22nd March 2011, 11:16 PM
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Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..

23rd March 2011, 02:17 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Computer Science is creation of softwares and hardwares by using different programming skills.

IT is just the selection of the proper software or hardwares for the task

In other words CSE create the software and IT engineers use it to solve various problems.

Both have equal scope but I have heard that IT field is becoming saturated due to lots of IT engineers. CSE is more profitable according to me as you can survive in this field easily as lots of jobs are available and if you create great softwares you will be at the top of the pinnacle.

So decide yourself
23rd March 2011, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Pathfinder View Post
Computer Science is creation of softwares and hardwares by using different programming skills.

IT is just the selection of the proper software or hardwares for the task

In other words CSE create the software and IT engineers use it to solve various problems.

Both have equal scope but I have heard that IT field is becoming saturated due to lots of IT engineers. CSE is more profitable according to me as you can survive in this field easily as lots of jobs are available and if you create great softwares you will be at the top of the pinnacle.

So decide yourself
i think that diff is that cse involved study of both s/w and h/w while it only involves s/w part........cse has more scope
23rd March 2011, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

CSE deals with the core part of softwares while IT deals with implementing them with application and projects.
Looking to the present market demand CSE seems to have an advantage over IT .
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23rd March 2011, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?


IT means Information Technology and CSE means Computer Science Engineering.

Both IT & CSE are better & having more scope in future.

In Computer Science Engineering, we learn about Computer programming languages & techniques.

In Information Technology, we learn about usages of web & network based techniques.

Good Luck
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23rd March 2011, 03:21 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Wink Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Trust me, there is hardly any difference.

Just because suddenly there was a lot of crowd in the CSE filed, many colleges came up with this unique idea of introducing IT engineering.

The subjects in IT as well as CSE are almost the same barring 3-4 subjects in the complete course.

The basic funda of IT engineering was to woo foreign companies.

In foreign companies, IT or Information Technology is very popular, and hence, to woo foreign companies, universities came up with this idea of IT engineering.

So if you were to believe me, there is no difference between IT and CSE, but some people do say there is a difference.

While there is a group of people who think, that CSE is a field which is more related to the development of computer softwares, and the IT field is more related to the management of networks, and hardware.

However, IT companies which offer jobs to recruits, have no specification that one must be an IT engineer or CSE engineer only.
The requirement is such that a candidate can be an IT or CSE engineer. Both are eligible.

I hope it is clear to you now!!
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23rd March 2011, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..
Hai. Computer Science deals with the programming software and hardware
IT is a technology oriented and it deals with the selection of suitable software for the particular task.
Both have an unique scope but nowadays CS leads IT. whatever a better knowledge in that particular field will make your to shine in that field. All the best for your bright future...
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23rd March 2011, 07:14 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..

IT and CSE both have more or less the same weightage when compared with academics and scope because both have more or less the same syllabus for 4 years in college..but companies do prefer CSE students than IT students i guess its because of the small difference which they have

-> If you are going to select between CSE and IT, then my vote will be for CSE
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23rd March 2011, 08:32 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

There isn't much difference between CSE & IT in BTech.

Even the course subjects are almost same except slight changes.

For software jobs, Both CSE & IT are the same.

IT has Some Technology Related Jobs...!!!

Both Having Very Great Scope In Future....!!!!
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7th April 2011, 11:47 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hii, CSE AND IT both are almost same,but CSE is ahead .
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8th April 2011, 03:43 AM
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Red face Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..
CSE and IT both are very good and also very demanding engineering course. CSE and It syllabus is almost same,but IT syllabus is little bit easy than CSE. CSe is very job oriented than IT and most of the students want to get CSE stream...
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8th April 2011, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hello friend

What is Computer Science?

Quite simply, it's the hottest, coolest, most exciting, and most dynamic field there is! Choosing computer science as your area of study is a choice that will change your life and open a world of opportunities, limited only by your imagination and creativity. As you know, computers are involved in practically every aspect of your life, including medicine, genetics, finance, agriculture, energy, aeronautics, entertainment, construction, education, manufacturing, transportation, leisure, and communication

If you enjoy challenges and you are good at solving problems, then Computer Science (CS) may be the subject for you. A degree in Computer Science will develop expert problem-solving skills, which will allow you to apply your talents in a wide variety of settings, and adapt to a world where the role of technology is changing at record-breaking speed.

