30th January 2011, 01:47 AM
Past 5 years JIPMER PG(MD/MS) solved question papers?
could you kindly send JIPMER's PG (MD/MS) solved papers of the last 5 years?
thanx |
8th February 2011, 12:15 PM
please send last 5 year jipmer solved pg enterance question paper.....thank you...
8th February 2011, 04:12 PM
hhey frnd.:0
the JIPMER test is c0mpletely based on class 11th and class 12th CBSE syllabus,,, anywayz some of the important questions in JIPMER were: QUESTI0NS: 1)Vocalis Muscle is a part of : a)Thyroarytenoid b)Cricoarytenoid c)Transverse arytenoid d)Posterior cricoarytenoid 2)Sumatriptan is contraindicated in a)Asthma b)DM c)Coronary artery disease d)peripheral vascular disease 3)Non granular fungal disease is a)Cryptococcus b)Blastomycosis c)Candida 4)All following are true of seminiferous tubules except a)Sertoli cells b)Leydig cells c)spermatid d)Spermatogonia 5)Sub-poena is a a)Legal b)medicolegal c)Medical d)first info report 6)Refsum disease is due to defect in enzyme a)Phytanic acid oxidase b) c) d) 7)Skin supplied over the angle of mandible and parotid area is by a)Greater auricular b)posterior auricular c)auriculotemporal d)facial 8)Adductor pollicis is supplied by a)Superficial branch of ulnar nerve b)deep branch of ulnar nerve c)radial nerve d)median nerve 9)Ring Scotoma is seen in a)Retinitis Pigmentosa b) c) d) 10) In a patient, highest visual morbidity is seen in a)Nuclear cataract b)Intumescent cataract c)Posterior subcapsular d) 11)Klumpke paralysis is a)C5,C6 B)C6,C7 C)C8,T1 D)T1,T2 12)For the treatment of a patient with after cataract which laser is used a)LASIC b)YAG c)excimer d)Argon 13)Most malignant breast tumor of the following is a)inflammatory carcinoma b)Mucinous carcinoma c)Colloid carcinoma d)Paget's` disease of breast. 14)Full thickness graft means: a)Only epidermis b)epidermis and superficial dermis c)epidermis + whole dermis d)epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue 15)A 50yr old woman weighing 50kg and having almost complete burns comes to burns ward. According to Parklands formula ,the amt. of fluid for resuscitation in 24hrs. a)5L b)10L c)12L d)14L 16)Investigation of choice for DVT is a)Duplex b)Venogram c)MRI c)radioisotope scan 17)After closed reduction of supracondylar fracture of humerus, flexion greater than 90 degree causes disappearance of radial pulse. The next line of management is a)Conservative b)Exploration for arterial rupture c)Keep elbow at 90 in cast d)Open reduction & internal fixation. 18)Open reduction & fixation does all except a)consolidation b)Stability c)better function d)Better alignment 19) In fracture shaft of femur, which nail is commonly used for ORIF a)Kuntshner nail b)Austin Moore pine c)K. wire d)Smith Peterson nail 20)Soap Bubble appearance is seen a)Giant cell tumor b)osteoclastoma c) d) 21)Snow storm appearance on CXR is seen in a)anthracosis b)asbestosis c)Silicosis d)Bagassosis 22)Housemaid Knee is inflammation of a)prepatellar bursa b)Suprapatellar bursa c)Infrapatellar bursa d)anserine bursa 23) Height increase in adolescent/year is a)8.5 cm b)9.5 c)10.5 d)13.5 24)Patient with genotype XO will have following phenotype except a)Tall stature b)Broad Chest c)Webbed neck d)Lymphedema 25)treatment of carcinoma thyroid using radioactive iodine is a) I131 b) I125 c) I133 26) solitary nodule of thyroid in a male aged 40yr from a non-endemic area would most likely have a)MNG b)papillary ca Thyroid c)follicular ca d) 27)In assessment of gestational age of a neonate the following all seen except a)Breast bud b)Ocular c)Genitalia d)scrotal skin 28)On USG, the appendix is seen, it is most likely due to a)Retrocecal appendix b)Acute appendicitis d)preileal appendix 29)Vesicular lesion is seen in a)Primary syphilis b)secondary syphilis c)tertiary syphilis d)congenital syphilis 30)In villous adenoma of rectum which of the following is seen a) Hypokalemia b)Hyperkalemia c)hypochloremic alkalosis d) 31)The best view on X-ray to view pituitary fossa is a)lateral skull X-ray b)Towne's view c)schuller's view d) 32)Supratendinitis calcification is due to deposition of a)Ca2+ pyrophosphate b) Ca2+ hydroxyapatite c)Ca2+ oxalate d) 33) all the following are beta-blockers except a)Esmolol b)sotalol c) celiprolol d)bambuterol 34)Unpleasant dreams and hallucinations occur after which anesthesia a)Ketamine b)Halothane c)thiopentone d) 35)Longest acting antihistamine is a)Cetrizine b)Astemizole c)terfenadine d)acrivastive 36) The most common carcinoma of sinuses is a) squamous cell carcinoma b) adeno carcinoma c) transitional cell carcinoma d) 38) All are specific to TB except a) Epituberculosis b) Phlycten c) Erythema nodosum d) lupus vulgaris 39) The following macrolides are used for toxoplasmosis except a) Erythromycin b) clarithromycin c) Azithromycin d) spiramycin 40) Following are third generation cephalosporins except a) cefuroxime b) ceftriaxone c) ceftazidime d) cefotaxime 41) The mechanism of action of cephalosporin is a) interferes with cell wall synthesis b) inhibition of DNA gyrase c) d) 42) Evidence of ovulation has occurred is all except a) 10 mm graffian follicles on USG** b) progesterone > 5ng/ml c) corpus luteum d) Biphasic increase in temperature 43) Objective evidence of hearing loss is all except a) pure tone audiometry b) BAER c) otoacoustic emission d) 44) Vestibular anus is a) imperforate anus b) high anorectal c) low anorectal d) mid anorectal 45) Brawny swelling below the angle of mandible likely diagnosis is a) Vincent's angina b) Ludwig's angina c) ranula d) hydrocele of neck 46) Apraxia is a) normal sensory system, normal motor system, abnormal cerebellar system b) normal sensory system, abnormal motor system, normal cerebellar system c) abnormal sensory system, normal motor system, normal cerebellar system d) normal sensory system, normal motor system, normal cerebellar system 47) Alexythymia is a) inability to express ones own emotion b) c) d) 48) Akathesia is a) b) a state motor or verbal restlessness c) cogwheel rigidity d) 49)infantile autism is seen in a) dysthymic personality b) personality disorder b) paranoid personality d) behavioral disorder 50) In pulmonary embolism, the receptor involving causing reflex hyperventilation is a) J-receptor b) slow adapting receptor c) fast adapting receptor d) Irritant receptors 51) Cazt** channel defect is seen in a) hypokalemic periodic paralysis b) hyperkalemic periodic paralysis c) paramyotonia congenita d) 52) Which is not an aldolase a) glucose b) Mannose c) fructose d) starch 53) Excitatory neurotransmitter in brain is a) GABA b) Glycine c) glutamate d) Aspartate 54) Enlarged adenoid causes the following complications except a) CSOM b) maxillary sinusitis c) d) 55) In an elderly hypertension patient with arteriosclerosis renin level in blood will be a) high b) low c) normal d) not related to HT 56) A patient comes with recurrent abdominal pain, and urinary examination reveals Ehrlich aldehyde test (+) for urobilonogens. The diagnosis is a) porphyria b) renal calculi c) cholelithiasis d) 57) In urticaria pigmentosa, the cell most commonly seen in skin on microscopy is a) Mast cell b) Langerhan's cell c) Langhan's cell d) 58)lagopathalmos is seen in a) leprosy b) syphilis c) peripheral neuritis d) HZV infection 59) Topical steroids is used in a) Interstitial keratitis b) bacterial keratitis c) pendrotic d) herpetic 60) An elderly male with dry skin and fissuring scaly skin is likely to have a) nummular eczema b) venous eczema c) asteatotic eczema d) 61) In myasthenia gravis, true is a) antibody is present against nicotinic receptor b) decreased Acetylcholine release c) decreased no of receptors d) end organ resistance 62) Insulin sensitivity increases on following treat except a) metformin b) acarbose c) exercise d) fasting 63) All the following are anticonvulsants except a) lamotrigine b) methyl phenytoline c) vigabatrin d) topiramate 64) Side effect of valvular heart disease is seen with a) fenfluramine b) methylphenidate c) amphetamine d) 65) Side effect of acute pancreatitis is due to following anti HIV drugs a) lamivudine b) zidovudine c) didanosine d) 66) "milk spots" on the omentum consists of a) macrophage b) neutrophils c) lymphocyte d) 67) longest acting muscle relaxant is a) pancuronium b) mivacurium c) vecuronium d) 68)Genital prolapse in a female can be due to all except a) Ascites b)complete perineal tear c) chronic cough d) 69) Tubal patency test is done by which test? a) sion test b) frei's test c) bonney's test d) three swab test 70) cells are most susceptible to radiation in which phase a) M phase b) G2 phase c) G1 phase d) S phase Ans. Ref: 71) end product of ?