26th June 2010, 09:36 PM
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List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

I have completed B.E. in electronics & telecommunication branch. i am looking for carrer im telecom industry. so suggest course affiliated to telecom branch

30th March 2011, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

The links will take yo to the list of courses from telecom industry

1st June 2011, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

tell me some short term job oriented courses affilated to delhi university
20th September 2011, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

what are the courses can we do in telecom for bright future
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23rd November 2011, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

can i do telecommunication engeneering after doing software engeenering at aptech for one year
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15th April 2012, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

Course Descriptions

ENTS 622: Introduction to Digital Communication Systems (3)

Principles of analog and digital communication systems design. Analysis of the performance and relative merits of different modulation and demodulation, signal processing, filtering and error control schemes in communication systems. Also provides an understanding of the design of modern digital communication systems.

ENTS 625: Management and Organizational Behavior in the Telecommunications Industry (3)

This course covers the two areas: 1) management and organizational behavior and 2) strategic management. In both cases topics specific to the telecommunications industry will be stressed. Topics will include principles of leadership and personnel management, staffing and training, organizational structures, typical organizational structures in the telecommunications industry, introduction to the concept of strategy, industry analysis and competitive dynamics, and strategic cost analysis. Specific case studies in the telecommunications industry will also be addressed.

ENTS 629A Special Topics in Cybersecurity: System Security (3)

This course will consider the entire protocol stack, from link layer to the application layer, from the perspective of a malicious attacker and examine the different possible security attacks at each layer. Then, the available countermeasures and security protocols to prevent such attacks will be discussed. Topics will include VLAN hopping, ARP attacks, spanning tree attacks, malformed IP packets, flooding, IP spoofing, denial of service, malformed TCP/UDP packets, port scanning, botnets, viruses, worms, Trojan Horse, spy ware, rootkit, buffer overflow, password cracking on the attack side, and WLAN security, IPSec, TLS/ SSL, HTTPS, SRTP, SNMP, NAT, firewalls and intrusion detection on the defense side.

ENTS 630: The Economics of International Telecommunications Policy and Regulation (3)

Basic microeconomic principles used by telecommunications firms, including supply and demand, elasticity, costs, productivity, pricing, market structure and competitive implications of alternative market structures. Market failures and government intervention. Public policy processes affecting business operations.

ENTS 631: Competitive Strategies and Public Policies in Telecommunications (3)

Prerequisite ENTS 630. This course looks at competitive strategies for the network economy and the age of information goods. It will also cover how telecommunications policy and regulation impacts competitive strategy in the telecommunications industry, including how policy is made in the United States including the roles of the FCC, the Commerce Department, Congress, etc.; the history of telecommunications law and policy; and the major current policy issues and the arguments surrounding them (for example, product standards, deregulation, anti-trust, trade barriers, network neutrality). It will also provide a global perspective, by looking at other countries, how they regulate their telecommunications industries, with a focus on developing countries, and comparisons with U.S. telecommunications policy.

ENTS 632: Telecommunications Marketing Management (3)

Topics covered include strategic marketing, sales and customer service challenges confronting organizations in the computer, communications and media industries. The course also addresses volatile technology, regulatory and competitive environments as a backdrop to strategic planning and management in the marketing domain.

ENTS 635: Decision Support Methods for Telecommunications Managers (3)

The telecommunications industry has been growing rapidly over the past decade and is increasingly viewed as the engine of the new information economy. Given the increasing complexity of this sector, telecommunications managers need to understand the process of evaluating tradeoffs to make sound and strategic business decisions. The aim of this course is to introduce management science techniques for informed decision making. Topics covered will include data analysis and regression, optimization models and applications ( workforce scheduling, manufacturing, network design, facility location), sensitivity analysis, decision trees, risk analysis, project management, and simulation. Emphasis will be on telecommunications managerial problems, model development and the use of software packages for decision support.

ENTS 640: Networks and Protocols I (3)

The course is an overview of design issues and the important industry standards for digital communications networks. This includes protocols, data communications technologies, error correction and detection, congestion control, traffic routing, Local Area Network (LAN) protocols, TCP/IP, and some security issues.

ENTS 641: Networks and Protocols II (3)

Prerequisite ENTS 640. Techniques for the specification, design, analysis, verification and testing of communication protocols are discussed. The course includes detailed discussions on routing protocols in the Internet. This includes Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP4).

ENTS 649A Special Topics in Networking: Optical Communication Networks (3)

Optical communication has become a classic networking technology. This course will present the state-of-the art in optical communication networks and their applications. It will provide coverage of basic optical technology and networking topics, presented in a format that is easy to understand for practical engineers and networking specialists. The course will start with a broad coverage of different physical aspects of light propagation, basic components and modulation/demodulation methods, and fundamentals of the physical-layer design. It will then proceed with optical networking, starting with a description of technologies for which optical networking is used. The course will also provide an overview of next-generation SONET technologies along with optical transport network, the generic framing procedure, and Ethernet solutions. The IEEE new resilient packet ring (RPR) protocol will be discussed. Besides the theoretical coverage, the students will be engaged in developing their understanding of optical communication networking through hands on projects.

