8th April 2020, 09:50 AM
How many years does ACET, Amritsar provides to clear the backlog papers?
I am 2018 passed out B.Tech candidate from Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology (ACET). But, I have 4 backlogs. How many years I have to clear those backlogs?
12th April 2020, 02:54 PM
After completing final year of your B.Tech, University will give you 3 years more for clearing your active backlogs.
Since, ACET is affiliated to Punjab Technical University, so the University will grant you 3 years additional for clearing backlogs. Within the 3 years time span, if you are unable to clear those 4 active backlogs, then University will reward you with NFTE (i.e. Not Fit for Technical Education) Certificate. Then, you won't get admission for any professional technical degree. |