View Poll Results: Merchant Navy vs Indian Navy?

Merchant Navy 48 21.82%
Indian Navy 172 78.18%
Voters: 220. You may not vote on this poll

24th August 2011, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

There is no comparison between Merchant Navy and Indian Navy. Both are doing fabulous work. Merchant navy is more deviated toward business thus, here a one can earn unlimited money with his talent but Indian navy is more deviated towards security of nation, here a one can earn money, reputation and status.
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27th August 2011, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

According to my view Indian navy is the best.

the person who is in INDIAN navy is safe guarding us from enemies.

he us the best.
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1st September 2011, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

I think Indian Navy is better than Merchant Navy,because it has it's pride with it.Indian Navy is the world's 7th biggest in the world.You will see lots of things that is impossible to see by the common people.Most important thing is that you will have a chance to serve your Country.You can say I am a part of Indian Navy.

With the merchant Navy you can have lots of fun,you will have a chance to visit lots of country with your ship,delicious foods,wonderful facility and huge salary.

But there is a basic difference between this two Navy,with Merchant Navy you will not have a chance to see and use (if necessary) the fighting equipments of Indian Navy.But with Indian Navy you will have the chance to do that.

The most important thing with Indian Navy is that you will serve your country,save your country and can help for it's betterment,all Indian will be proud of you.

That's my view.
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6th September 2011, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

I prefare Indian navy because in Merchent Navy there are hi salari but in Indian navy have low work and always stay allover in India.
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8th September 2011, 06:56 PM
manoj rajpurohit
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Indian navy is best, because this force of india has many powers.

Indian navy has the ability if an enemy come to the sea of Hind then it can give very good answer to him.

so indian navy is best.
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11th September 2011, 05:04 AM
vishal jaybhaye
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

i would prefer the indian navy over the merchant navy.

indian navy has the big reputation and offers the best opportunity to do something for our country.
indian navy guards all the naval surroundings of the india.
its really the big respect to be in the indian navy.
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13th September 2011, 12:54 AM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Rohit Vashisht View Post
Tell us your Prefrence over Indian Navy which is reputed job or Merchant Navy which is well known for its High payoff.
Both fields are totally different.There is so many difference betweeen both of

them.So its depend on your choice.To get into merchant navy is easy as

compare to indian navy.If you want to do some thing for our nation than its

very good for you to choose indian navy.By the help of this you can help to

safe indian border by enemies.

And the other one is quite different.The merchant nay field related to

transport.So its totally different.

One thing is also be considered that you can get easily job in merchant navy

but indian navy is a very hard field.You should give many test for this.

I should prefer indian navy because its a very good opportunity for me to do

something for our nation.
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16th September 2011, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

is ther any differece in between NCC of army, airforce and navy reservation criteria? i do have NCC in NCC with army wing, will i get the same reservation while joining airforce and navy as the cadates of NCC with navy and airforce wing ??????? and can i get C.D.S. with airforce wing??????
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16th September 2011, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

what are salery pacages and facility provided to the distinct officers in army, airforce and navy?
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16th September 2011, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

To choose between indian navy and merchant navy ,i thnk it is best to choose indian navy.....
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16th September 2011, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

If u want to choose between indian and merchant navy then it is best to choose indian has wide scope...
All the best
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19th September 2011, 12:06 AM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

I will prefer Indian Navy, and after get it we would like to server for the nation.
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1st October 2011, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

hello friends.

Indian navy is better than merchat navy
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1st October 2011, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Merchant Navy is one of the best job in India
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1st November 2011, 11:47 PM
madhu madne
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Smile Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Rohit Vashisht View Post
Tell us your Prefrence over Indian Navy which is reputed job or Merchant Navy which is well known for its High payoff.