Now only about 50 years old, computer science has become the basis for much of the world's global economy. New computing technologies, which have a profound effect on the marketplace, are emerging at an astonishing rate. All this adds to the excitement and freshness of the curriculum for computer science education. At the same time, the underpinnings of computer science are stable, well-defined, and solidly rooted in areas such as logic, language theory, and mathematics.

As a computer science student you will engage in the study of a wide-ranging subject, spanning from software engineering, new programming paradigms, networking and the Internet, databases, formal methods, computer graphics, processors, robots, human-computer interaction, agents and distributed systems, neural nets, mobile computing, artificial life, bioinformatics cognition, and a myriad of other areas.

Your study will be a blend of both practice and theory. Computer programming is only one aspect of computer science; computer scientists are also problem-solvers. In some cases, these problems are abstract in nature and require the design of complex new algorithms. In other cases, problems are of a more practical nature, requiring the design of systems that are easy for humans to use.

If you are interested in pursuing studies in computer science, the department offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in computer science. A co-operative education option for this degree program is a popular choice among students, allowing you to integrate valuable industry experience into your program of study. If you would rather take computer science as a secondary area of concentration, we also offer a minor in CS.

What is Information Technology?

The term "information technology" (IT) has a broad, and sometimes ambiguous, meaning. Often it is used to describe the entire computing industry. However, we use this term to describe an applied stream of courses within our department's offerings. This Information Technology stream has two primary audiences: students in areas of study other than Computer Science, and current practitioners in the IT industry who may wish to enroll on a part-time basis.

In comparison with the Computer Science stream, IT courses are less theoretical, have lower prerequisite requirements, and have a greater focus on current trends and technologies. The Information Technology stream is brand new. A large selection of courses have recently been approved for this stream and will be 'rolled out' as students enter this exciting new course area to augment their knowledge and skills.

My Inputs :

The basic idea by which these two branches were separated that CS is basically to give emphasis on the Algorithmic part of computer sciences with the knowledge of hardware, and IT is mostly the application part of CS. In IT more focus is how to use existing technologies more efficiently and effectively,

But now a days engineers do not go in either Algorithmic part nor Application, just read books and give exams so basically both are the same things. So basically main difference is that but when it comes to placement, industry takes both as same, not much difference.

For Industries IT and CS graduates are the same. In Curriculum there is slight difference but that does specified the specific branch but the main thing is the final year project and seminars you people choose.That majorly decide the area you are working and there are no such restriction on the project selection as per the branch.
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15th June 2011, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

What are the basic to choose CSE branch?
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17th June 2011, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

but nowadays every college says that It is gonna get a bigger scope now because we are coming out with many IT hubs in our country and states say as in PUNJAB .. so IT is gonna be more suitable especially for girls....is it so????
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19th June 2011, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

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15th July 2011, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

thanx somesh i think u r right
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24th July 2011, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

how much will be my salary as an information science engineer
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9th August 2011, 11:51 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

what we expect from computer science in our futre life?
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25th August 2011, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

everyone is right in their opinion.... but special thankx to Mr. Somesh.. i fully agree with him..
but i m still in confusion.. whether I.T would be benefical for me or computer science.. becoz i had done diploma in I.T. so plz give me suggestion abt this.. immediately..!!!!!!!
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25th August 2011, 09:12 PM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..

Both branches are quite similar.The subjects are also quite similar in


Only one or two subjects will be change in related semister.

The main diffrence between both branches are

Computer science engineer have the knowledge about hardware as well as


And the other one IT engineer have the khowledge about software field.

So its your choice.If you have interst in software than you should choose IT

branch and if you have interst in both software and hardware then you should

choose computer science branch.

A little advantage for computer engineer.There is more scope as compare to

IT engineer.

Computer engineer are known as a programming engineer.So its the main

diffrence between them.

I hope you satisfied by my answer.
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21st January 2012, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hai friends............

