6 month training in 8th sem. so please tell me about the good companies that gives training and also provide the placements. |
7th August 2012, 05:21 AM
i am vishal shrivastava I am completed my graduation in 2011 with B com (accounts Hons) now i want to do CA. i will get total 54% marks in graduation.
now i want to know that can i take admission in CA (IPCC) with 54% marks in graduation. |
8th August 2012, 12:21 AM
This forum is totally a new concept and is gaining popularity day by day .the best thing about this forum is it keep changing its structure(not basic).it is providing scholarships upto 30 members now and is expected to increase to 40 which will add some extra advantage to it.
i don't know much about super tafp but i think this concept can really be helpful . i think some senior member++ are playing just for winning the scholarship and posting wrong answers which is really rubbish. administrator should penalize such members heavily because the concept of this forum is to help the students . |
15th August 2012, 10:09 PM
First of all congrats to the Admin that He is now reach to a higher post too,"The position of JUDGE" as this is a "suggestion thread".We provide Him suggestion & He reads all that like a magistrate & then after hearing take HIS decision & then the "Forum Court" is adjourned.SIR Bachpan mein "Magistrate" banne ka sapna tha kya apka?GOOD DREAM......
Now My Suggestions- 1. Whenever you announce any extra gifts like "NEW YEAR CHEQUES" then try to give it to those members who are an active one,post answers with their hardwork,never try to copy others but still unable to get the cheque in the last.As those who are already gaining will not have a value of Rs.100/ instead of those who get only Rs 100 as a reward.Though the process is cumbursome but still you can sort out the solution for it. 2. Once I suggested you to make a birthday wish to every member.But I received the reply that "Its a professional forum".But you had already seen that feelings and emotions also lie here.As in the "chat Box" members wishes each other,comments each other,wait for each other,so it means that as WE are Human Beings,emotions are common.And if Forum wishes His member,definitely the member feel proud. And about the procedure- Sir, you have only 4 lakh members & all big cos. have members in Crores but still they send "B'day wishes" as its a computer age,you just feed the data & click daily.no tension na! 3. Sometimes your moderators also commited mistake & forward the post.So take care of these issues. 4. If possible make your "personal Page" as sometimes such type of issues are not discuss with you publically.So a Personal Page between admin & member. 5. Your ideas and decisions are good so best wishes to your Forum But if possible then Give the chance to GALS also as a TAFP member. GALS are more hardworking than GUYS. |
15th August 2012, 10:14 PM
Respected Admin and forum moderator,
***Forum moderators are only manish and Shrawan....why sir ??? Its very hectic work you are every day doing. Checking post, allow only good ones seriously its very tedious job. As guys here are very intellect and talented ones, they will definitely give their best and there fore you should start recruiting moderators like moderators, junior moderators and senior moderators. ***Subho has already said about the Money transfer but it should be there how?? i will tell you now Keep one account number section in the registration process for one who register in this site,(it will be optional) So that, sending Checks by speed post is very hard job and it will get easier(using Online money transfer) and Even it will become very fast. Top 30 will get Money very soon they don't have to wait 30 days for one session ends. |
21st August 2012, 03:17 PM
Dear sir,
i want to suggest to increce winning amount of' education career forum '.so that more number of students,proffesionals, youngsters will be able to take part. This is because when told my friends about this forum they said "winning amount is less" . I hope that after written this post the owner of this forum wii increse the prise as ago increses. Thank you. |
21st August 2012, 03:40 PM
I suggest you that please clearify about this scholarship for new customer because there is full of confusion about topic or question.how can you check the new members point.
if anybody is new in this site he is always confusion that how to do and what to do. please simplify it. THANKS. |
24th August 2012, 03:04 PM
1. Checking of answers should be done every day.
2. Points should be given on the basis of each answer quality rather than for all. 3. Members who copies should be highly penalize even he is Senior member or junior member. |
24th August 2012, 03:10 PM
1. Checking of answers should be done every day.
2. Points should be given on the basis of each answer quality rather than for all. 3. Members who copies should be highly penalize even he is Senior member or junior member. |
30th August 2012, 03:04 PM
i am the new one in this forum. its realy helpful in this forum learning new thing,gaining knowledge.but i cant seeing the ranking, how to see the ranking, kindly give me the answer, i want to improve my English.its a great concept, we can learn so many things. the ranking and the answers posted by a member should be seen in the member's page. best regards sowmya |
1st September 2012, 04:58 PM
sir this is such a great forum.