"Indian navy is far better than merchant navy"
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24th November 2011, 11:08 AM
Yasir yousf
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

I think indian navy will be better than merchant navy.
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30th November 2011, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

According to me Indian navy is a better option because the life in indian navy is respectfull,disciplined and moreover it will boost us to do good for our nation...
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30th November 2011, 08:40 PM
sahaja mallarapu
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

actually i dont know much about merchant navy. i know about indian navy which is very good and we can serve the nation and it is a central govt sector.
so i feel indian navy is better.
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6th December 2011, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Rohit Vashisht View Post
Tell us your Prefrence over Indian Navy which is reputed job or Merchant Navy which is well known for its High payoff.
It depends on your interest.
but I think Indian Navy is far better than merchant navy in terms of future prospects,life standard , higher scale,social respect etc.

so,I think one should prefer Indian Navy over Merchant Navy.
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25th December 2011, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

what should i join - merchant navy or air force ???? and why ?????????
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26th December 2011, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

merchant navy is no less prestigious than indian navy...indian navy ppl r respected as they work for the defence of the country..but even merchant navy ppl are workin for the country..r the import and export of goods not imp for a country? In fact if indian navy makes u serve ur country, merchant navy helps u serve the world!! so both r equally prestigious..and joinin either of the 2 makes u mentally and physically stronger..and abt stayin away frm the family..wat abt war periods? dnt teh indian navy ppl hve to stay away frm their families? bottomline both r equally prestigious, royal and high paid jobs...
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26th December 2011, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

merchant navy is no less prestigious than indian navy...indian navy ppl r respected as they work for the defence of the country..but even merchant navy ppl are workin for the country..r the import and export of goods not imp for a country?Moreover the entry to merchant navy might be comparatively easier but reaching the top levels is definitely way much difficult as the exams to be cleared for that is really tuf!! Also if indian navy makes u serve ur country, merchant navy helps u serve the world!! so both r equally prestigious..and joinin either of the 2 makes u mentally and physically stronger..and abt stayin away frm the family..wat abt war periods? dnt teh indian navy ppl hve to stay away frm their families? bottomline both r equally prestigious, royal and high paid jobs...
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27th December 2011, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

working in indian navy waste same as merhnt navy opt for other job
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4th January 2012, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

from my experience indian navy is better.....dont take tension about the many hard levels during selection besides be clear and accurate you will surely be selected...
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6th January 2012, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

I think Iam the only one facing this critical confusion about this huge topic i.e...Indian Navy or Merchant Navy...I have cleared IMU entrance exam with a good rank and also the Senior Secondary Recruitment Exam of Indian Navy...The course of Indian Navy is about to start on 3rd FEB and that of Merchant Navy(IMU) is to start on 1st of FEB...
Iam really not able to decide. I am very keen to join the defence force but then the thought comes to mind of being a Sailor and earning only 20000...whereas if i will do the course in Indian Maritime University i have the opportunity to earn in Lacs...
If anyone have any strong opinion about the two case,,, do guide me please...
Ramandeep Sharma
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6th January 2012, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Well, I think I am the only one here who is facing this critical confusion on this topic.
I have cleared my IMU entrance exam with 57th rank and also the Senior Secondary Recruitment exam for the Indian Navy.
The Indian Navy course is to start on 3rd FEB and that of Indian Maritime University will be on 1st of FEB.
Iam not able to decide now.Iam keen to join the Indian Armed Force but then the thought of being a Sailor and earning only 20000 comes to my mind whereas after completing my B.Sc Nautical Science degree from IMU i may have the opportunity of earning in Lacs.

If anyone have some strong opinion regarding the two cases,,,do guide me please.

Ramandeep Sharma
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7th January 2012, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

My opinion is mixed...If it comes of joining the Indian Navy as an officer then there is no question of any doubt because alongwith serving your nation you will get a good living standard...But the question arises if you are joining the Indian Navy as a sailor and you are also having the option to join the M.Navy...Thats the same thing which is happening to me...But iam gonna choose the later one...
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7th January 2012, 07:23 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Rohit Vashisht View Post
Tell us your Prefrence over Indian Navy which is reputed job or Merchant Navy which is well known for its High payoff.
Dear friend

I must select Indian Navy . Merchant navy and Indian navy both are totally different only Navy word is similar.

With regard
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16th January 2012, 05:50 PM
Mechanical Rai
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Thumbs up Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