ENTS 649B Special Topics in Networking: Cloud Computing (3)

The course will present the state of the art in cloud computing technologies and applications. The course will explore potential research directions, as well as the technologies that will facilitate the creation of a global marketplace for cloud computing services that support scientific, industrial, business, and consumer applications. Topics will include: telecommunications needs; architectural models for cloud computing; cloud computing platforms and services; security, privacy, and trust management; resource allocation and quality of service; cloud economics and business models; pricing and risk management; interoperability and internetworking; legal issues; and novel applications. Course projects will expose students to different tools and technologies used to build and utilize clouds and the related security, privacy and trust management issues.

ENTS 650: Network Security (3)

Prerequisite ENTS 640. Various approaches to design, specification, and verification of security protocols used in large systems and networks. Topics of network security, security threats and countermeasures, communication security and basic encryption techniques, data confidentiality and integrity, analysis of cryptographic protocols, and access control in large systems and networks.

ENTS 653: AWS/PCS System Implementation (3)

Formerly ENTS 689A. Engineering issues associated with designing and deploying an AWS/PCS cellular wireless communications system in the current world environment will be examined.The course will focus on implementation issues such as the impact of real world concerns on the deployment strategy and the use of good engineering practice to overcome obstacles. Students will create and modify mock deployments using professional tools for cell planning and interference analysis. Students will also be exposed to drive testing tools and concepts for migration to future technologies.

ENTS 654: Optimization and Analysis of GSM Networks (3)

Formerly ENTS 689D. Prerequisite ENTS 653 or ENTS 656. The techniques needed to successfully optimize a functioning GSM network will be examined. Students will conduct extensive drive tests of a working network in the Washington, DC area using state-of-the-art drive test equipment and will analyze the recorded data with post-processing analysis tools. Also, they will learn to recognize problems based on network behaviors and what courses of action are available to correct them. Lab work and data collection will constitute a majority of the class work.

ENTS 656: Introduction to Cellular Communication Networks (3)

Concepts and techniques involved in wireless digital communications with emphasis on cellular and PCS systems. Properties of Mobile radio channels; intersymbol interference, multipath, and fading effects; interleaving and diversity; multiple access schemes (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA); interuser interference, traffic issues, and cell capacity; power control strategies; frequency reuse and channel assignment; handoff, paging, and location update; cell layout; introduction to modern cellular standards.

ENTS 657: Satellite Communication Systems (3)

An examination of satellite telecommunication systems with an emphasis on the mobile satellite systems (MSS). Topics will include a historical perspective, orbital mechanics and constellations, choice of orbital parameters, propagations considerations, link budgets, interference issues and other obstacles, and existing and proposed mobile satellite systems. It will also look at some of the business aspects such as the cost of deploying and maintaining these systems.

ENTS 665: Advanced Wireless Communications Networks (3)

Prerequisites: ENTS 622 or equivalent; ENTS 653 or ENTS 656. Formerly ENTS 689E
This course presents the key concepts and principles used in the design of Third and Fourth Generation of wireless access technologies, i.e. 3G and 4G systems and networks. In addition to generic technology concepts the course also provides students with system level overviews of such key radio access systems from both radio interface and network architecture perspectives as well as deployment, evolution and service planning issues. More specifically PHY and MAC/signaling layer design of 3GPP2 technologies like CDMA 2000 and EV-DO as well as 3GPP standards such as WCDMA and HSPA will be the focus of this course. The course concludes with a technical introduction to OFDMA based 4G systems such as WiMAX and LTE and their deployment plans.

ENTS 670: Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (3)

Formerly ENTS 689J. This is a fundamentals course that provides a broad introduction to various business issues faced by any small business or startup. Course instructors present the key issues involved in outlining a clear value proposition and profitable business model, managing and monitoring finances, developing a winning team, addressing legal considerations, executing on operations including marketing sales, manufacturing and service.

ENTS 672: The Global Economic Environment (3)

Formerly ENTS 689O. This course is intended to provide the future manager, particularly in the telecommunications industry, with the tools necessary to intelligently interpret the national and international economic environment including the impact of economic policies on the economy and the firm. The course develops basic macroeconomic theory to enable managers to critically evaluate economic forecasts and policy recommendations and then applies these concepts in a series of case studies.