by giving the answers we feel very proud that we are able to give the answers to general people and help them to find the right way. but sir i would like to give you a suggestion that you should increase your scholarship ,because it is very low ,if you will do that than more students will attract to forum , so sir please think about it do and the needful for the same . thank you . |
1st October 2012, 07:47 PM
Dear admin,
I do expect a lot of changes here which can change the response for your website. 1. The access to this website is pretty slow. 2. Checking of the posts should be done daily. 3. The questions asked here are too much random. 4.Random questions should be removed. Regards Lokesh |
2nd October 2012, 03:58 PM
Dear Sir,
I am feroz khan from uttar pradesh in banda distt. i am of b.a final year.i am 22 year old i am beg to say i am ready to make CBI Officer please sir accept my request and join me and give me a one chance....this my my mobile num. 09696515191..... Please Sir, feroz khan Jay Hind |
16th October 2012, 06:03 PM
![]() Regarding the Discontinuation of TAFP Program
Hello Sir! ![]() We All [TAFPer's] have Struggled Really Hard to Get into this List of TAFP and Are Disappointed By this Sudden Deletion of Such an Encouraging Program.Please Pay Heed to this and This is Kind Request Sir!!! Do Something to Encourage Us. TAFP program was like a "Feather in a Cap" to This Forum. Regards, Nik! ![]() |
22nd October 2012, 09:03 PM
First of all congrats to the Admin that He is now reach to a higher post too,"The position of JUDGE" as this is a "suggestion thread".We provide Him suggestion & He reads all that like a magistrate & then after hearing take HIS decision & then the "Forum Court" is adjourned.SIR Bachpan mein "Magistrate" banne ka sapna tha kya apka?GOOD DREAM......
Now My Suggestions- 1. Whenever you announce any extra gifts like "NEW YEAR CHEQUES" then try to give it to those members who are an active one,post answers with their hardwork,never try to copy others but still unable to get the cheque in the last.As those who are already gaining will not have a value of Rs.100/ instead of those who get only Rs 100 as a reward.Though the process is cumbursome but still you can sort out the solution for it. 2. Once I suggested you to make a birthday wish to every member.But I received the reply that "Its a professional forum".But you had already seen that feelings and emotions also lie here.As in the "chat Box" members wishes each other,comments each other,wait for each other,so it means that as WE are Human Beings,emotions are common.And if Forum wishes His member,definitely the member feel proud. And about the procedure- Sir, you have only 4 lakh members & all big cos. have members in Crores but still they send "B'day wishes" as its a computer age,you just feed the data & click daily.no tension na! 3. Sometimes your moderators also commited mistake & forward the post.So take care of these issues. 4. If possible make your "personal Page" as sometimes such type of issues are not discuss with you publically.So a Personal Page between admin & member. 5. Your ideas and decisions are good so best wishes to your Forum But if possible then Give the chance to GALS also as a TAFP member. GALS are more hardworking than GUYS. |
29th October 2012, 09:13 AM
sir ..just now i joined this .my suggestions will be u should increase in the rank patten so that more number of students get the chance to win this type of scholarship moral will be more no of student can come to this site and it is more eassy to find diffrent types of answers. thankyou |
29th October 2012, 05:35 PM
Hello Sir,
I am giving my suggestion here. My suggestion is that, if possible please increase the amount of scholarship to at least Rs.3000. It is already Rs.2,500, so probably adding Rs.500 more will not be big of a burden. Many students will be able to use the scholarship money to buy books or pay for their college etc. Also more and more people will be interested in the forum.I think this will help to increase the competition and thus in return help the forum itself too. |
30th October 2012, 11:04 AM
This forum is very helpful and this is helping many people in various ways. The best thing about this forum is that is helps in learning along with earning by providing scholarships.
But it is given to limited number of persons so, I think to increase its number to 40 and increase the prize money also, by doing so there will be a great positive response towards it. Te site should also be regularly active on facebook so that it increases the publicity. Thanks |
1st November 2012, 01:01 AM
1). Indian Institute of Science
2). IIIT 3). BITS Pilani 4). Indian school of Mines. 5). Indian Imstitute of Information Technology. 6). Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management. 7). Nitte University. 8). Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science and more.. for more details click Here. |
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