indian navy is to be prefered over merchant navy as it gives you glory,honour and respect and also high paid salary.
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19th January 2012, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
First of all i would like to tell u gentlemen that Merchant marines is entirely different subject you are trying to confuse with Indian navy or any national navy force, Merchant marines are for transportation of cargo and petroleum products round the world if merchant ships stop for just one day,entire world economy will be destroyed like a castle of cards, the stores which today are filled with global products will be empty and your car's tank will be better filled with water.
Merchant marines are professionals not country fighters, just professionals.why don't you compare Indian airlines with Indian air force????????????? Merchant marine is a wide subject and entire global economy is dependent on it although in India none cares about it.
To be an Navigator,Marine engineer or Electrical officer you need graduation in respective subjects with a great psychological understanding, you can survive in Indian navy without these qualities but not in merchant marines here you are a proffessional and you need to have great sort of technical knowledge.There is only one government institute in India for navigating officers and that is TS Chankya and for marine engineering there are two MERI's to get addmission in both of these colleges you need IIT JEE rank not like in Indian navy.There are certain good institutes like SIMS,AMET,MANET,BITS-tolani,TS Rahman too. Although marjor colleges are still in foreign countries.
Merchant marines is for those who love the sea, who want to see the world, who have a poet deep in their heart, who want to explore the nature,who wish to be one of those great seafearers.Who want to meet different people,see different cultures,traditions and laguages,its about inner soul.
By joining merchant marines you can rise upto levels you will never expect ,you can be a ceo in a major shipping company like British Petroleum,cheveron,shell,whelmsen,wallem etc. who are global leaders, this must be reminded that bigger companies are taking their engineers from iit's and nit's, pays and perks are according to the level of the person.Merchant marines is a proffession and it is a GLOBAL SERVICE you are serving the world,
This is very sad thing to know that Indians don't have proper knowledge about Merchant Marines and WEST STILL RULES US because of people as gave their negative and meaning less views above, Indians navy is entirely different issue and must not be intersected with marines.
For joining marines you dont' need to be an Einstein but you need a great common sense,great mind,great spirit,great personality,great communication skills if you don't have these you cant be a marine officer you will leave the job within a year or thrown out.Yeah you can do unskilled works as most of Indians are doing on foreign ships like sweeping,cleaning,oiling etc. these kind of people make negative impact because this is what they say they are in merchant navy, you can be an officer too.. don't you think so?? Europeans are still officers and Indians cleaners ,join merchant marines as an officer and experience the life you cant forget it, you will love it.

Hi u actually spoke my heart..I had thought of discontinuing my replies to this post as the members literally seemed to me illiterate abt merchant navy..its a shame abt indians tat they easily put up their opinions based on tehir pre-conceived notions and half-knowledge..amd tats y india is still a developing country..they think being in defence is the only way to serve the country..They still dont understand the term called GLOBALIZATION which is very imp for development of all the countries..they just love being judgmental..i can bet tat none of these country lovers can survive in merchant navy even for a year( provided they can get into it)..these ppl can be great critics..but can never get the idea abt wat happens in the field
costa concordia sank recently just coz of slight carelessness..tis is the level of criticalty of a marine job..they hve to be alert 24/7...and the ppl say tats an easy job??!! eevrybody cant survive in merchant really needs to be tuf nut to crack..its a passion and luv for sea and yes a lot of mental strength and intelligence which can help one survive in the job...sab ke bass ki baat nahi is one of the best professions not onlly in india but in the world..and is full of money,respect and status...
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19th January 2012, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

