2nd July 2011, 01:14 PM
Which college could I get after scoring 262519 rank in EEE?
sir... my air rank in eee is 262519 in generall catogery...and i havent got 60%marks in PCM....sir wich college will take me?in wich college im applicable,.. ?in this rank will i be able to get gud gollege in eee....if not so in wich college i should move to...??i can go for furthur prepration cauzz.. i am a dropper.. help mee??and do send me the lisst of college ..? thanku
12th November 2011, 03:21 AM
i am sorry to tell you that your rank is not good . you will not going to get a seat in good college . so try to find other way . good luck. |
7th July 2012, 02:35 PM
dear sir i got 10200 rank in eamcet2012 and i am an sc.so in which college can i get ece seat