25th July 2011, 10:22 PM
Procedure to be followed to join Indian Army after 12th science(PCB)?
hello sir my name is vishwanath gagrai and i am student of class 11th science and have opted for physics chemistry and bio and want to join indian army as an officer to serve the nation so can u please tell me the procedures as i am very much eager to join indian army as an officer and serve my country..
thanks in advance... |
26th July 2011, 10:30 AM
yes you can apply for Indian army after 12th class ..
you can apply for National Defence Academy Educational Qualification Class 12 or 10+2 equivalent How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov. Age at the time of joining must be 161/2-19 years Commencement of Course each year start from January and July... Mode of selection
26th July 2011, 10:42 AM
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yes ,you are eligible for indian army. the eligibility criteria is given below. 1)the eligibility criteria says that you need to be between 16.5 - 19 years. 2.) The minimum educational qualification required for the Indian Army is 10+2 pass candidates with physics , chemistry , maths with a minimum of 55-60 % marks. For more details:- http://www.upsc.gov.in/. Thanks. |
26th July 2011, 12:25 PM
you are PCB student you cant apply for NDA exam.
To apply for NDA exam you have required Maths in 12th.without maths you can't join NDA entrance exam. For other option of Indian army you have to do graduation.after graduation there are various option by which you can join indian army. You are PCB student so medical line is best for you.you have to apply for medical entrance exam.in Medical line best option are available for you. you have to try for them. If you really want to join Indian army then you have to do graduation .after graduation various apportunity are to join Indian Army. |
26th July 2011, 01:16 PM
As you have said that you have PCB combination in class 12th which means that
you can only join ARMY through NDA exam which is conducted by UPSC twice a year to select students to various fields .But you are not eligible to join the NAVY and AIR FORCE. Eligibility for NDA:: You must have passed class 12th exam. You must be between 16.5 to 19 years of age. The NDA exam is a written exam followed by SSB and if you clear SSB then a medical exam. For more information::http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
26th July 2011, 02:28 PM
hello dear
Procedure to be followed to join Indian Army after 12th science(PCB) 1.firstly you have to appear in the UPSC-NDA written exam. if you can clear the written test. then you will be call for other test which is SSB test. the following criteria which are required to join in the Indian Army after 12th science is 1.12th with science with PCM combination. 2.minimum 60% marks in class 12th exam. 3.age limit 16.5-19 years. 4.minimum height 165 cm. all the best.............. |
27th July 2011, 12:53 AM
thankxx for your rply mam and i have one more ques as you have written two mode of selection one is nda exam and other is ssb exam so will i be giving both exams to join or any one of them.and if i qualify than which rank would i get in indian army.thankxx again in advance..
30th July 2011, 09:49 PM
plzz rply to this question very seriously i have physics chemistry and bio and i want to join indian army as an officer so can i give nda entrance exam as i have mostly heard from people that we require pcm but i have pcb but someone told me that we can give entrance for nda even with pcb.pcm is needed for air force and navy and i want to go to indian army so please help me out as i am confused very much...
31st July 2011, 02:09 PM
yes you can apply for Indian army after 12th class .you can apply for National
Defence Academy.The NDA exam is a written exam followed by SSB and if you clear SSB then a medical exam. Eligibility for NDA:: You must be between 16.5 to 19 years of age. You must have passed class 12th exam. For more information::http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
31st July 2011, 11:51 PM
thankxx for ur answer means its not so important to have maths for indian army but its important for indian air force and indian navy am i right sir..thankxx for your answer and one more question in ima(indian milatary academy)i am given a pay of rs 21000 during training but i also want to know that during nda training do i get any salary as i m given in ima plzz rply me..
15th August 2011, 05:42 PM
I am a pcb grp student .i want to know during entrance exam of army which class math will come plz convey me soon.at ayush [email protected]
20th August 2011, 08:36 PM
as you are medical student so you can not apply for this exam,however the eligibily criteria for this one are listed below-
the eligibility criteria says that you need to be between 16.5 - 19 years. The minimum educational qualification required for the Indian Army is 10+2 pass candidates with physics , chemistry , maths with a minimum of 55-60 % marks. For more details:- http://www.upsc.gov.in/. the examination comprises two sections: 1. Mathematics 120 questions of 300 marks. Time 2.50 hrs. 2. General Ability Test 150 question of 600 marks. Time 2.50 hrs This section will comprise of questions from English(50 Questions, 200 marks), and General Knowledge(100 Questions 600 marks). The General Knowledge part contain questions from a. Physics b. Chemistry c. General Science d. History (Indian Freedom movement, civilization etc.) e. Geography f. Current Events All the questions will be completely objective type. thank you |
8th September 2011, 09:07 PM
You have to go through an exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC). The exam consists of two stages-
1. Written Test 2. Personal Interview If you are able to crack both these stages then a physical fitness test will be conducted. To appear for the exam your age must be within 16.5-19 years. You must be a citizen of India. The exams are conducted twice in each year. |
12th September 2011, 06:12 PM
sir I am Prasenjit Barmana & passed BCA, want to join indian army as an officer will u please tell me the procedures to join indian army as an officer and serve my country.
