25th November 2011, 12:18 PM
How can I become a doctor in government medical college? What is the name of the PSC test? How many vacancies are available?
I am an mbbs graduate , what to become a doctor in a government medical colleges in kerala . Whats the name of the psc test, how many vacancies, eligibility and sample papers ?
12th July 2018, 06:54 PM
Doctor- A human being who maintains a human health with the practice of medicine and medical treatments is called Doctor. Doctor plays his role as a God.
Procedure to become a Doctor:- 1) Earn a Bachelor degree( 4 years). 2) Pass the Medical College Admission Test. 3) Enroll in Medical School(4 years). 4) Getting a License. 5) Complete a Medical Residency. Medical entrance exams:- 1) Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). 2) AIIMS Entrance Exams All India Institute of Medical Science Entrance Exam. 3) AIPMT- All India Pre Medical/ Pre Dental Entrance Exam. 4) AIMS- Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. 5) AFMC- Armed Forces Medical College exam. 6) BLDE University under graduate entrance Test. 7) Medical Entrance Exams in Delhi. 8) Medical entrance examinations in Andhra Pradesh. 9) MP DMAT All India Dental & Medical Admission Test Madhya Pradesh. 10) UPCAT/ UPCMET/UPCPMT Uttar Pradesh Medical Entrance Exams. 11) All India common Entrance test, Dr. DY Patil Medical College. 12) DUMET Delhi University Medical/ Dental Entrance test. 13) DUSET- Delhi University Super- speciality Entrance Test. 14) Haryana PMT -Haryana Pre- Medical Test. 15) HP CPMT Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Entrance Test HP CPMT Medical Entrance Exam. 16) KLE UGAIET / PGAIET KLE University Under Graduate / Post Graduate All India Entrance Test. 17) KEAM- Kerala Entrance Exam (MBBS, BDS, BV.Sc AND AH). |
8th July 2020, 10:49 AM
Can we becomes a doctor by psc test?