- hydroxylation is a) Acetyl CoA + propionyl CoA b) Acetyl CoA + succinyl CoA c) Acetyl CoA + d) Acetyl CoA + malonyl CoA 72) Morrison pouch is a) subphrenic space b) posterior to lateral lobe of liver c) lesser sac 73) hemoptysis in mitral stenosis is due to a) Pulmonary arterial hypertension b) Pulmonary arterial hypertension + left atrial hypertension c) Left ventricular pressure d) 74) In massive pericardial effusion all are seen except a) on fluoroscopy less prominent vascular marking b) CT ratio >0.5 c) CP angles acute d) Plethoric pulmonary fields 75) single plate coated with ammonium***** is present in all except a) X-ray b) MMR c) CT scan d) USG film 76)Best view on x-ray to view bilateral auditory oscines /Eustachian tubes? is a) occipito frontal b) fronto occipital c) submento vertical d) 77) best view for pituitary fossa on x-ray is a) lateral skull x-ray b) c) sella view d) 78) Gram negative antigen is injected in a rabbit after 2 weeks****question not complete**** a) schwartzmann reaction- ans b) Schultz-dale phenomenon c) P-K-reaction d) 79) The most common cause of spasm of psoas in childhood is a) trauma b) tuberculosis psoas c) acute appendicitis d) pyogenic psoas abscess 80) which leucotriene is the adhesion factor for the neutrophil on the cell surface to attach endothelium a) B4 b) C4 c)D4 d) E4 81) In the following conditions, bone matrix is reduced except a) osteoporosis b) osteomalacia c) hyperparathyroidism d) osteopetrosis 82) which one is FAD dependent reaction a) succinyl CoA fumarate b) c) d) 83) which of the following is formed by the intestinal mucosal cells on absorption of dietary lipids a) chylomicrons b) VLDL c) HDL d) LDL 84) high risk factor for coronary artery diseases are all except a) low homocysteine level b) cholesterol > 250 mg c) d) 85) In osteomalacia, all the following seen except a) looser zones b) high alkaline phosphate levels c) d) 86) In a patient with solitary nodule of thyroid, investigation of choice is a) FNAC b) USG c) CT d) Radioisotope scan 87) how many double bonds are present in arachidonic acid? a) One b) two c) Three d) Four 88) In elective tracheostomy, incision is taken on a) cricothyroid membrane b) C1 & C2 c) c2 & c4 d) 89) Autoinduction of biotransformation and action as a hormone is seen in a) carbamazepine b) cimetidine c) corticosteroid. 90) G-6-P-D inheritance is a) X-linked - recessive b) autosomal dominant c) autosomal recessive d) x linked dominant 91) oral hairy leucoplakia & whitish plaque on the tongue and palate seen gives clue to most likely diagnosis of a) HIV infection b) HTLV - 1 c) infectious mononucleosis d) 92) most common organism causing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a) staphylococcus b) c) salmonella d) streptococcus 93) symblepharon is caused by a) diphtheria b) gonococci c) chlamydia d) opthalmia neonatorum 94) jargon aphasia is seen in a) wenicke's b) broca's aphasia c) conduction aphasia 95) In koraskoff psychosis seen is a) global deterioration intelligence b) impaired recall & new ability to learn c) d) 96) multiple calcification in the brain or cystic calcification in the brain or comma shaped calcification seen in a) CMV b) neurocysticercosis c) tuberous sclerosis d) toxoplasmosis 97)On CT scan, all are seen as hypodense area except a) cerebral hemorrhage b) glioblastoma c) cerebral edema d) cerebral infarct 98) hypertensive bleed mostly occurs in a)putamen b) pons c) cortex d) thalamus 99) back-wash ileitis is seen in a) crohn's diseases b) ulcerative colitis c) d) 100) leukemoid reaction type 2 in leprosy is due to a) type I hypersensitivity b) Type II hypersensitivity c)type III hypersensitivity d) type IV hypersensitivity 101) systematic desensitization as form of therapy is done in a) phobia b) obsessive compulsive