1st March 2013, 11:14 AM
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Job Opportunities for MBA in risk and Insurance management

I would like to get a insurance oriented job . When I serached in the internet I'm getting the MBA in Risk and Insurance management as a Course. I would like to know the job opportunities in the Insurance market for this graduation.

13th July 2015, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: Job Opportunities for MBA in risk and Insurance management

** Job Opportunities for MBA in risk and Insurance management as given below.

--> Financial Managers or Financial Analysts

--> Accounting Managers

--> Corporate Controllers

--> Chief Financial Officers

--> Treasurers and Finance Officers

--> Cash Managers

--> Risk and Insurance Managers

--> Management Consultants

--> Investment Bankers

--> Investment Banking Associates

--> Investment Sales Associates and Traders

--> Credit Managers and Specialists

** Pay scale:

1. The pay mainly depends on the kind of business school you graduate from.

2. Risk and Insurance Managers too start at Rs 5-8 lakh and within a few years earn as much as Rs 10-15 lakh per annum.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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