3rd December 2012, 10:59 PM
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What is the syllabus criteria for JAM

preparation syllabus for jam...could u please tell me the details for the same

4th December 2012, 10:55 AM
Ravi dikshith
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 76
Default Re: What is the syllabus criteria for JAM

Dear Aspirant!

JAM means just a minute session.Briefly means in a minute we need to explain the topic that we had been given in a minute.This session is particularly used in interviews.They test the speaking skills of a candidate particularly.There is no syllabus particulary for this session.You need to talk for a minute on whatever topic you were asked to.If suppose you are asked to talk about a fan,then you need to talk something about fan.So all the session says about how to speak darely without any stage fear etc.

A candidate can be tested his communication skills easily and the interviewer can get an opinion whether positive or negative about the candidate.This is about jam session.

4th December 2012, 12:05 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: What is the syllabus criteria for JAM

JAM exam is conducted for IIT .
Its main objective through this exam is to take Admission in M.SC,P.HD or Integrated P.HD course.

Eligibility for appearing in this exam is:-

>>You must have 55% marks in your degree course including subsidiary and mains papers.
>>If you comes under the SC/ST category then your minimum marks should be 50%.
>>You should have passing certificate/any proof for passing out the degree course.

Exam syllabus:-

>>Computer Awareness.
>>Analytical Ability.
>>General awareness.

The questions will be objective type with multiple answers.
There will be 1/3 negative marking for each wrong answers.

Exam schedule:- 10th February 2013.
Time :- 9 Am to 12 Noon.
4th December 2012, 02:45 PM
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Eligibility Criteria:-

Science graduates with not less than 55% marks and those in the final year are also eligible to apply.

List of the important chapters for IITJAM physics:-

1) Electricity and magnetism
2) Mechanics by Kolenkow
3) Electronics by Albert Malvino
4) Mathematical Physics by Mary Boaz
5) Modern Physics by Beiser
6) Quantum Mechanics
7) Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemansky and Gupta Roy
8) Optics by Ghatak and jenkins

Yes Particular limited syllabus is available:-

Physical World and Measurement
Elementary Statics and Dynamics
Laws of Motion
Energy and Power
Current electricity
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Electromagnetic waves
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations,
Atomic Nucleus
Solids and Semiconductor Devices
Principles of Communication
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body,
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
Heat and Thermodynamics

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4th December 2012, 06:14 PM
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Default Re: What is the syllabus criteria for JAM


Am giving about the JAM exam is conduted for IIT.So am showing some of information about the JAM for IIT.

Exam syllabus:-

**General awareness


**Analytical Ability.

**Computer Awareness.

Eligibility Criteria:

**Candidate should have passing certificate/any proof for passing out the degree course.

**Candidate must have 55% marks in your degree course including subsidiary and mains papers.

**If the Candidate comes under the SC/ST category then your minimum marks should be 50%.

**This exam is conducted on 10th February 2013 and Time 9.00 to 12.00 Noon.

**In this exam the questions will be Objective type with multiple answers and Nagative marking(1/3) for each wrong answers.

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