disorder c) d) 102) morbid jealousy is seen in a) alcoholism b) persons who are isolated from society c) d) 103) respiratory alkalosis is seen in a) duodenal obstruction b) early salicylism c) diarrhea d) 104) dopamine is highest in a)striatum b) cerebellum c) caudate d) 105) IL-1 & TNF ? causes a) increasing capillary permeability c) acute phase reactants b) chemotaxis d) activate endothelium 106) thimble pitting nails are seen in a) psoriasis b) tinea versicolor c)lichen planus d)tuberculosis 107) Ridley-Jopling classification includes all except a) lepromatous leprosy b) borderline borderline c) tuberculoid d) neuritic 108) which of the following is type IV hyper sensitivity a) b) c) d) contact dermatitis 109) Pressure necrosis which causes venous flow to stop during endotracheal intubation occurs at a) 20 - 30 mm Hg b) 15 - 20 mm Hg c) 30-40 mm Hg d) 16 -15 mm Hg 110) diagnosis of mucopolysacharridoses can be done by examination of a) cornea b) skin c) bone d) face 111) cadaveric position of vocal cords occurs in a) recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy b) recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy + superior laryngeal nerve palsy c) d) 112) most common site of pelvic abscess is in a) ishiorectal fossa b) perianal c) d) 113) most important sensory organ in the ampulla is a) organ of corti b) macula c)otolithi d) crista 114) carotid body baroreceptor is most sensitive to a)mean blood pressure b) diastolic blood pressure c) systolic blood pressure d) Pulse pressure 115) the following are derived from endoderm except a) liver b) kidney c) pancreas d)urinary bladder 116)human placenta is a) hemochorial b) endothen - esdothelima c) chorio - endothelial d) 117)In malaria acquired by transfusion, the infective form is a) sporozoites b) shistozoites c) gametocytes d) merozoites 118) inhibition of prolactin is caused by a) dopamine b) dobutamine c) d) 119) In after coming, head best forceps used for delivery is a) piper's forceps b) kielland's forceps c) wrigley' forceps d) 120) longest diameter of the skull is a) suboccipital bregmatic b) occipital frontal c) bitemporal d) biparietal 121)bishop score is used to evaluate a) cervix status b) uterine contraction c) fetal well being d) 122) the management of eclampsia includes all except a) control of convulsion b) prolongation of pregnancy c) control of BP d) delivery of fetus 123) The most common cause of vesicovaginal fistula in developing countries is a) pressure necrosis of urethra during obstructed labor b) forceps delivery c) d) 124) shoulder dystocia occurs in delivery of fetus with a) anencephaly b) hydrocephalus c) fetal ascites d) 125) benign prost hyperplasia occur in the a) periurethral transitional zone b) cortex c) posterior lobe d) 126) tetany is seen in all except a) hypoparathyroidism b) full strength milk given in neonate c) d) 127) benign intracranial hypertension is seen in all except a) hypertvitaminosis A b) steroid therapy c) OCP d) 128) the most common breech presentation in a nulliparous woman is a) frank breech b) complete breech c) footling d) 129) In supra condylar fracture, the x-ray view of which helps in the next line of management a) baumman's angle b) cobb's angle c) cowen's angle d) 130) calculate the pearl index if 6 pregnancy occurs in 1200 females practicing contraception for 1 year a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) 24 131) In minilap procedure, the most common method successfully used is a) uchida b) pomeroy's c)irving's d) 132) deep transverse arrest occurs in a) android b) anthropoid c) gynecoid d) flat pelvis 133) false positive rinne's test occur in a) unilateral conductive deafness b) unilateral sensory neural deafness c) bilateral conductive deafness d) bilateral sensory neural deafness 134) A nulliparous female aged 30 years develops IInd degree UV prolapse. The operative procedure done is a) cervicopexy b)LeForte c)Manchester 135) following are true of hemorrhoids except a) they are arteriolar dilatations b) they are common causes of painless bleeding c) they cannot be per rectally palpated 136) waves on EEG during NREM period of sleep is a) alpha b) beta c) delta d) theta 137) following is true of hormone leptin except a) it is found in increased levels in obese b) it's site of action is hypothalmus c) it is produced by adipose all d) it increases appetite. 