Computer Science is better than IT.bcoz cse students have the knoeledge about both hard ware and software also.........but IT students only know the software only...................
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30th January 2012, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Hi there

As you Want to Become a Software engineer First of all you need have a B-tech(Bachelor of Technology) or B-E(Bachelor of Engineering) Graduate with CSE(Computer Science and Engineering) as your Course.

This Bachelor has a duration of 4 years which covers all the Computer Languages, Software and Hardware Technology.

To Get into this Course you need appear for Entrance Test like IIT, AIEEE and State Level Entrance Exams like (MHCET) for Maharashtra and EAMCET for Andhra Pradesh.

If you are planning to Appear for IIT then its Good and you need to work hard to Crack a Good Score in it. If you Score Is Good you are Probable of getting a Seat in any of the 7 IIT's in India. AIEEE Exam is All India Entrance Exam Through which we can get a seat in any Engineering Colleges in India.

Computer Science and Engineering:

This course has a duration of four Years And Subjects that are Included in it are:

>> C
>> c++
>> Java(OOPS)
>> UML
>> Network Programming(Unix)
>> Mobile Computing
>> Compiler Design

The Fees Structure of the College Depends on the Fees that is Declared by the State Government.

You even Management Facilities available in Many Colleges.

After you Complete your Graduation with an aggregate of 70% then you are Eligible to Attend Campus or Walk in Interviews in Companies Like Infosys, TCS, Mahindra Satyam, Wipro, Polaris, Cognizant etc.

Good Luck
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2nd June 2012, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

how can one get into government jobs after btech from computer science
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20th June 2012, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

i got the information between cse & it field.could any one suggest me the difference between BE cse & B.tech cse
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20th June 2012, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

i got the information about cse & it but iam still confused the difference between BE cse & Btech cse could any one suggest me
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20th June 2012, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..
CSE and IT both are same cources basically but there are some difference b/w them are...
CSE is related to all type of softwares and hardwares but IT is only related to special or perticular type softwares and hardware which are used for only some special tasks.
Scope of both IT and CSE is wide in present time but in perticular areas scope of CSE is more than IT.
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18th July 2012, 10:52 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

i have to know the actual what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail....
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9th August 2012, 05:17 PM
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25th August 2012, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

what is the scope of bsc it after three years?
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21st September 2012, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

what are differences among CSE, IT, & CSSE(computer science & systems engineering) these streams?
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2nd February 2013, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Now I am a student of Diploma in IT branch. Can I enter in CSE branch after Diploma?
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7th February 2013, 07:17 PM
shilpanaidu 123
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hello friend

What is Computer Science?

Quite simply, it's the hottest, coolest, most exciting, and most dynamic field there is! Choosing computer science as your area of study is a choice that will change your life and open a world of opportunities, limited only by your imagination and creativity. As you know, computers are involved in practically every aspect of your life, including medicine, genetics, finance, agriculture, energy, aeronautics, entertainment, construction, education, manufacturing, transportation, leisure, and communication

If you enjoy challenges and you are good at solving problems, then Computer Science (CS) may be the subject for you. A degree in Computer Science will develop expert problem-solving skills, which will allow you to apply your talents in a wide variety of settings, and adapt to a world where the role of technology is changing at record-breaking speed.

Now only about 50 years old, computer science has become the basis for much of the world's global economy. New computing technologies, which have a profound effect on the marketplace, are emerging at an astonishing rate. All this adds to the excitement and freshness of the curriculum for computer science education. At the same time, the underpinnings of computer science are stable, well-defined, and solidly rooted in areas such as logic, language theory, and mathematics.

As a computer science student you will engage in the study of a wide-ranging subject, spanning from software engineering, new programming paradigms, networking and the Internet, databases, formal methods, computer graphics, processors, robots, human-computer interaction, agents and distributed systems, neural nets, mobile computing, artificial life, bioinformatics cognition, and a myriad of other areas.

Your study will be a blend of both practice and theory. Computer programming is only one aspect of computer science; computer scientists are also problem-solvers. In some cases, these problems are abstract in nature and require the design of complex new algorithms. In other cases, problems are of a more practical nature, requiring the design of systems that are easy for humans to use.

