13th September 2012, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 2012
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What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

hi, can u tell me the pattern for uttarakhand pcs exam.......?
and what are the qualifications required for it............!!!!!!
thanksss.........& what subjects are compulsary for uttarakhand pcs sir please tell me urgent..thanks again..........
[email protected]

25th December 2012, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

after 10th can we apply for pcs course . Please tell me it is my cel no 9458012408
29th January 2013, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

hi, can u tell me the pattern for uttarakhand pcs exam.......?
and what are the qualifications required for it............!!!!!!
thanksss.........& what subjects are compulsary for uttarakhand pcs sir please tell me urgent..thanks again..........
[email protected]

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/what-qualification-required-uttrakhand-pcs-entrance-exam-936172.html#ixzz2JMjqDxK1
1st February 2013, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

sir, can you tell me the qualification required for uttarakhand pcs entrance exam nd which subjects are compulsary?
thank you
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3rd May 2013, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

what are qualification required to become PCS officer in uttarakhand
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6th June 2013, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

When will be the forms released for UKPCS 2013?
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18th July 2013, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

Tell me about the selection process
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18th September 2013, 03:06 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

What is criteria for uttrakhand pcs exam.
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11th July 2014, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

who make this site is worst ever because he is wasting time of all peoples who are keen to know about uttranchal and no one is available to answer for that
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30th August 2014, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

First of all Assalm o Alaikum to everyone!
my question is that what is the qualification must to appear in PCS exams and what is the marks limit???plzzzz tell me
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15th November 2015, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

What is the qualification required for uttrakhand PCS entrance exam ?
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16th November 2015, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

Dear Friend

To apply for Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (Uttarakhand PSC) exam a candidate has to complete their degree or diploma from the recognized board or university. The age limit is also fixed atleast 21 years of age as minimum & the maximum age of the candidate should not exceed more than 42 years.
And if you want to get the more information then you can visit the official website of the Uttarakhand PSC here- http://ukpsc.gov.in

I hope that you got your answer.
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28th July 2019, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

Sir i have completed my bsc from pcm . So can i give the pcs exam
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30th June 2023, 10:44 AM
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 139
Default Re: What is the qualification required for Uttrakhand PCS entrance exam?

The qualification requirements for the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) exam may vary depending on the specific exam and the post for which you are applying.

The basic eligibility criteria for the Uttarakhand PCS exam are as follows:

Nationality: Candidates must be citizens of India.

Age Limit: The age limit may vary depending on the specific exam and the category of the candidate. Generally, the minimum age limit is 21 years, and the maximum age limit is 42 years. However, there may be relaxation in the upper age limit for reserved category candidates.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university. The specific educational qualification may vary depending on the post for which you are applying.
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