138) function of brown fat is a) glycogenosis b) gluconeogenesis c) d) thermogenesis 139) The most common cause for stridor in the early day of life is a) laryngomalacia b)esophago- tracheal fistula c) laryngeal stenosis d) 140) commonest sources of lead to cause increased blood level is from a) air b) lead paints c) water d) 141) The incisura of arterial pulse corresponds with a)S1 b) S2 c) opening snap 4) S3 142) the one organism which is responsible for coronary artery disease a) chlamydia b) klebsiella c) E coli d) mycoplasma 143) to build a genome library using digested chromosome into fragments, the enzyme used is a) DNA polymerase b) RNA restriction endonuclease d) 144) all the following are suggestive of urethral injury except a) blood at meatus b) haematoma of scrotum c) high prostate on PR d) blood in rectum 145) to assess the refraction state of eye, the investigation done is a) USG - Bscan b) retinoscopy c) binoculoscopy d) opthalmoscopy 146) which of the following has the worst prognosis a) rolandic epilepsy b) versive epilepsy c) absence epilepsy d) Ans. Ref: 147) which of the following has worst prognoses in carcinoma lung a) squamous cell carcinoma b) large cell carcinoma c) small cell carcinoma d)adenocarcinoma 148) Herbert's pit is seen in a) vernal conjunctivitis b) atopic conjunctivitis c) gonococcal conjunctivitis d)chlamydial conjunctivitis 149) the amount of rads required for treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma is a) 3000 - 4000 rads b) 4000- 5000 rads c) 5000 - 6000 d) 6000 - 7000 150) prolonged ST segment with T wave seen in a) hypokalemia b) hyperkalemia c) hypomagnesemia d) hypocalcemia 151) In a meconium aspirated baby following are investigations. pO2=50, pCO2=60 & blood pH=7.1. the next line of management of giving I V infusion to correct this condition is a) NAHCO3 solution b) ringer lactate c) CPAP d) endotracheal intubation & IPPV 152) which of the following hormones increase during sleep a) insulin b) ACTH c) GH d) melatonin 153) bromocriptine is used to suppress prolactin a) acts as agonist to dopamine receptors b) c) d) 154) in chronic folliculitis the treatment of choice is a) b) c) cloxacillin d) vancomycin Ans. Ref: 155) on X-ray calcification of breast is seen. Likely cause is a) chronic breast abscess b) tuberculosis of breast c) periductal carcinoma d) 156) epidermolysis bullosa is due to a) autoimmune disease b) atopic disease c) infective agent d) genetic fragility of skin 157) A child suffering from marasmus was given high protein diet. The metabolic change likely is a) hyperargininemia b) hyperammonemia c) hyperlysinemia d) hypernatremia. 158) the ORS fluid used for a marasmic child lacks in (racemol) a) amino acids b) sodium c) copper d) magnesium 159) which of the following cell has both T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte function a) plasma cell b) T- lymphoblast cell c)B-lymphoblast cell d) NK cell 160) salmonella osteomyelitis occurs in a) sickle cell d b) beta thalassemia c) sideroblastic anemia d) 161) following are louse borne disease a) endemic typhus b) KFD c) lyme's disease d) 162) the treatment of choice in angiofibroma is a 12 year old boy is a) radio treatment b) chemo treatment c) embolisation of inferior palatine artery d) surgery 163) A young women, 30 yrs old complains of pain in the left knee joint which increases after exercise since 4 months. An x-ray shows eccentric bone cyst. The likely diagnosis is a) aneurysmal bone cyst b) unicameral bone cyst c) d) 164) The term family size in demographic parlance means a) the total number of children a women has borne at a point of time b) the total number of children of couples c) the total number of children by women borne in a female between 15- 45 yrs Ans. Ref: 165) the approximate magnitude of completed family size from demographic point view is given by a) TFR b) GFR c)NRR 166) the following should be done for