10th November 2015, 01:12 AM
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Best books to prepare for CPT in June 2016

He everyone please tell me that what actually are the best books to prepare for the Cpt in june 2016 ?

10th November 2015, 02:52 AM
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Default Re: Best books to prepare for CPT in June 2016

# CPT stands for Common Proficiency Test.

# General information regarding CA CPT Examination 2016:

* Maximum marks allotted to CA CPT Examination is 200 marks.
* CA CPT Examination is of objective type written test.
* There are following four sections in the objective type written test:

= Accounting
= Mercantile Law
= Economics
= Quantitative Aptitude

* Minimum qualifying fixed for CA CPT Examination is as follows:
= Must have to take 30% marks in each section
= Must have to take 50% marks in aggregate in all sections.

* CA CPT Examination is held two times in a year i.e. in the months of June and December.

# Names of few useful and suggested books for the preparation of CA CPT Examination are:

* Mercantile Laws - P.P.S. Gogna and P.C. Tulsian
* Fundamentals of Accounting - CPT Grewal's Accountancy by M.P. Gupta & B.M. Aggrawal
* Quantitative Aptitude by P.N. Arora and Caultimates
* General Economics by S.K. Aggrawal and Deepashree
10th November 2015, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Best books to prepare for CPT in June 2016

Here is list of books which you can refer for your examination:

For Law

Economics Module

For Accountancy

T.S. Garewal And Module


Quantative Aptitude Mathematics For CA CPT Examination Publisher Tata MC Graw Hill
10th November 2015, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: Best books to prepare for CPT in June 2016

Some of the reference books for CPT exam are as follows:

- Question Bank with model test papers for CA-CPT by RC Bhatt, Publisher : Taxmann

- Padhuka's MCQ Bank for CA-CPT by G. Sekar

- Fundamental of Accounting for CA-CPT (2nd Edition) by P.C Tulsian

- CA-CPT Mercantile Law by Arihant Experts

- General Economics (CA-CPT) by Deepashree

- Unit-wise question solution 2013-2006 (3rd Edition)by Arihant Experts
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