This is really sad that we Indians are so gud at being judgmental and criticizing others but wen it comes to knowledge and actions we are pathetic..tats y india is still a developing country..Indian navy and merchant navy can never be compared...indian navy is a part of indian defence forces while latter is related to world wide trading..abt serving India, Does the defence forces alone serve the country? where does the revenue come from? Merchant navy serves the country by bringing in revenue and helping in fact seafarers serve the entire is the time for GLOBALIZATION which helps to serve all the respective countries by working globally and we indians are still sticking to our country?? how many ppl hve even the slightest idea abt the difficult situations faced by the mariners while on sail? Abt respect and status..tis is one of the best jobs not only in india but all throughout the world..But our conservative mind set can never visualize tat..Over the decade brain drain has been a major concern among these indians ..and they talk abt serving the country..u dont serve a country just by fighting at the border..but also by bringing in the revenue and growing in the world..merchant navy officers are one such amazing examples..they bring in respect for the country by interacting with the world..Instead of sitting and criticizing, join the respective job first and then speak..Moreover its never an easy job to enter the merchant navy..IIT and other few exams are realy tuf..Moreover even if u enter the merchant its really difficult to survive there..ppl quit or get thrown out bcoz of the immense pressure..its a matter of billions of dollars trade and is a job of guts, respect, status and money. so request to my great friends not to demean tis job by saying it only gets moner and tat indian navy is better..both r different and equally respectable..
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19th January 2012, 11:02 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Hi Ramandeep..
If u really wanna be a sailor and earn in lacs, merchant navy is the option..
Moreover abt servin the nation, we dont serve our nation only thru defence forces but also by bringing in revenue and tats whr merchant navy comes into play..i do hve frnds frm both the background..and indian navy is an option only if u wanna strictly join defence forces..but if u wanna earn more money and status and luv sea..go for merchant navy..but be prepared u hve to be very strong mentally..and entrance in mer navy is not the end..u wil have to clear many exams in future as well to reach the sky is the limit..
all the best
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I think Iam the only one facing this critical confusion about this huge topic i.e...Indian Navy or Merchant Navy...I have cleared IMU entrance exam with a good rank and also the Senior Secondary Recruitment Exam of Indian Navy...The course of Indian Navy is about to start on 3rd FEB and that of Merchant Navy(IMU) is to start on 1st of FEB...
Iam really not able to decide. I am very keen to join the defence force but then the thought comes to mind of being a Sailor and earning only 20000...whereas if i will do the course in Indian Maritime University i have the opportunity to earn in Lacs...
If anyone have any strong opinion about the two case,,, do guide me please...
Ramandeep Sharma
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7th February 2012, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Guys if u all are behind serving your nation then u better join army than navy bcoz there you would get the bullets of yr enemies on your chest than anyone else,
whereas comp b/w merchant & indian navy is concerned i would prefer merchant navy seeing the excellent payment and opp. to travel around world, how often do people get that chance??
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21st February 2012, 02:43 PM
odisha rocks!!!
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Smile Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Indian navy should be preferred because it is a branch of Indian armed forces and equips one for a life of pride and honour, with good salary and many facilities provided by government unlike the merchant navy which provides nothing except high salary !!!
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21st February 2012, 07:13 PM
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Smile Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Indian navy is more preferable because it provides more opportunity to many young people to serve their country. It arises a feeling of patriotism and respect for their country in the people. They become more aquainted with dangers and learn how to protect our country and themselves even in the worst situation. There is also a feeling of brotherhood among the navy members. They get to see the new missiles and other new machines used in the Indian navy nand get to use them and get also knowledge about it.
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26th February 2012, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

i want to join indian navy as well as merchant navy.which job would be more preferrable?????????????/
in which can i earn better???
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18th March 2012, 10:55 AM
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Arrow Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Originally Posted by Rohit Vashisht View Post
Tell us your Prefrence over Indian Navy which is reputed job or Merchant Navy which is well known for its High payoff.
Obviously Indian Navy.
Indian Navy relates to defence of borders of country and offend for its safety while on other hand Merchant Navy is all about transporting , taking people from place to place by seaways.
Even ,a person want High Payoff will go to merchant navy . But as per question of respect , and reputation reveals one may consider only and only INDIAN NAVY full-heartedly
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27th March 2012, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Let me throw some light over the headline "Serving the nation", Mercantile Marines has a long history of serving the country. I have seen people's comment "if you are selfish join merchant navy", God help these kind of people, mariners have never been selfish, it's what they earn after their hard work, Indian government is getting millions of dollars yearly just because of the great mariners on high seas, millions of tons of cargo is brought to India on these mighty ships. Do you ever care to think ,where it comes from??? who are the people transporting it to us??mercantile marines transports everything... from a needle to the great railway engines. and aircraft....and the products that you buy in the supermarket..... everyday you go and get your tank full of oil... do you ever care to think about the people who are actually making your survival in this country better????
Mercantile marine is for those people who want to live their life out of bond, people who aim for milestones, it's a globalized career. A career which gives you independence.
some of the comments about facilities regarding merchant navy were quite ignorant so let me clarify on the topic. The facilities in Mercantile marines are far better than that provided by Indian navy.. you get everything for your hard work and yes we salute warriors of Indian navy.
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28th April 2012, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

its up to you ....

If u want to serve the nation then go for indian has a bit less money ...

And if u want to make money then go for merchant navy...
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18th May 2012, 09:25 PM
anu kumari 2
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

indian navy is better than merchant navy
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20th May 2012, 11:08 AM
Sayyed Shahrukh
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Wink Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Hello Friends,

It is depend upon you.

but I think Indian Navy is far better than merchant navy in terms of future prospects,life standard , higher scale,social respect etc.

so,I think one should prefer Indian Navy over Merchant Navy.

Go with your interest.

