25th January 2013, 10:04 PM
How to apply for Indian CDC?
Questions:10,inter,seaman,I.T.I FITTER,OLIER,NAVIGATION.and sir, I also have S.T.C.W95 +panama cdc. so i want to apploy indian c.d.c. So sir kaindly help me to get a indian cdc.And i have gulf expreance last six years working as tug seaman/oiler. THANKING YOU SIR,
1st December 2014, 01:34 PM
Dear sir,
I am VENKATESAN. Finish in D.EEE, I have 10 years experience in how to apply 27/4/1978 this is my Emil id [email protected] 9952094781. I am 36 years so pls guide me how to get Indian CDC. Thanks & Regards, B.Venkatesan 9952094781 |
3rd April 2015, 05:53 PM
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for indian CDC,my education is 10 2 and my age is 36,please provide the procedure. So kindly do the neeful. My email I'd is : [email protected] Contact No -7738069396 |