12th May 2012, 07:48 PM
How can I crack IIT exam without coaching?
sir how can i beat I.I.T. exams without coachings
5th June 2012, 06:44 PM
First of all I would like to congratulate you that you are that one odd student from the 'herd' who believes that yes i can do it, and that to without coaching!
Let me tell you the truth of these coaching institutions. They burden the students with shortcuts and formulas for each and every type of sum. They completely rely on learning by rote and are not at all interested in the individual problems. In fact they are interested in only those students whose parents have paid a nice sum of money! They don't go parallel with the school's syllabus because of which his results are degraded. And over all a burden is created in the lifes of the students since they can hardly find any free time! IITJEE is tough in the eyes of only those students whose concepts are not clear or is incomplete. Unfortunately majority of students completely rely on learning by rote, which teaches them how to solve a particular type of sum but hides the concept with which the sum is solved. And this is what happens in the question paper. There is no limit to the innovative minds of the examiners and because of which students find themselves leaving a question unattempted as they had not heard or done that type of problem before. Even a slight twist in the practiced sums leaves the candidates sad. The main reason for this is the incomplete concept of the candidate. To build your concept you have to go into the depth of the matter. Be it physics, chemistry or mathematics, a complete understanding of each and every aspect of the subject has to be achieved. This can only happen if you develop an interest in the subject and work hard on it. I don't recommend studying 14 or 18 hours a day, which i believe you must have heard from your teachers. If you want to crack the exam by yourself you have to start early. Start from the first day. Try to work hard right from the first day of class XI. There is no problem if you are taking a long time to complete a chapter, but complete it 'completely' so that later it doesn't troubles you. Focus on the theory, then do the sums. For once your concept is clear then no one can stop you from doing any type of sum. If you have any trouble in understanding then read the topic again, with more interest and more concentration. Always remember that the syllabus of IITJEE was made keeping in mind the age of the candidates. So that means there is no topic which you can't do. Once you have completed your syllabus, start your revision. Infact if you could find time for revision during the course of completion of the syllabus, it would be great! After revision try solving some of the practice papers, they will help you a lot. But keep 2-3 months time before the exam for a quick revision of each and every topic. Try maintaining a chart or table where all the important formulas are listed for quick reference. And don't forget to take out time for games and sports, for if you will study continuously without any games then it will have a bad impact impact on your physical health. If attendance is not that strict in your school, then try being absent for hardly any studies could be achieved in the schools. And the last thing which i would like to tell you is that take out at least 5 minutes daily for prayers. For the exam i would like to tell you that don't open any book or discuss with anyone just before the start of the exam for it only worsens the situation. While solving, don't give too much of time in a particular question. Leave it and head on to the next sum because there are other questions left to be answered which are easier than the present sum. Also don't stress completely on a particular subject as the board gives equal weightage to every subject. Here are the names of some books which i would like to refer:- PHYSICS H.C.VERMA (vol 1 & 2)-if you have not that amount of time HALLIDAY RESNICK WALKER-if you have enough time CHEMISTRY K.L.CHUGH (for class XI & XII)-for physical and organic any NCERT book for inorganic O.P.AGARWAL-if you want to do more sums MATHEMATICS M.L.AGARWAL (for class XI & XII) OR SAHA & SAHA (for class XI & XII) M.L.KHANNA-if you have plenty of time Also never forget to subscribe for the MTG magazines which come out monthly for physics, chemistry and mathematics. These magazines have the best questions and that too with solutions. |
18th June 2012, 09:20 PM
i started the preparation of iit from class 12. can i crack iit?
28th September 2012, 10:19 AM
i m doing hc verma but it takes lot many days to complete even one exercise and many questions cannot be solved by me even after trying very hard. i m trying to develop logical thinking. but in mathemaics the iit syllabus is too vast. should i do whole ml khana, rd sharma or can i do only selected problems. i m in class11. pl help i m very worried