7th September 2010, 03:23 PM
How to apply for Indian CDC after having Liberian CDC?
i m 10th paas,having liberian cdc,having 12 mnts experience on ship,i want to apply for indian cdc please guide me sir
9th September 2010, 01:38 PM
Dear Friend,
It is a very good prospects that after the 10th you have a 12 months experience in Shipping. As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) It will be better as you have already a shipping experience. However,there are some Eligibility Criteria: 1:At first you have to be an Indian. 2:Your age should be between 18 and 25 years . 3:You have to pass 10th standard. 4:You will be preferable if you have ITI course from NTC,NAC,AICTE recognized institutes. 5:you have to pass the medical fitness test. for details visit the link :http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/2007/06/all-you-want-to-know-about-cdc.html Good luck. |
9th September 2010, 02:06 PM
Dear Friend,
It is a very good prospects that after the 10th you have a 12 months experience in Shipping. As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) It will be better as you have already a shipping experience. However,there are some Eligibility Criteria: 1:At first you have to be an Indian. 2:Your age should be between 18 and 25 years . 3:You have to pass 10th standard. 4:You will be preferable if you have ITI course from NTC,NAC,AICTE recognized institutes. 5:you have to pass the medical fitness test. for details visit the link :http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/2007/06/all-you-want-to-know-about-cdc.html Good luck. |
1st October 2010, 04:25 AM
hi friend
here is some details. you can easily apply for indian cdc. Eligibility conditions for applicant seaman other than Certificated Officers - The applicant should be a citizen of India, and his age should be as follows For Deck ,Engine and Catering (Saloon) rating trainees - between 18 and 25 years of age For Utility Hand - Between 18 and 40 years Issue of C.D.Cs - (1) The Shipping Master shall, after the descriptive particulars of the applicant have been entered in and the photograph affixed to the C.D.C., affix his signature and official seal on the photograph and issue the same to the applicant , who fulfills all the conditions laid down in rules 4 and 5. A C.D.C. issued under these rules shall be in Form-1 and shall be serially numbered. Register of C.D.C.s The Shipping Master shall maintain a register of C.D.Cs issued to seamen from his port, in Form-2, which shall contain all the particulars recorded in the C.D.C. All subsequent entries in the C.D.Cs issued from the port shall also be recorded in the said Register all the best best regards |
1st October 2010, 08:53 AM
for Indian CDC after having Liberian CDC As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) It will be better as you have already a shipping experience. However,there are some Eligibility Criteria: 1:At first you have to be an Indian. 2:Your age should be between 18 and 25 years . 3:You have to pass 10th standard. 4:You will be preferable if you have ITI course from NTC,NAC,AICTE recognized institutes. 5:you have to pass the medical fitness test. for details visit the link : http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/2007/06/all-you-want-to-know-about-cdc.html good luck. |
16th December 2010, 12:33 PM
currently i am having liberian cdc and i have 8 months sailing experience and i am h s c passed with the trade i t i fitter with two years apprentice ship from mazgaon dock and i want to apply for indian c d c so please help me about |
29th December 2010, 09:52 PM
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well done pradeep, you have done 12 months as a Liberian cdc on shipping. you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) as you already have shipping experience then it will be better option for you. some of eligibility criteria are :-
refer this link for more information :- http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/20...about-cdc.html with best wishes |
3rd January 2011, 10:44 PM
i have complted my 6mth trening from acdmy n now i have been told that i will get librian cdc but i want indian cdc so how will i get indian cdc plz --------- having librian cdc its good 2 jon on ship n get exprience now wht 2 do
4th January 2011, 04:31 PM
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Very good idea,you would be eligible for that if you are 10th passed,your age is not nore than 25,and if you are physically fit... Your 12 month experience is your advantage... |
8th January 2011, 02:57 PM
Hai i am prabhakar. I.T.I fitter 9years expereance in chemical industry,so how to join ship as a seeman. Please give me suggition. E [email protected] thankyou, sir
21st January 2011, 09:20 PM
Hello Friend
As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) Your age must be within 18 to 25 years.You have to pass 10th standard. Best of luck.... |
3rd March 2011, 12:23 PM
I have a malaaysiaan cdc and coc....and i have 9months of sailing experience on an oil tanker as an engine cadet...I want to apply for Indian CDC....my age is 21yrs....pls help me out hw. to do it..???
6th April 2011, 01:57 PM
Goodmorning Sir,
I have experience of 11 months in Oil Tanker(Barge) in Gujarat. I have STCW certificates,INDoS NO.,and I have completed the UK GMDSS from Bibby Shipping Management. I don't have any CDC at present. I want to apply for the Indian CDC will I get the Indian CDC. My DOB:24/02/1984 need you help to guide me to get Indian CDC. Thanking You Niranjan Das E-mail: [email protected] |
15th April 2011, 02:25 AM
Hello sir,
I Have passed 12th with pcm 48% and i want to do deck cadet as my percent is low im not eligible to get admission in an indian institute so i cant get indian cdc, But i can do deck cadet but i can get panama cdc or any other cdc apart from indian and the u.k cdc. So i am really confused wheather to do deck cadet and get a foreign cdc or to do g.p rating and get indian cdc. Please help me. Need some ones help badly i am really lost. chandan [email protected] 09008094793 |
9th May 2011, 11:02 PM
Hello sir,
My nam is KISHORE KUMAR . I have Liberian CDC, STCW certificate, Indos no I have I. T. I Electriction certificate & also i have experience as oilar 4 months in BARG DUBAI. So how will i get the indian cdc. MY EMAIL:[email protected] |
15th May 2011, 12:15 AM
how to apply for india cdc after having liabrarian cdc?
