11th May 2010, 09:50 AM
Is B.Ed course 1 year or 2 years? Fee details of the course in government colleges? Is there any entrance exam? Date of issue of application forms?
this is deepa.i completed my mca.im intrested to join in b.e.d. i want to know b.e.d course is 1 year or 2 year.im coming from poor family.so im going 2 join in government b.e.d collg.plz can u tell me wats an fees details for this course in government colleges.is it we have any entrance exam.wen they will issue an application form.plz send me an full details to my mail id [email protected]
8th June 2011, 11:45 PM
Hello Deepa,
Thanks for writing.... Their are three way to get enroll in bed course but to inform you that bed education is different with different state. for example- Maharashtra Govt. bed entrance test will be in the different date compare with other Goverment. These below information is specifically for one who want do with maharashtra Govt. 1. CET (common entrance test) is conducted once in a year. unfortunately cet exams application form last date was 1st june 2011, for the academic year 2011-12. once you get through with cet exams with govt quota result. your bed eduaction can be completed under the fees of Rs.10000/-. 2. otherwise You can take management seat without cet exams in any college where bed course is provided with the total fees range between Rs.30000-Rs.90000. 3. Orelse you can opt for IGNOU bed for which entrance exams is conducted in january and application forms available on oct-nov onwards. Moreover bed is for 1 year course. Is their any doubt feel free to write me. Thanks Swarup Jain. |
9th June 2011, 01:07 PM
b.ed in regular is 1 year and corresponding b.ed is 2 year and fee paid is 40,000 in government colleges and practical or other cost are different . may be total cost on b.ed is in punjab now 75,000.
16th June 2011, 08:09 PM
Plz tell me bed course is 1 year or 2 year and here is any criteria of teaching experience for distance bed learning.? I m from Gujrat
17th June 2011, 10:52 PM
Hi, Deepa,
i m Izna Sha from kurla, actually i want to do b.e.d course but in govt fees, bcoz i cant aford the fees, so help for me for the details, how i do |
18th June 2011, 12:25 PM
hi this is swetha. i have completed my Msc in mathematics and i'm interested to do B.Ed. since i'm working as a lecturer i have decided to opt for correspondence of B.Ed. is correspondence course valid. which university is better to choose and wat about fee structure. how should i get into exams. i have nill knowlegde about B.Ed i meant to sey aout paying fees, exams, sllabus etc. please heip me out.
20th June 2011, 01:29 AM
Plz tell me bed course is 1 year or 2 year and here is any criteria of teaching experience for distance bed learning.? I m from Begusarai.
my email id [email protected] |
13th July 2011, 03:30 PM
hello sir i want to join in bed course i wrote ed-cet2011 which is conducted by osmania university and i got 11003 rank a want fee details pease consider my request
13th July 2011, 11:56 PM
what is the difference between B.Ed 1 year course and 2 year course? is 1 year B.Ed course recognised?
14th July 2011, 04:05 PM
how fill up the option form for B ed please sent me answer to my id [email protected]
20th July 2011, 07:34 PM
what is the syllabus for the B.ed CET exam of Maharashtra state? and from where can i get the study material and forms?
pl reply on my email id [email protected] |
22nd July 2011, 01:49 PM
this is gowri.i completed my Bsc (maths).im intrested to join in b.e.d. i want to know b.e.d course is 1 year or 2 year.im coming from poor family.so im going 2 join in government b.e.d collg.plz can u tell me wats an fees details for this course in government colleges.is it we have any entrance exam.wen they will issue an application form.plz send me an full details to my mail id [email protected] plz... i expect your reply immediately.
1st August 2011, 05:48 PM
This is amulraj, I had completed B.A. English ( Lit) Academic year of 1999-2002 with 45% percentege in graduation so I want to know the fees structure of government college and duration periods. Please mail me for the below email id [email protected] Thanks Regards Amulraj |
1st August 2011, 07:37 PM
I want 2012-2013 B.ed cet exam date & syallbus of b.ed cet. Fees b.ed course in gov & management qoata.
I kindly requested you. |
16th September 2011, 04:19 PM
my self sarita . i belong to a poor family. i have done b.a from delhi university. now i m doing m.a from ignou delhi. but i want to become a teacher i con't unterstand what can i do. i wil join B.ED or JBT. where can i do this course. i got 12th cbse board 2004. i have 50% marks of this. and in b.a i got only 38% marks. so i cant attent this course. pls give me advice
24th September 2011, 06:41 PM
this is angel i finished B.com with 3rd class without honours. b.ed 2012-13 batch? If any entrance exam is there? Is there any direct admission system in B.ed in orissa? |
16th October 2011, 09:21 PM
I want 2012-2013B.ed cat exm date and syllabus of B.ed cat,fees of B.ed course in govt & managenent quata.I kindly requested [email protected]
31st October 2011, 02:28 PM
b.ed is for 1 yr or two yrs.wht is the fees structure and what are the college timings.is there any part time courses for b.ed?