Thanking You. |
21st September 2011, 06:36 PM
23rd September 2011, 01:43 AM
As you are a student of science with PCB ,you can join Indian army through NDA exam .NDA stands for National defense academy.Through this exam you can join different academies of defense like -
1.Naval Academy 2.Military Academy . 3.Air Force Academy . If your age is in between 16.5 to 19 years and you are physically and mentally fit ,then you are applicable for the exam . To get more details about the exam visit - http://www.upsc.gov.in Thank you |
27th September 2011, 10:19 PM
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28th September 2011, 12:09 AM
Hi dear,
yes you can apply for Indian army after 12th class .. you can apply for National Defence Academy Educational Qualification Class 12 or 10+2 equivalent How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov. Age at the time of joining must be 161/2-19 years Commencement of Course each year start from January and July... Mode of selection NDA exam by UPSC and SSB interview Thanks |
3rd December 2011, 11:37 AM
Hello sir ,
im in 12 pcm and i'm going attend my boards in 2012 but my date of birth is 5th dec 1992 so plz suggest me the way to join indian army , air force or navy before doing graduation . . . Cn i apply for TES . . . Plz answer me . . . |
27th December 2011, 07:00 PM
hallo sir, i am k.vignesh[pcm,b] student i want to write nda exam in april but just finish 12-eaxm in2012 so results will not published if not selected for nda written exam or failed in nda exam what can i do any other army course or without waiting join in engneering collage .How will be written exam and medical exam in nda. I am waiting for your suggestion.please request sir. ThanK YOU.
28th December 2011, 06:07 PM
sir my name is prem ranjan jha i am student for bsc(it) third semistor from punjab technical university. Now my date of birth is 06/01/1993 i want to join indian army please give me ways to join army.
13th February 2012, 05:18 PM
sir,i am doing b.tech in biotech stream and i am a student of biology background.Sir,i want to know that how i can join indian army after graduation and for it's application form i have to check which site???????????and sir,how i came to know abut the jobs recruitement.Sir, i am in a hostel so i can use net only so sir,plz give me the site from which i can know abut the current forms to join indian army.
15th February 2012, 08:02 PM
Dear friend,
-To join Indian Army, You will have to appear in Indian Army entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission {U.P.S.C.} -You can also apply for N.D.A. and C.D.S.(Common Defense Services). There generally two examination are held for N.D.A., one is N.D.A.-1 and another is N.D.A.-2.You can also attempt both this two exam. NOTE:- NDA is for Unmarried Male candidates only. Girls ar not allowed. Requirements to Eligible for Indian Army Exam is as follows: -> You should have passed 12th standard from State board or recognized school. -> For Indian Navy, Air Force- You must have passed 12th with Maths & Physics Subjects. -> There is no percentage limit mentioned for this exam. -> If you are appearing in 12th then you can also apply. -> Your age must be between 16.5 to 19 year. -> You must be citizen of India. -> You can apply for NDA exam online by using the website :: http://www.upsconline.nic.in Exam Pattern& syllabus for NDA written test: ------------------------------------------- There will be written Examination for total of 900 marks in two Subjects 1. Mathematics - Maximum marks is 300 and the duration of the test is 2.5 Hrs. 2. General Ability Test - Maximum marks is 600 and the duration of the test is 2.5 Hrs. The papers in both the subjects will consist of objective type questions only. ~regards~ priyo |
15th February 2012, 08:12 PM
Dear friend,
-To join Indian Army, You will have to appear in Indian Army entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission {U.P.S.C.} -You can also apply for N.D.A. and C.D.S.(Common Defense Services). There generally two examination are held for N.D.A., one is N.D.A.-1 and another is N.D.A.-2.You can also attempt both this two exam. NOTE:- NDA is for Unmarried Male candidates only. Girls ar not allowed. Requirements to Eligible for Indian Army Exam is as follows: -> You should have passed 12th standard from State board or recognized school. -> For Indian Navy, Air Force- You must have passed 12th with Maths & Physics Subjects. -> There is no percentage limit mentioned for this exam. -> If you are appearing in 12th then you can also apply. -> Your age must be between 16.5 to 19 year. -> You must be citizen of India. -> You can apply for NDA exam online by using the website :: http://www.upsconline.nic.in Exam Pattern& syllabus for NDA written test: ------------------------------------------- There will be written Examination for total of 900 marks in two Subjects 1. Mathematics - Maximum marks is 300 and the duration of the test is 2.5 Hrs. 2. General Ability Test - Maximum marks is 600 and the duration of the test is 2.5 Hrs. The papers in both the subjects will consist of objective type questions only. ~regards~ priyo |
30th March 2012, 11:59 PM
Here iam providing you complete details of NDA exam. NDA exam is conducte by the UPSC twice in a year i.e NDA-I and NDA-II. Eligibility criteria: You should complete 12th standard from any recognised state board. Your age should not be more than 19years and not lessthan 16.5years. You should be physically fit and you should be citizen of india. Selection procedure: Written test, SSB interview, Main test. For more details visit http://www.upsc.gov.in All the best. |
15th May 2012, 10:27 AM
Sir,i have failed to appear my clz 12th,i tuk science wit pcm and wnts to repit 4rm 1.by da time i finsh my 2 i'll 19th yrs, cn i still go 4 nda??i'm doin diz juz 4 d xam coz 1 studies wre not gud....m waitin 4 rply plz........
