17th October 2014, 09:31 PM
Why my scholarship didn't renewed if applied for 4th times?
I am an 2nd year M.Tech student.I have received mhrd scholarship for three times during my B.E curriculum.I have applied for mhrd scholarship III renewal But the scholarship has not been sanctioned.Now I have appliied for IV renewal also.But my name is not there in the eligible list.So please give the information regarding this. |
25th October 2014, 01:23 PM
There can be various reasons for not sanctioning or not renewal of your scholarship.
- There can be some internal error or mistake by the concerned authority. - There can be modifications or changes in certain norms of the authority. - There can be some mistake from your side in the renewal procedure. - There can be some bank related problems or delay because of bank. You should contact the concerned authority via email or telephone or fax. Specify all the details and the problem you are facing. You will surely get help and a positive reply. You can utilize your Right to Information to get the necessary feedback from them. |
31st July 2017, 09:10 PM
Sir.. i am selected for central sector scholarship in the year 2014. I recieved it in first year. Though i have renewal it I did not get for second and third years ... can you specify the reason for not allocating the scholar.. kindly specify it as many students are suffering like me... and also tell if we need to do any online renewal processing??