7th December 2009, 09:53 PM
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Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

Hello i am doing final yr b.tech biotechnology i want to switch my career to bioinformatics what are the possible ways i can enrol myself to make my career more astounding and secure

21st December 2009, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

Since,you have completed your bachelor degree in biotech

I will advice you to go for m.tech (bioinformatics) with specialisation in computational biology.The best place to study it is IIT-M,IIT-R,IIT-D,IIT-K admission is based on rank scored in GATE exam.

However you can also go for m.sc (bioinformatics),no other institute in India is better then IIT;s for studing it,you have to appear for IIT-JAM which is conducted every year by IIT for admission to its master degree courses.

Howver,institutes like university of pune,amity university are also good for it.
22nd December 2009, 02:11 AM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

you can go for pg or diploma in bio-informatics.
Jawaharlal Nehru University offers PG Diploma in Bioinformatics

Pune University offerrs M.Sc Bioinformatics

Amity Insitute of Biotechnology MSc Bioinformatics

Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) at Allahabad -M Tech-Bioinformatics
8th January 2010, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

hi its a very wise decision for joining bioinformatics because it has a greater scope than biotechnology,there are several institutes that offer pg in bioinformatics like:

1)indian institute of technology mumbai,delhi kampur

2)pune universitty

3)institute of bioinformatics and applied biotechnoloy,bangalore.
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30th January 2010, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

In past there is lot of hype about bioinformatics. This is the reason in last 5 years, we have many universities in India which are offering degree/diplomas (M.Sc., B.Sc., B.Tech, etc. ) in bioinformatics.

Interestingly most of universities do not have trained bioinformaticians still they are able to attract lots of students. Probable students are comparing bioinformatics with information technology and jumping in this field.

We are also getting news that students are facing problem in finding the jobs. I have little knowledge about scope of bioinformaticians in industry but I know there is lot of scope in research or academics.

I wants to know others view on “Carriers in Bioinformatics” particularly industry and problems faced by bioinformatics students.
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28th February 2010, 11:44 AM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

Hey friend I suggest you to go for m.tech (bioinformatics) with specialisation in computational biology....
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22nd March 2010, 05:31 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

dear friend, as per your eligiblity, you have completed your bacholar degree, then i wil suggest you have to go for M.tech (bioinformatics) or M.sc (bioinformatics), you have to do this course from these best universities like-

IIT- RORKEE...............
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23rd March 2010, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

dear friend,
really it very good to make a carrier in the bioinformatics.
and you can do m.tech in this course from the best colleges like iit,
but for this you have to give the gate exam,
and after getting good score you can take admission
in this course.
o k
all the best
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9th May 2010, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

you can go for the IITs and after completing your bachelor degree go for m.tech {bioinfo }
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26th March 2011, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

Since,you have completed your bachelor degree in biotech

I will advice you to go for m.tech (bioinformatics) with specialisation in computational biology.The best place to study it is IIT-M,IIT-R,IIT-D,IIT-K admission is based on rank scored in GATE exam.

However you can also go for m.sc (bioinformatics),no other institute in India is better then IIT;s for studing it,you have to appear for IIT-JAM which is conducted every year by IIT for admission to its master degree courses.

Howver,institutes like university of pune,amity university are also good for it.
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27th March 2011, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

1. Admissions

Acceptance into the Bioinformatics graduate program is dependent on:

(a) meeting the Bioinformatics graduate program requirements of a B.Sc. or equivalent, majoring in a biological discipline (biology, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, medicine) or quantitative science (computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering, statistics), and significant experience in a second one of these fields,

(b) meeting the general entrance requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at UBC

(c) acceptance letter from the Bioinformatics Admissions Committee,

(d) acceptance letter from a supervisor, which confirms full funding either through an external fellowship, scholarship, research assistantship, support from the supervisor’s research grant or acceptance letter from the CIHR Bioinformatics Training program,

(d) acceptance letter from the UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies confirming acceptance into graduate studies.

