10th December 2011, 04:56 PM
Previous year Question Papers of GATE Exam?
i need previous gate exam papers for preparations for gate 2012
11th December 2011, 01:53 AM
GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. This Exam is being conducted by Indian Institute of Science and 7 IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) jointly.
-Candidates will be given admissison to M.Tech course in various colleges and IIMs through this exam. -One should have completed Graduation in Engineering in order to take up this exam. -Candidates who are in the final year of Graduation in Engineering are also eligible to appear for this exam. GATE score card is valid for a period of 2 years. In order to crack GATE Exam, having practice of various previous year question papers is necessary. You did not mention the particular specialization for which you require the preveious year question papers of GATE Exam. And so, here I am providing previous year question papers of GATE Exam of various specializations. Go through them and make maximum advantgae out of them. For updated information on GATE Exam, you can visit the official website for GATE Exam. Here it is, http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate/ |
11th December 2011, 02:49 AM
![]() Quote:
Past Papers of GATE GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is conducted every year for admissions to the M.Tech courses in various top level institutes like IITs,NITs,BITS,IISc,etc.. Many PSUs are now recruiting candidates based on their GATE score hence it has become all the more important.. Since you haven't mentioned your stream hence i have attached a few past papers of various streams along with this reply.. In case you want to access study material for your stream then just Click Here all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards Nitz |
11th December 2011, 03:08 AM
dear friend,
![]() The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight zones such that One Indian Institute of Science(IISc),Bangalore and the Seven IITs(Bombay,Kharagpur,Kanpur,Guahati,Roorkee,Madra s,Delhi) The most important news in GATE-2012 is that Pre-final year student ca not appear in GATE 2012 exam. According to the Eligibility of the GATE: 1:You should have a Bachelor's degree holder in Engineering or Technology or Architecture or Pharmacy of 4 years after 10+2. 2:You can also apply if you are in the final year examination of the Bachelor Degree. or 3:You have to be a Master degree holders in any branch of Science like Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Applications etc.... 4:You can also apply if you are in the final year examination of the Master Degree. In this year 2012,the GATE 2012 is organized by Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi 1. Last date for Submission of Online Application (website closure at 23:00 Hrs): 21 October 2011 (Friday). 2. Last date for the receipt of printed version of ONLINE Application at the respective zonal GATE Office: 28 October 2011 (Friday) Date of Online Examination: 29-01-2012 (Sunday) Date of Offline Examination: 12-02-2012 (Sunday) Some Important Tips: 1:According to me,maintain a time table to allow yourself to devote minimum 6-8hrs per day for the GATE. 2:Then try to collect the base or main material of any subject. 3:.Study the Syllabus 4:Try to solve the Previous questions papers 5:Try to Solve more and more problems, 6:Try to discover more and more new own tricks by which you can easily solve any problem in a less time . 7:You can go for self tests. for any tips click on :[COLOR="Navy"]http://www.onestopgate.com/gate-prep...ps-n-trics.asp[/COLOR side by side you can try on-line mock test:- 1.>http://www.gateforum.com/ 2.>http://www.tcyonline.com/ 3.>http://www.wiziq.com/ for more visit:http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate/gate2012/ See the attachment for the Study Material For GATE. best of luck. |
11th December 2011, 08:22 AM
Hi Dear
Here you did not mention which branch question is required But here i give you some information regarding GATE exam. For this exam candidate pass degree graduation in any branch related branch have individual test. This rank card is valid up to 2 years after 2 years you give this exam . For get any information see website:- www.iitk.ac.in/gate I add some question related to GATE exam;- |
11th December 2011, 08:49 AM
![]() hi dear ......... Previous year paper you can get from Sample paper books which are available for preparation of gate. the books are as follows....... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() prepare this books seriously work hard You can crack GATE exam at once. good luck................. |
11th December 2011, 01:24 PM
In order to get admission in the good Mtech colleges you have to appear for the entrance exam.GATE exam is conducted by the IIT's every year once to select students for different Mtech courses according to their choice .GATE examination is done for admission in the IIT's and other good colleges .
Eligibility for GATE:: The interested students should have done their 4 year engineering degree from a recognized college.There is no minimum CGPA required for the exam. Those who have done MSC in computer application or any sceince subjects can also appear for the GATE exam. Students who are in third year of their engineering are not eligible to apply for the GATE exam but previously they were allowed to take the exam but now they are not allowed . I have attached the previous year papers of the GATE exam i hope it will help you to prepare for the exam. |