22nd December 2014, 02:31 PM
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Can I appear in 12th NIOS next year if having error in "year of passing" in 10th marksheet?

i have completed 10th nios but in my
marksheet there is a mistake in year of passing
of 1 year so i can give 12th nios next year?
please help me to know.

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27th March 2015, 12:05 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 195
Default Re: Can I appear in 12th NIOS next year if having error in "year of passing" in 10th marksheet?

There is no problem in sitting for class 12. For appearing in class 12 you would not require your 10th standard marks sheet. It was required only at the time when you got admitted in class 11. So when you get registered for class 12 board examinations, you would require to fill up the marks you obtained in class 10, the year you passed with class 10, the school from where you passed class 10. But no testimonial is required to be attached with it. So registration will be easy and thus without a doubt you can sit for 12th standard board examination. But you have to rectify your marks sheet though. This marks sheet will be required in future when you apply for jobs. So there a mistake in year would cost you. So rectify it as soon as possible.
30th March 2015, 09:36 AM
chintu helper
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Default Re: Can I appear in 12th NIOS next year if having error in "year of passing" in 10th marksheet?

In NIOS board age Doesn't matters, you can definitely give 12 exams from NIOS Board - National institute of open Schooling
If you can contact them and tell them all the issue and ask for correction this one is the better option , because you doesn't have to face problem in future otherwise you can take 12 exams and get a marksheet ,from NIOS board
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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