If you are interested in pursuing studies in computer science, the department offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in computer science. A co-operative education option for this degree program is a popular choice among students, allowing you to integrate valuable industry experience into your program of study. If you would rather take computer science as a secondary area of concentration, we also offer a minor in CS.

What is Information Technology?

The term "information technology" (IT) has a broad, and sometimes ambiguous, meaning. Often it is used to describe the entire computing industry. However, we use this term to describe an applied stream of courses within our department's offerings. This Information Technology stream has two primary audiences: students in areas of study other than Computer Science, and current practitioners in the IT industry who may wish to enroll on a part-time basis.

In comparison with the Computer Science stream, IT courses are less theoretical, have lower prerequisite requirements, and have a greater focus on current trends and technologies. The Information Technology stream is brand new. A large selection of courses have recently been approved for this stream and will be 'rolled out' as students enter this exciting new course area to augment their knowledge and skills.

My Inputs :

The basic idea by which these two branches were separated that CS is basically to give emphasis on the Algorithmic part of computer sciences with the knowledge of hardware, and IT is mostly the application part of CS. In IT more focus is how to use existing technologies more efficiently and effectively,

But now a days engineers do not go in either Algorithmic part nor Application, just read books and give exams so basically both are the same things. So basically main difference is that but when it comes to placement, industry takes both as same, not much difference.

For Industries IT and CS graduates are the same. In Curriculum there is slight difference but that does specified the specific branch but the main thing is the final year project and seminars you people choose.That majorly decide the area you are working and there are no such restriction on the project selection as per the branch.
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16th February 2013, 12:25 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is difference between between IT and CSE & which one has more scope in future..
please explain in detail..

Dear Aspirant,

The main difference between these two is only the names.I am not joking this is true.

We can hardly find few difference in these two streams.

But for the business oriented the people have made it seperate.

But when it comes to the Recruitment process the IT companies call for the both streams and consider them as equal.

So there will be no big difference at the recruitment process.So you need not worry about that.

After that coming to the main question.The only difference is seen in the subjects of these streams.

They difference in the few subjects changes like design pattern and etc.

So there will be no big deal when it comes to the recruitment process.So you cannot have any misconception that IT is big and CSE is big.

Both are having the same equal values at the market.

Hope this info helps you.

All the best for your future endeavor's.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
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24th February 2013, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

How is IT related to CSE???
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12th July 2013, 11:04 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

i am very confuse because some people said to me that the IT is good than the CSE and there is one of the most imp. problem is some people said me that IT engg work in CSE bt the CSE engg cant not work in the IT company... is there is difference...????
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22nd September 2013, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hi friend!
I am confused to select it or cse.which one has more deman
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22nd September 2013, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

hi friend!
i am so confused in it or cse .which one has more demand in future. IT person can job in cse? please help me.
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24th September 2013, 01:05 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi friend!
i am so confused in it or cse .which one has more demand in future. IT person can job in cse? please help me.
If you are focused on just getting a job, I would recommend CSE but if you are willing to to be an expert of software world to do something on your own(like me) , you should opt IT. Both branches are different. CSE deals with Hardware along with core software engineering whereas IT deals with advanced software technology and everything related to information processing whether in Mobile phone technology, system/application softwares and entire information processing work. Choice is yours.
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26th September 2013, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

cse or it which has more demand in feature
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22nd October 2013, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

why remaining branch students are come to software field?
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12th June 2014, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

now a days m.tech along with b.tech in integrated courseof 5 years has come is it useful?
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17th June 2015, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

between cse and it, which stream has more scope for getting job in government sector in India. which branch allows better to do MS in US. Which branch has scope to develop new software in innovative ways
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30th June 2015, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

I am doing b.tech in it from a not Soho named collage under uptu rkgit . I m in 1st year . What it really consist. Plz. Give exact ans. .can I get cse after 1st year if I score good . What is more scpoing in future
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26th June 2016, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Difference between IT and CSE? Which one is more scope in future?

Can anyone tell me about each and every subject that are studied by a student during cse and it b-tech course seperately ???????
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Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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