Students are required to have an adequate facility in verbal and written English. For applicants required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to complete a TOEFL test, the requirement of the Bioinformatics graduate program is a score of 100 (internet-based), or IELTS of 7.0, taken within 24 months of application submission. Taking the GRE is highly recommended for students who obtained their degrees outside Canada, but not mandatory.

Students who already have a M.Sc. and who meet the requirements set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies will be admitted as Ph.D. candidates pending approval by the Bioinformatics graduate program director and admissions committee. Transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program is possible if the student obtains an average of 80% or higher in their required graduate courses. Continued enrollment in the program is dependent on good academic standing.

A number of select students will be eligible to receive a CIHR stipend of $21,000/annum for two years by applying through the CIHR Bioinformatics training program website (bioinformatics.bcgsc.ca).

Required Application Documents:

* Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.

* Official TOEFL score or equivalent (for students whose first language is not English). If you have attended an academic institution where English is the language of instruction, this requirement is waived.

Institution code: 0965 Department code: 99

* Three strongly supportive letters of reference (either sent directly from the Referee or enclosed in a sealed envelope with the Referee’s signature across the seal).

* Bioinformatics graduate program application form.

Additional materials or fees may be required once the student is accepted into the Bioinformatics graduate program.
2. Committees

Supervisory Committees

i) M.Sc. Thesis: The Supervisory Committee will consist of the supervisor and two members, at least one of whom must be one of the Bioinformatics graduate program faculty or associate faculty.

ii) Ph.D. Thesis: The Supervisory Committee will consist of the supervisor and three other members, at least one of whom must be one of the Bioinformatics graduate program faculty or associate faculty.

What is a Bioinformatics Thesis:
A bioinformatics thesis project would not commonly involve wet-work, except for familiarization with the techniques used in deriving data, or for a small follow-up study to validate a computational analysis. A bioinformatics thesis project would commonly involve one (or more frequently both) of the following:

i) computational analysis of biological sequences or other associated biological data, to investigate a biological question,

ii) derivation of new algorithmic approaches to analyze biological data.

Initial Meeting:
The timing of the first committee meeting may vary according to the needs of the student and availability of faculty, but must be held no later than December 31 of the first year, for all students. At this meeting the student’s background, course selection, and any goals will be briefly reviewed, to ensure that their course choices are suitable, and the student will be encouraged to bring up any questions they have about the program or how to best reach their goals.

The bioinformatics graduate program committee meeting report form must be signed by the committee members present, and a copy received by the coordinator of the program within one week of the meeting. The student also signs the document and has a space to add comments if they wish. Students not meeting these requirements will not be permitted to remain registered in the program.

Subsequent Meetings:
At least one committee meeting must be held annually to review the progress of the student. Candidates are expected to provide each committee member with a summary of their progress. Additional committee meetings may be called when necessary, due to changes in the program or for any reason which may affect the candidate’s progress. A signed report of the thesis Supervisory Committee meeting, along with the student’s progress report, must be received by the program coordinator. Students not meeting this requirement will not be permitted to continue their registration in the program.

Committee meetings are formal. Usually students will prepare a brief progress report that outlines the project and their progress since the last meeting, and includes relevant data. This report should be distributed to committee members at least two working days in advance. Failure to distribute this material will mean that the meeting is subject to cancellation at the discretion of the committee members. Normally, students will present a brief (20 min) talk that emphasizes experimental design, interpretation of the data and planned experiments. Committee members may suggest alternative approaches, prioritize experiments, set deadlines, or recommend changing direction.

It is the responsibility of the student to schedule all committee meetings, to ensure that they take place in the time frames required by the program and to ensure that all required documentation is processed.

The progress report must be completed by the supervisor at the time of the committee meeting, and signed by the student, the supervisor and all committee members present. A copy will be sent to the coordinator of the Bioinformatics graduate program to be kept in the student’s central file.

The student and the thesis Supervisory Committee share the responsibility to ensure that the structure of the student’s program meets the requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at UBC, and the Bioinformatics graduate program. The final responsibility for meeting all the requirements rests with the student. A student has the privilege to change research supervisor and/or members of their committee after consultation with the supervisor and committee members involved. In case of disputes between the student and supervisor, the student is encouraged to consult with the graduate advisor of the bioinformatics program or other program faculty.