Thank You
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25th May 2012, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the armed forces of India. The President of India serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually a four-star officer in the rank of Admiral, commands the Navy.
Though the primary objective of the navy is to secure national maritime borders, India also uses its navy to enhance its international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions, including disaster relief. In recent years, the Indian Navy has undergone considerable modernisation to replace aging equipment currently in service, this is often seen as part of "India's drive" to become a fully fledged blue-water navy.

The Merchant navy is treated as a highly lucrative career by people from all across the world. Because of many advantages such as bring on a cruise, roaming the world for free, extremely high salary packages, and less service tenure, among others, a career in merchant navy is a craving for almost all young boys who clear schools and colleges and rub their feet to make an entry into the professional world.

In my view Indian navy should be preferred, because they Strive for the country sacrifice their life for us... with the help of Indian Navy we are able able to lead our life peacefully.
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17th July 2012, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

In all the discussions above it is all done by ppl who have never been to ships or who are just starters.Guys both are different and both have there advantages and disadvantages. But finally is are you successful in your Proffession.
Money wise nodoubt merchant navy is very high paying job. Promotion wise also merchant navy officers become capt of ship in 10 years of service. Whereas in Indian navy it takes around 20 years of service to become Capt.And that also if you pass your promotion boards. Then salary diff. Indian navy capt salary 60000 rs.
Merchant navy capt 500000 to 800000 rs. In this cruel and harsh world only if you have bank balance you are respected. This you guys will understand only when you come in your mid thirties.
In merchant navy after capt ppl leave to join office as marine superendent.
And if they are lucky or hard working they become ship owners. In India you can find many ship companies managing 200 ships the owner is a capt or Ch engg.
So if you want to go in business merchant navy is the way.
Dirubhai ambani/amitabh/Tata/birla/...... And the list goes on were in private jobs..
So my conclusion is govt job is only a secured life take bribe( because pay is low)..
But in private companies you start do hard work rise and become business tycoons..
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17th July 2012, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

In all the discussions above it is all done by ppl who have never been to ships or who are just starters.Guys both are different and both have there advantages and disadvantages. But finally is are you successful in your Proffession.
Money wise nodoubt merchant navy is very high paying job. Promotion wise also merchant navy officers become capt of ship in 10 years of service. Whereas in Indian navy it takes around 20 years of service to become Capt.And that also if you pass your promotion boards. Then salary diff. Indian navy capt salary 60000 rs.
Merchant navy capt 500000 to 800000 rs. In this cruel and harsh world only if you have bank balance you are respected. This you guys will understand only when you come in your mid thirties.
In merchant navy after capt ppl leave to join office as marine superendent.
And if they are lucky or hard working they become ship owners. In India you can find many ship companies managing 200 ships the owner is a capt or Ch engg.
So if you want to go in business merchant navy is the way.
Dirubhai ambani/amitabh/Tata/birla/...... And the list goes on were in private jobs..
So my conclusion is govt job is only a secured life take bribe( because pay is low)..
But in private companies you start do hard work rise and become business tycoons..
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25th July 2012, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

i preferred Indian navy because not only for earning money i do something here is in my country

thank you.
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17th August 2012, 09:35 PM
i am sure
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Indian navy is much better than merchant navy
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2nd September 2012, 02:21 PM
deepak pandey
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

Dear friend merchant navy is good but indian navy is more preferred always ,

because one of the reason for this is that in indian navy you have to work in the country while in merchant navy it may be possible that yo are out of country almost time on the boat .
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21st January 2013, 05:45 PM
aakash arya
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Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

i would say merchant navy.. it pays you good and good mainly if you are not sea sick.. life is really enjoyable there.. you get to serve the nation plus many luxuries which are necessary for a happy life..
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15th February 2013, 06:40 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 334
Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

merchant navy and Indian navy is reputed jobs today..

=merchant navy gives you more expose and you can earn more money also but there is insecurity of job and there is no pension...

=Indian navy there is a proud feeling of being in the Indian armed forces and feeling of serving the are more decorates and also there is pension and health insurance for you and your family even after i suggest to go for India navy and if don't get there then you can try for merchant navy......
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4th June 2013, 10:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Merchant Navy or Indian Navy? What should be preferred?

merchant navy is all about agents and corrupted people If u have real calibur in you n have confidence go for indian navy. Dnt take that getting into merchant navy is easy n you will get paid heavily there its all fake
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