ENTS 673: Project Management for Telecommunications (3)

This course will introduce modern project management. The course begins with an overview of the nuts and bolts of project management. From here it expands into Adaptive and Extreme project management. The focus of the course then shifts to the individual skills required to be an effective project manager, such as time management, leadership, and motivation. Once skills of the individual have been addressed, the course looks at social networks and how they could impact project management.

ENTS 689E Special Topics: Advanced Engineering Start Up Ventures (3)

This course covers principles and practices important to engineering startup ventures, and includes the preparation of business plans and tools used to obtain funding. This course is designed for graduate students in engineering; however, since most advances involve multidisciplinary collaboration, and since most technology entrepreneurship principles, practices apply to other engineering and scientific disciplines, the course open to graduate students of all disciplines. The course involves four activities: lectures, discussions, business plan development and student presentations. Early in the semester, students will form into teams, and each team will develop a plan for a technology venture. The plans will be submitted and presentations of the plans will be given at the end of the semester. Also, an important entrepreneurship book or article will be assigned to each group according to the interest of each group. Homework will be assigned at the end of each class.

ENTS 689F Special Topics: Fundamentals of Wireless LANs (3)

This course covers engineering concepts and business-practices related to Wireless LAN technologies. The first half of the course will go into engineering details of Wireless LANs. Starting with the basics of radio technologies used for Wireless LANs to deployment related issues like site-survey and RF-efficient installation of antennas will be covered. Wireless LAN Security will be covered in great detail with an examination of the current practices and standards in use (WEP, RADIUS, Open Authentication, 802.1x).

In the second half of the course, 802.11n will be addressed, and the concepts of MIMO, Radio Chains, Spatial Multiplexing and Transmit Beam Forming will be covered. Towards the end of the course, “In-building Coverage Solutions” will be taught. In-building Repeaters (which are used to cover various indoor venues like Tunnels, Multi-Story buildings and mobile venues like Railway System, Planes) will be studied. Various components of In-building-coverage solutions (Distributed Antenna System (DAS), Donor Cell, Directional Coupler, Splitter, Micro and Macro Cells etc) will be discussed.

ENTS 689G Special Topics: Design and Analysis of Communication Networks (3)

Prerequisite: ENTS 640. This advanced-level graduate course is designed to build on the material covered in ENTS640 and to provide a practical and more in-depth view of the protocols and architectures used in real-world communication networks. The objective of this course is to give the students a reasonable combination of analytical and practical knowledge that is expected from graduate-level network engineers. Due to its practical nature, this course is highly project-oriented and multiple network design problems are visited both in the class and also as homework assignments. OPNET simulation and modeling software is used as the main tool for homeworks and projects. This course covers a combination of theoretical and practical concepts and a tentative list of covered subjects is as follows: Delay calculation in communication networks; QoS techniques in IP networks; Wired/Wireless medium access protocols and LAN technologies; Routers, Switches and other networking devices; Network planning and design; TCP protocol and traffic analysis. The course material and its projects are designed to highlight the main properties of some well-known protocols used in today’s networks. Students will learn the role of fundamental theories in the initial stage of a design cycle and subsequent use of modeling and simulation tools for performance evaluation and tuning of their designs.

ENTS 689I Special Topics: Network Immunity (3)

The course is practically oriented toward the knowledge and skills for secure operation of systems and networks. The course will be composed of three segments. The first segment is an overview of cryptography protocols and security algorithms. The second segment is focused on immunity of individual machines or systems. The third segment covers immunity of networks to attacks and threats.

ENTS 689K Special Topics: Telecommunications Entrepreneurial Practicum (3-6)

ENTS 689L Special Topics: Cellular Network Infrastructure- Cell Site Design and Components (3)

This course will familiarize students with the fundamentals of mobile communication. By teaching various RF basics and technologies like GSM, CDMA and UMTS, the course will go in to the details of Long Term Evaluation (LTE) standard which will be "the" talk of the industry for next few years. Later, the course will provide an understanding of cell-site components. Starting from Base Station (BTS) radios to the antennas mounted on the tower, the course will cover various RF components in-line. Applications, limitations and alternative options for various filters and amplifiers will be covered.

ENTS 689N Special Topics: Network Programming (3)

This course teaches the fundamentals of programming in C and skills (such as data structures and algorithms) that students need for solving typical telecommunication engineering problems by writing a program in C. Control flow statement, arrays, pointers and dynamic memory allocation will be reviewed. Developing data structures such as queues, stacks and linked lists and network applications including sockets, packet sniffing in C will be discussed. In addition to the weekly reading and programming assignments, students are required to complete a final project and make a presentation. Students taking this course do not need to have any previous programming experience. It is a fast‐paced course and the students need to manage their time wisely.