prophylaxis of rabies in a 1 year old child except a) wash the wound with soap & water b) give HDCV in the buttock c) HDCV should not be given to HIV pt d) 167) all the following are examples of health promotion except a) stop smoking b) regular exercise c) chemoprophylaxis 168) one of the following helps deliver baby in a community a) health assistant female b) anganwadi worker c) health supervisor d) village health guide 169) Least recurrence of peptic ulcer most commonly occurs in a) selective vagotomy b) TV + GJ c) Pure gastroenterostomy d) TV+ antrectomy 170) CABG has successful outcome and prognosis if done in a) double vessel obstruction b) left coronary artery obstruction without left ventricular dysfunction c) single vessel obstruction 171) anteversion of uterus is due to following ligament a) uterosacral ligament b) mackenrod's ligament c) d) 172) osteochondroma is a disease of a)metaphysis b) diaphysis c) epiphysis d) periosteum 173) the characteristic symptom of dysmenorrhea , menorrhagia, recurrent abdominal pain and infertility is suggestive of a) endometriosis b) ectopic c) endometritis d) 174) testicular seminoma, secretes a) ? -FP b) CEA c) B-HCG d) 175) the concentration of HbA1c in blood is a) 4-6% b) 6-8% c) 8-9% d) 176) which of the following is contraindicated in early pregnancy a) heparin b) phenytoin c) chlor**** d) penicillin 177) action potential is transmitted to myofibrils via a) terminal cisterns b) T- Tubules c) longitudinal d) sarcomere 178) humidification of O2 is required in a) nasopharyngeal intubation b) nasal prong c) nasal catheter d) face mask 179) meconium plug syndrome occurs in a) meconium ileus b) hirschsprung's disease c) ileo-colic pouch d) 180) the cause of endemic ascites is a) BOAA b) Sanguinarine c) Pyrozzilodine alkaloids d) 181) earliest sign of vitamin A deficiency is a) conjunctival xerosis b) corneal xerosis c) bitot's spot d)nightblindness 182) Pinta is caused by a) T pertenue b) T pallidum c) T carateum d) Borrelia burgdorferi. 183) all the following cause priapism except a) trauma b) Beta thalassemia c) sickle cell disease d) leriche syndrome 184) iridectomy is done in which type of glaucoma is a) c) angle closure b) d) open glaucoma 185) yellow fever is not present in India because of all except a) the virus is absent b) the vector mosquito culex vishnui c) atmospheric condition is suitable 186) phage typing is useful in classification of all except a) staphylococcus b) streptococcus c) cholera d) salmonella 187)in a patient with strikingly abnormal behavior , the most likely diagnosis is a) paranoid schizophrenia b) catatonic schizophrenia c) hebephrenic schizophrenia d) 188)the revised national TB program uses one of the following for diagnosis of TB a) sputum AFB b) CXR c) clinical examination d) PCR 189) following are true of rubella except a) IP: 14-21days b) rosy red spots on palate c) encephalitis 190) Acrodynia occurs in a) mercury poisoning b) arsenic poisoning c) lead poisoning d) 191) hydrotherapy is done in a) impotence b) infertility c) febrile convulsion d) 192) hemodialysis is useful in all except a) salicylate poisoning b) methyl alcohol poisoning c) digitalis d) barbiturate 193) proliferation of mesangial cell & perimesangial on microscopy is seen in a) lg A nephropathy b) lipoid nephrosis c) membranoproliferative disease d) membranous glomerulonephritis 194) point prevalence of a chronic disease is studied best by a) case control study b) cross sectional study c) historical cohort d) cohort 195) reversible cataract is seen in which of following a) galactosemia b) hypoparathyroidism c) diabetes mellitus d) 196) De quervain's thyroiditis is due to all except a) it is due to virus b) antibodies against follicular cells c) it is self limited granulomatous thyroiditis 197)partial prothromboplastin time is prolonged in all except a) protein C deficiency b) protein S deficiency c) antithrombin III deficiency d) factor V deficiency 198) which of the following has least t1/2 a) norepinephrine b) adrenaline c) renin d) 199) the treatment of primary ovarian failure is a) FSH b) GnRH c)LH d)estrogen progesterone 200)LDL cholesterol in blood recommended to prevent coronary artery disease is a)130mg/dl b)160mg/dl c)100mg/dl d)180mg/dl ThanK YOu. hope it helped///.. ![]() REgArdS: MaNya SetHI ^_^ |