Interested faculty, who wish to supervise a Bioinformatics graduate program student for their M. Sc. or Ph.D. thesis, are required to sign a waiver indicating that they will provide a minimum amount of support to students who are not externally funded.

Student Resource: The Ombuds Office works with all UBC community members to ensure students are treated fairly and can learn, work and live in a fair, equitable and respectful environment.
3. Financial Support

A CIHR stipend of $21,000/annum for two years is available to a select number of Bioinformatics graduate students through the CIHR Bioinformatics training program website (bioinformatics.bcgsc.ca).

Other students enrolled as full-time students in the Bioinformatics graduate program will receive a minimum annual stipend at the level of a UBC University Graduate Fellowship (UGF). This stipend may come from an independent studentship award and/or from the supervisor’s research grant, and includes the Ph.D. Tuition Fee Award. Admission to the program normally includes commitment by the Supervisor to ensure that students are supported to the accepted level. However, exceptions to this general stipend policy can be requested by prospective students and research supervisors and may be accommodated by the program’s Admission’s Committee if all parties are fully informed and agree to the financial arrangement prior to the admission of the student.

For a full time student, the duration of the annual stipend will normally be two years for an M. Sc. student and five years for a Ph.D. student. Continued funding depends on satisfactory academic and research progress, as determined by the student’s supervisory committee.

Note: A student must be working for the majority of his/her graduate time in the laboratory of his/her supervisor(s).
4. Course Requirements

Students who do not have the appropriate background will not be admitted into the Bioinformatics graduate program. Students lacking the necessary background in (for example) biology or computation, are expected to remedy these deficiencies prior to application for admission into the program. Students admitted to the program may be required by the Admissions Committee to take specific courses to fill specific gaps in their background. If the student has already taken any of the required core courses, or their equivalent, as an undergraduate, they are not required to repeat these; rather an additional elective(s) must be selected to make up the graduate course requirements.

M.Sc. A minimum of 18 credits of course work are required for a M.Sc. degree, plus a 12 credit thesis. All students are required to take four core bioinformatics courses and two bioinformatics-related electives, at the graduate level. Students who are funded by the CIHR bioinformatics training program must take four core courses and two bioinformatics-related electives, as well as participate in three four-month research rotations in affiliated research laboratories. Other courses may be required if recommended by the student’s thesis Supervisory Committee.

As part of the requirement for the Bioinformatics graduate program, students must take two professional development workshops between now and the end of their second year. These workshops are things like interviewing skills, presentation skills, TA workshops, etc. The program will pay the cost of this if there is a fee associated with it. Proof of attendance is also required (see professional development courses/workshop form under Documents tab).

For UBC students, these courses/workshops can be found at: http://tag.ubc.ca/

If you feel another workshop or course is relevant (ie like toastmasters) and it is offered elsewhere, and it is not too expensive, the program will pay for that. These are for your professional development – finding a job or helping with your career after you graduate.

Ph.D. There are no course requirements. However, students may also be required to take courses if recommended by their thesis Supervisory Committee.

Course requirements will normally be taken in the first year of the program, with the recommendation that three classes be undertaken in the first semester and three in the second semester, with all requirements completed by the end of the first year of study.

Promotion from M.Sc. to Ph.D Program
Students transferring to Ph.D. studies, without completing their M.Sc., require an 80% average in M.Sc. course work. Students who meet the criteria set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and who have the approval of their thesis Supervisory Committee, may transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D program at the end of their first year of M.Sc. studies. As a pre-requisite for transfer, students are required to successfully complete a Ph.D. qualifying examination. If they are unsuccessful in this examination, they will remain in the M.Sc. program. They will continue to be eligible for consideration for admission into Ph.D. studies after completion of the M.Sc. degree.

Students wishing to transfer from the M.Sc. program to the Ph.D. program must provide the following materials to the Bioinformatics graduate program at the end of their first year of graduate studies, and no later than August 15:

PRIOR to August 15:

(i) Thesis Supervisory committee transfer approval (committee report clearly indicating their approval of the transfer and signed by all members).

