23rd December 2011, 08:41 PM
Am I eligible for HCS Entrance Exam having completed MA in Political Sciences? Application fee and last date to submit the application forms for this Exam? Which subjects to choose for this Exam?
Resp. Sir/Madam, I have complete MA. In Political Sciences and now i want to apply for HCS Exam. Can i alligible for HCS entrance exam ? If ,yes so plz. Tell me the last date of hcs exam form submission, applcation fees and advice for sujects selection accordingly to my qualification. Thanks / Regards, Nisha Rani
13th April 2012, 02:36 PM
I have done MA in Public administration and I am 31 year old, am I eligible for HCS exams and what all I have to do for the same ? what is you fee structure? waht is exam pattern? and how I have to apply it?
31st May 2012, 11:43 AM
which books of accounts and law for h.c.s... ? m
16th July 2012, 08:00 PM
sir i done aircraft maintenance engineering but it is a license course.last year it was converted as a degree course, than i finished my Bsc in aircraft maintenance. am i eligible for HCS, UPSC exam...............
29th March 2013, 10:04 PM
when we get form of hcs???????????????????????????
what is the last date?????????????????? |