ENTS 689V Special Topics: Voice over Internet Protocol (3)

This course presents the leading edge technologies, and practice pertaining to Next Generation Networks (NGN) Voice over Internet (VoIP), examines standards, methods and implementations for wired/wireless computer systems and communications network systems. Topics include NGN signaling systems, security threats and mechanisms, Quality of Services (QoS), and network management. Various security and QoS mechanisms are explored. QoS includes voice codec, policies, and network performance. The standards include Third Generation Partnership Project / Internet Multimedia Subsystems (3GPP/IMS), ITU-T, IETF, WiMax, WiFi, Satellite, Cable, Fiber, and Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL), National Institute of Science & Technologies (NIST), and National Security Agency (NSA). The course also explores the interoperability and other issues in migrating from legacy telecom systems to NGN VoIP.

ENTS 689W Special Topics: Short-range Wireless Systems (3)

This course will cover the physical layer characteristics and performance of wireless LAN technologies including ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4), prominent 802.11 standards, and Bluetooth. The course focuses on the modeling and implementation of physical layer aspects of these technologies, such as channel characteristics, modulation techniques and packet and frame synchronization, carrier recovery and symbol synchronization, ranges and data rates.

ENTS 689X Special Topics: Information Systems Security Management (3)

Covers the fundamental principles and practices of Information Systems Security Management - managing enterprise security, overall information systems security, and information assurance. The course is designed in parallel to ENTS 650 to cover the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) associated with the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification. The course will cover the five domains of the CBK associated with the CISSP-ISSMP (CISSP - Information Systems Security Management Professional) certification: Security Management Practices; Systems Development Security; Security Compliance Management; Business Continuity Planning (BCP) & Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), and Law, Investigation, Forensics and Ethics. At the conclusion of the course and ENTS 650, the student should have the background to begin preparing to take the CISSP-ISSMP certification exam (or similar certifications).

ENTS 689Y Special Topics: Multimedia Communication over Networks (3)

This course covers the principles of multimedia source coding and compression, and networking technologies and techniques for multimedia applications. Topics include: multimedia traffic generation and characterization; image and video compression; scalable layered video representation; error protection techniques; network protocols for multimedia applications; real-time transport and streaming protocols; standards: JPEG, MPEG-1,2,4, H.261, H.263, H.264.

Students investigate multimedia compression algorithms and networking protocols in Matlab or C.
ENTS 759A Advanced Topics in Wireless Communication: 3G/4G Wireless Networks and Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ENTS 622 and ENTS 653 or 656. This course presents some of the key concepts and technologies used in the design of third generation (3G/3G+/4G) wireless networks and standards. The course is divided into three main areas of study. First, the course begins with an overview of 3G concepts and technologies followed by detailed discussion of their implementation into 3G standards such as cdma2000 and WCDMA. Then the course moves on to providing a technical overview of 3G+ systems such as EV-DO and HSPA, which are the key technologies for high speed mobile internet today. Design concepts and comparisons are emphasized. Finally, after covering 3G systems, the course will also provide an overview of OFDMA based technologies including WiMAX and LTE which are contenders for 4G/IMT-Advance technologies.

ENTS 759B Advanced Topics in Wireless Communication: Wireless OFDM Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ENTS 622 and ENTS 653 or 656. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: ENTS 689Z or ENTS 759B. The main objective of the course is to introduce the most important concepts and technologies used in the design of current wireless OFDM systems, focusing on the physical layer. First, the basic principles of OFDM systems are presented: OFDM modulation/demodulation, role of the cyclic prefix, pilot symbols and preambles, transmit/receive filtering, RF impairments and their impact on performance, channel estimation, timing and synchronization. Then, the 3PP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard is described in details as an example of a state-of-the-art wireless OFDM system, emphasizing its physical-layer aspects. As a part of the course work, the students will explore the design and implementation issues of an OFDM-based transceiver in Matlab.
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11th January 2013, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?


List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry

1.Networks and Protocols
2.Special Topics in Cybersecurity: System Security
3.Competitive Strategies and Public Policies in Telecommunications
4.Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
5.Satellite Communication Systems
6.Optimization and Analysis of GSM Networks
7.AWS/PCS System Implementation
8.Special Topics: Fundamentals of Wireless LANs
9.Network Immunity

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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28th May 2013, 03:51 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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Default Re: List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry?

dear friend.....

List of courses affiliated to Telecom Industry

1.Satellite Communication Systems
2.Special Topics: Fundamentals of Wireless LANs
3.Competitive Strategies and Public Policies in Telecommunications
4.Networks and Protocols
5.Network Immunity
6.Optimization and Analysis of GSM Networks
7.Competitive Strategies and Public Policies in Telecommunications
8.Special Topics: Fundamentals of Wireless LANs
9.Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
10.Network Programming
11.aws/pcs System Implementation
12.Satellite Communication Systems
13.Cellular Network Infrastructure
14.Information Systems Security Management
15.Voice over Internet Protocol
16.Design and Analysis of Communication Networks
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