(ii) Faculty of Graduate Studies “Transfer from Master’s to Doctoral Graduate Program” Form

AFTER August 15:

(i) A Ph.D. supervisory committee is established, with at least 3 members.

(ii) A committee meeting is held to approve the Ph.D proposal prior to the qualifying examination. No qualifying examination will be scheduled without the signed committee report approving the project proposal.

(iii) Qualifying examination is scheduled within 24 months of initial entry into graduate program. Inform the Bioinformatics graduate program coordinator of date, time, and location, title of research and committee members.

Incomplete or late applications for transfer will not be considered.
5. Qualifying Examination

(a) M. Sc. – none required.

(b) Ph.D. – All Ph.D. candidates in the Bioinformatics graduate program will be required to pass an oral qualifying examination to continue in the Ph.D. program.

Purpose: The qualifying examination is intended to test the student’s understanding of the chosen field of study as a whole, and the student’s preparation for the thesis research to follow.

NOTE: All students are required to have a thesis Supervisory Committee meeting at least one month prior to the qualifying examination. The student is strongly advised to meet with each member of the Examination Committee before the examination to obtain guidance regarding preparation for the examination.

Timing: For Ph.D. candidates, the qualifying examination will be held within 24 months of entry into the program.

Failure to pass the qualifying examination will result in the student remaining in the M.Sc. program, and they will not be permitted a second attempt.
6. Thesis Preparation

Students should consult the “Instructions for the Preparation of the Graduate Theses” and also “The Final Oral Examination – Guide to Doctoral Candidates”; both accessible via the UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies website.

Before proceeding with the writing of the thesis, the student should meet with their thesis Supervisory committee to review the proposed contents of the thesis with respect to scientific adequacy, and receive formal approval. The Bioinformatics graduate program coordinator should be consulted for similar handouts/instructions.

The supervisor MUST read the complete thesis draft form, and the appropriate revisions must be made before the rest of the committee reads the thesis. The examination copy of the thesis should not be prepared before revisions suggested by the rest of the committee have been incorporated. Members of the thesis Supervisory committee should normally return their comments to the student within three weeks of receiving the thesis. The thesis must be approved by the thesis Supervisory committee before it is forwarded to the examination committee.

NOTE: that “Bioinformatics Graduate Program” must appear on the title page of the thesis.
7. Thesis Examination Procedure

M.Sc. Defense:

(a) Student submits thesis to supervisory committee and obtains committee approval for defense.

(b) Student consults Bioinformatics graduate program coordinator for relevant thesis examination requirements.

(c) Student or supervisor notifies the program coordinator of the examination committee, date, time, location and thesis title. Room bookings can be arranged by the program coordinator at the Genome Sciences Centre, BCCA. (GSC). Approximately two weeks notification is required in order to make arrangements. Defense is open to the university community.

(d) An exit seminar is required to be completed in advance of the thesis defense – the program coordinator needs at least two weeks prior notification. Seminar can be done at UBC or at the GSC. Seminar is open to university community and public.

(e) Student submits the number of copies required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

(f) Upon successful completion, student is reminded to apply for graduation.

Ph.D. Defense:

The student should follow the instructions and procedures required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
8. Copies of Thesis

The student is responsible for submitting the required copies of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in accordance with their deadlines. The Bioinformatics graduate program coordinator also requires a PDF format of the thesis.
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19th May 2011, 10:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

hi this is Sujana i have completed my MSc. Bio informatics under Madras university looking for job in same field can u give me some guide lines
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24th June 2011, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Wink Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

I went to tons of links befroe this, what was I thinking?
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31st January 2012, 10:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 308
Default Re: Guidance for entry into bioinformatics field?

Hi its a very wise decision for joining bioinformatics because it has a greater scope than biotechnology,there are several institutes that offer pg in bioinformatics like:

1)indian institute of technology mumbai,delhi kampur

2)pune universitty

3)institute of bioinformatics and applied biotechnoloy,bangalore.
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Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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