20th November 2011, 08:25 PM
I want 2012-2013B.ed cat exm date and syllabus of B.ed cat,fees of B.ed course in govt & managenent quata.I kindly requested [email protected]
Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/b-ed-course-1-year-2-years-fee-details-course-government-colleges-there-any-entrance-exam-date-issue-application-forms-12672.html#ixzz1eFmzIco9 |
29th December 2011, 05:09 PM
I have complted my graduation i.e. b.com with accountancy and finance. i am intersted in teaching. so i pursue to take B.ed . is there any entrance exam. and this course is for one year or 2 year. pls guide me all the detail
29th December 2011, 05:14 PM
I have completed my b.com with accountancy and finance. i want to take b.ed course.
is b.ed is one year or 2 year course. and is there is any entrance exam. pls guide me full detail |
29th December 2011, 11:21 PM
dear friend,
Eligibility for B.ed course:- 1.candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade with 45% aggregate. This is the only eligibility criteria you have to fulfill to apply for B.ed course. If you want to become a teacher in future then you can go for this course. The duration of B.ed course is 2 years. So, go for it.. All the best. |
29th December 2011, 11:24 PM
Hello Friend,
Their are three way to get enroll in bed course but to inform you that bed education is different with different state. for example- Maharashtra Govt. bed entrance test will be in the different date compare with other Goverment. These below information is specifically for one who want do with maharashtra Govt. 1. CET (common entrance test) is conducted once in a year. unfortunately cet exams application form last date was 1st june 2011, for the academic year 2011-12. once you get through with cet exams with govt quota result. your bed eduaction can be completed under the fees of Rs.10000/-. 2. otherwise You can take management seat without cet exams in any college where bed course is provided with the total fees range between Rs.30000-Rs.90000. 3. Orelse you can opt for IGNOU bed for which entrance exams is conducted in january and application forms available on oct-nov onwards. Moreover bed is for 1 year course. Best Of Luck. Sayyed Shahrukh |
30th December 2011, 01:56 AM
Bed is a regular and One Year course.The eligibility criteria for the same is as under-
1. A graduate degree of a university established by law with a minimum of 45% marks. 2. CET (common entrance test) is conducted once in a year in the month of June & the forms are available in the month of April. After you get through with cet exams with govt quota result. your bed eduaction can be completed under the fees of Rs.10000/-.Otherwise You can take management seat without cet exams in any college where bed course is provided with the total fees range between Rs.30000-Rs.90000. |
15th March 2012, 10:44 AM
Hello !
I am Teena, and i am in b.com hons. final year. My exams are going to be conducted in april.2012 but i am too much concious for my higher education. So i want the updates regarding B.Ed CET exam. I want to know the date of the cet, timmings, syllabus n the required rank or marks for getting admission in a govt. college for b.ed. Thanking you in anticipation ! |
15th March 2012, 10:46 AM
Hello !
I am Teena, and i am in b.com hons. final year. My exams are going to be conducted in april.2012 but i am too much concious for my higher education. So i want the updates regarding B.Ed CET exam. I want to know the date of the cet, timmings, syllabus n the required rank or marks for getting admission in a govt. college for b.ed. Thanking you in anticipation ! |
31st May 2012, 11:34 PM
Hi - I am Shaumil. I am also interested in doing b.ED.. Can we all talk with each other and decide on the way forward. If we all talk in group it will become easy for all of us to gain admission and that too in less fees.
Contact me on [email protected] |
24th June 2012, 10:11 AM
i am ramesh please inform the fees and syllabus of hindi b.ed my email id is [email protected]
7th October 2012, 04:14 PM
hi i am sarika mishra i have completed M.Sc. in maths i want to know about the B.e.d course, m phil in maths and phd in maths .Plz tell me details of these courses, procedure and fee structure , time duration also in bhopal universities( both govt. & private ).Plz send me these details on my id [email protected]
thanks |
5th November 2012, 08:35 PM
I want to appear 2012-2013 B.ed CET. exam date ;syllabus; fees of course; in govt& management quata
Plz also advise how I got good mark I can't miss this Opportunity. Reply soon......(369rachana _ @gmail.com.) |
5th November 2012, 08:52 PM
I want to appear 2012-2013 B.ed CET. exam date ;syllabus; fees of course; in govt& management quata
Plz also advise how I got good mark I can't miss this Opportunity. Reply soon......(369rachana _ @gmail.com.) |
5th November 2012, 08:58 PM
I want to appear 2012-2013 B.ed CET. exam date ;syllabus; fees of course; in govt& management quata
Plz also advise how I got good mark I can't miss this Opportunity. Reply soon......(369rachana _ @gmail.com.) |
6th November 2012, 05:32 PM
Eligibility for B.ed course:- Candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade with 45% aggregate. This is the only eligibility criteria you have to fulfill to apply for B.ed course.If you want to become a teacher in future then you can go for this course.The duration of B.ed course is 2 years. ALL THE BEST.............. |