hello, sir my name i sanjeev kumar and i have done STCW and i have liabrarian cdc and indos number and also i have exprience of one year in india ship.so how can i obtain indian cdc. |
27th May 2011, 01:50 AM
Hi dear,
t is a very good prospects that after the 10th you have a 12 months experience in Shipping. As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) It will be better as you have already a shipping experience. However,there are some Eligibility Criteria: 1:At first you have to be an Indian. 2:Your age should be between 18 and 25 years . 3:You have to pass 10th standard. 4:You will be preferable if you have ITI course from NTC,NAC,AICTE recognized institutes. 5:you have to pass the medical fitness test. for details visit the link :http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/2007/06/all-you-want-to-know-about-cdc.html Good luck. Thanks |
30th May 2011, 11:40 PM
i am satish talekar i have complited diploma in electrical 1 year. i have 6 month expirence in shipping & 15 month expirence in state of katar.5 years in mumbai.i have complited STCW cource.
my education is 10th 35% & i have complited BA in correncepondant.so how will i get the indian cdc?i want your contact noumber. email [email protected] my mobil no.9221325318 thanks |
5th June 2011, 08:30 PM
sir i am doing my BE(EEE). I want to join as electrical officer in navy so please say me wat is the procedure for it. my EMAIL ID :[email protected]
23rd June 2011, 06:08 PM
[QUOTE=Bishwajit Giri;192828]Dear Friend,
hi, my name is AKSHAY TIWARI. i completed DNS from S.I.M.A. at sec-bad & i want indian cdc so please guide me. my email id is [email protected] please send me your mobile no. in my email id |
10th July 2011, 05:22 PM
Hi, My Name is Umar Sk I have completed hsc and my age is 22 yrs and 10 mths, currently m doing 4 courses efa,pst,pssr and fire fighting after completing this i'll apply for panama cdc and then i'll go in ship. so plz answer my following question:
1) a person holding indian cdc gets double salary than a panama cdc holder? 2) can i get Indian cdc without doing gp rating? 3)can i get Indian cdc after hsc and 4 courses i.e- efa,pst,pssr and fire fighting, if yes then how much is the fees 4) can i able to get Indian cdc after 25 yrs of age by giving bribe? plz reply me the answer on my mail id - [email protected] [email protected] |
15th July 2011, 01:14 PM
sir, my name is Rahul.i,am completed hse(science) and iti fitter trade.i have one year experience in cochin shipyard with
national trade apprentice ship certificate.I don't have any cdc. sir please guide me , how to apply for INDIAN CDC. my email id is [email protected] |
24th August 2011, 06:39 PM
Now a days its impossible to get cdc by proper way, but u can try to contact on [email protected], u got some way, i already does the same procedure and found it
22nd September 2011, 04:25 AM
Dear sir my name is ravi sharma, i want to know that after completing 25 years can i able for ind cdc otherwise i have librarian cdc and current year is 22 so how many months experience i want to take that afterwards i am fulfill for ind cdc my email id [email protected] plz reply me.
1st October 2011, 12:06 AM
It is a very good prospects that after the 10th you have a 12 months experience in Shipping.
As a Indian you can apply for CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) It will be better as you have already a shipping experience. However,there are some Eligibility Criteria: 1:At first you have to be an Indian. 2:Your age should be between 18 and 25 years . 3:You have to pass 10th standard. 4:You will be preferable if you have ITI course from NTC,NAC,AICTE recognized institutes. 5:you have to pass the medical fitness test. for details visit the link :http://shippingtoday.blogspot.com/2007/06/all-you-want-to-know-about-cdc.html |
20th October 2011, 08:46 PM
dear sir my name is JOGI SHANKAR RAO i have librarian cdc and i have 59 month see experience comleted fitter trade.
also my age 30 , i dont have INDIAN CDC ,sir please guide me how to apply INDIAN CDC , my email id is jogi_SHANKAR @REDIFFMAIL.COM |
13th November 2011, 10:25 PM
my name is moneesh.t iam completed ITI MECHANIC DIESEL trade,i have 4 year experience in power plant field.I donot have any experience in ship ,sir please guide me how to apply panama cdc.my email id is [email protected] |
10th December 2011, 01:24 AM
Sir, i m an panama cdc holder with 11 months experience onboard. I have passed 10 with 39% , but i hav passed 12 with 53%. I was been once rejected for pre- sea training due to less marks in 10. I want to ask can i apply for indian cdc on basis of my onboard experience. Or again they will reject my cdc due to less marks in 10. Plz help me out with this Sir. [email protected]
10th December 2011, 01:34 AM
Sir, i m an panama cdc holder with 11 months experience onboard. I have passed 10 with 39% , but i hav passed 12 with 53%. I was been once rejected for pre- sea training due to less marks in 10. I want to ask can i apply for indian cdc on basis of my onboard experience. Or again they will reject my cdc due to less marks in 10. Plz help me out with this Sir. [email protected]
13th December 2011, 03:52 PM
how to apply for india cdc after having liabrarian cdc?
hello, sir my name i santosh kumar and i have done STCW and i have liabrarian cdc and indos number and also i have exprience of one year in india ship.so how can i obtain indian cdc. |
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