Sathyabama University-B.E in EEE-5th Sem Integrated Circuits Papers


Sathyabama University is a renowned university and maintains its reputation since it was started. The university deals with the quality education and also known to provided all sorts of study materials to its students. The Integrated Circuits Papers deals with integrated circuits that are most commonly used in various amplifiers. It also includes circuits that help to maintain the condition of various electrical instruments. The systematic and generalized study of different electrical circuits is the main topics of the integrated circuits papers.

Importance of the subject:

The B.E in EEE-5th Sem Integrated Circuits Papers basically contains the knowledge about the different circuital based instruments that are normally required in every electrical devices. The paper is as important for the Electrical and electronics engineering students as the other papers have. Students can choose this paper for their higher studies.

Paper pattern:

The Sathyabama University organizes the same paper format for every paper that is asked in the Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering course. The Integrated Circuits Paper includes two major sections A and B respectively. The part ‘A’ carries maximum of ten questions and all the questions are compulsory for all the students whereas the second group contains five compulsory questions carries 12 marks each. The marks allotted to each question in part A is of 2 marks.

Frequently asked questions:

The regular questions that are most frequently asked from the Integrated Circuits papers are applications of Phase-Locked Loops, Precision Rectifiers and mode rejection ratio of OPAMP etc.

Marks and time:

The total marks carried by the 5th sem Integrated Circuits Papers is of 80 and the time given to every student is three hours.

Books recommended:

Integrated circuits by k.r. botkar

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