1st July 2013, 07:46 PM
Can I appear for PCS entrance exam? What is the eligibility criteria?
AOA . I did civil engineering in 1st division from UET Lhr . My DOB 07/02/1979 . Eligibility Criteria ??? Can I Appear in PCS Exams ??? When Next Exams Be ...??? Please Guide Me In Detail ..... Thanks In Advance . Allah Hafiz .
7th September 2015, 06:40 PM
Yes,you can appear for PCS entrance exam .
PCS stands for Punjab Civil Services . Punjab Public Service Commission conducts PCS exam .It is a combined competitive exam to make recruitment for various posts in Punjab. The eligibility criteria for PCS exam are as under :- -The candidate must be a citizen of India . -The candidate should hold graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university.The candidate appearing for final year of their degree course can also apply for the preliminary exam. -The candidate must have passed Punjabi in 10th or in equivalent standard. -The candidate age should be in between 21 years to 38 years.There is relaxation in upper age limit for Scheduled castes and Backward classes candidates of Punjab by 5 years as per the Punjab Govt. instructions. -Punjab Civil Services exam is conducted in following stages : * PCS Preliminary Examination , * PCS Mains Examination . |