23rd March 2011, 10:46 AM
According to me - Past 5 years JIPMER PG(MD/MS) solved question papers the JIPMER test is c0mpletely based on class 11th and class 12th CBSE syllabus. Thanks. All the best. |
27th December 2011, 01:37 AM
kindly send me 5 years solved papers of jipmer md/ms on my email address :[email protected]
2nd January 2012, 11:13 PM
Can u plz mail me too last five yrs jipmer pg [email protected]
4th January 2012, 02:25 PM
DEAR sir/madam
iam giving this jipmer pg md/ms exam. kindly send me the past 5yrs jipmer papers to [email protected] |
18th January 2012, 10:38 PM
Can you please mail me past 5 years JIPMER MD/MS question papers with answers ? my email id is [email protected]
Thank you ! |
27th January 2012, 09:19 PM
![]() |
28th January 2012, 11:16 AM
kindly send me the JIPMER PG(MD/MS)2003-2009 solved question papers to [email protected] |
6th February 2012, 09:31 PM
Can you please mail me past 5 years JIPMER MD/MS question papers with answers ? my email id is [email protected]
Thank you !!! |
6th February 2012, 09:33 PM
pls send me past year JIPMER MD/MS papers on [email protected]. thanx
6th February 2012, 09:53 PM
kindly send previous question papers of jipmerpg entrance to [email protected] am giving exam on this 12th
8th February 2012, 10:12 PM
could you kindly send JIPMER's PG (MD/MS) solved papers of the last 5 years?
thanx [email protected] |
12th February 2012, 06:46 PM
could you kindly send paprolla pg (md/ms) solved papers of th elast 5 years?
thanks [email protected] |
19th April 2012, 01:01 PM
hi sir.. can please provide the jipmer last five year solved questions to [email protected]
thanks sir.. |
20th April 2012, 02:07 PM
i am intrested in doing ms(og) in jipmer. i am planning for2013, kindly give ur suggestions what books to read.my id [email protected] |
23rd April 2012, 08:37 PM
sir pls send me d past 5yrs questn paper to my id [email protected] Also direct me necessary books to read for the entrance exam ....kindly do needful sir...........
24th April 2012, 08:09 PM
sir please provide JIPMER PG ENTRANCE questions to [email protected]
24th August 2012, 06:23 PM
hello sir/madam kindly send past 5 year jipmer pg ques to my id [email protected] n plz guide me d books to prepare 4 jipmer pg thx
6th October 2012, 07:35 PM
plz send me 5 yrs recent papers with answers plzzzz [email protected]
30th November 2012, 06:53 PM
please send jipmer past five year pg md/ms papers with answers plz [email protected]
1st December 2012, 07:59 PM
hey, kindly send d last 5yrs pg md/ms papers to [email protected] u
25th December 2012, 12:28 PM
sir...kindly send jipmer 2004 to 2008 pg entrance questions to [email protected] sir
26th December 2012, 03:45 PM
sir pls send last 4 yrs MD/MS jipmer entrance papers to me @ [email protected]
6th January 2013, 12:47 PM
pls send me lst 5yrs jipmer solvd pg q&a on my i.d [email protected]
7th June 2014, 09:29 AM
Plz send. Me the last 5 yes jipmer mdms [email protected]....
Regards |
17th October 2014, 12:25 AM
sir,pls send me last 5 yrs solved qns of jipmer..mail id [email protected]
28th May 2015, 07:31 PM
sir plz send me jipmer mdms past 5 yr question with ans at [email protected]
6th November 2015, 04:00 PM
Could you please send me past 5 years SOLVED question paper of JIPMER MD MS EXAM
Mail Id- [email protected] |
19th November 2015, 11:57 PM
Kindly send me past 5 years solved question papers of JIPMER PG Entrance exam.
Email I.D. - [email protected] |
26th March 2016, 01:30 PM
kindly me too past 5yrs solved question papaers of jipmer pg
email id. [email protected] |
16th April 2016, 11:00 PM
kindly send me the past 5 years solved question papers of jipmer md/ms exam
email id - [email protected] |
19th November 2016, 09:59 PM
Sir...Kindly send me the last 5 years JIPMER PG question papers with answers at [email protected]
...Thanku... |
15th August 2017, 01:37 AM
Kindly send me jipmer PG solved papers of previous 5 years [email protected]
18th September 2017, 06:39 PM