12th June 2012, 09:25 PM
hi sir,Myself Reetika Thakur. actualy i have done my 10 2 with pcb. and as i heared that girls are not allowed to give entrance test to join indian army. so please can u tell me the another any option to join indian army as an officer. plzz reply as soon as possible. thanx in advance!
15th June 2012, 11:00 AM
hi dear,
yes you can apply for Indian army after 12th class .. you can apply for National Defence Academy Educational Qualification Class 12 or 10+2 equivalent [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov. Age at the time of joining must be 161/2-19 years Commencement of Course each year start from January and July... [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Mode of selection [*]NDA exam by UPSC [*]and SSB interview thanks |
15th August 2012, 10:46 PM
Hi dear...
->If you are complete your 12th with PCB then you are not eligible for Army..Because for joining army the eligibility criteria is that: Eligibility : ->age limit is 16-19 years. ->60% Marks in 12th in PCM with a suitable board. -> For more details : WWW.upsc.gov.in ->so dear this is bad for you .... |
11th September 2012, 05:00 PM
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yes you can join indian army,and you are eligible to attend NDA exam... NDA exam will be conducted by UPSC twice in a year... so attend the exam... eligibility: candidate shoud be completed or appearing 12th puc science. age should be 16.5-19. so all the best for your exam... thank you... |
11th September 2012, 10:12 PM
Indian Army can be joined after 12th standard through appearing NDA(National Defence Academy) entrance exam conducted by UPSC two times every year as NDA-I and NDA-II.
The eligible candidate must be an unmarried Indian male having either appear for the final 12th exam or pass in any stream from a recognised Board within the age of 16.5 to 19 years with good Physical and Mental fitness. As you are interested you can join Indian Army through appearing and cracking NDA entrance exam after 12th PCM. The NDA can be applied through on line by paying requisite exam fee. The selection is through written exam, personal interview, Physical Fitness Test and finally through Medical Test. For further information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
25th January 2013, 06:47 PM
hello sir my name is Ashish Talaviya and iam student of class 12th science and have opted for physics chemistry and maths and want to join indian army as an officer to serve the nation so can u please tell me the procedures as i am very much eager to join indian army as an officer and serve my country..
thanks in advance... |
15th February 2013, 06:18 PM
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If your Interested to Join in Army After Completing your 12th standard, then I suggest you to appear in NDA Entrance Examination which is Conducted by Union Public Service Commission for every twice in a year .. NDA stands for National Defence Academy and this Examination is Conducted by Union Public Service Commission . This Examination is held every twice in a year . You have Interested to appear in India Army Academy . So, Any stream candidates are eligible to apply for this Examination. To appear in this Examination than you need to Complete 12th standard / Equivalent Qualification in any discipline from recognized University. Final year candidate may also eligible to apply for this Examination . The candidate who are waiting for the result of 12th board Examination may also eligible to appear in this Examination . Pass Mark is Enough to apply for this Examination . The candidate age should be Minimum 16.5 years and Maximum 19 years . :::: Note :: No upper age relaxation for any category candidates ::::: The candidate who should be Unmarried Male candidate and the candidate should be Citizen of India . So, If you fulfill all this Criteria than your eligible for NDA Entrance Examination .. For More details Please Visit here :- http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
10th May 2015, 03:31 PM
I have completed my 12th last year with pcb and want to become an army officer so is it compulsory for me to opt for the 3 year graduation course and if so can i do graduation in any stream and being a bio student will i be getting the questionaire consisting of math portion too ? is height also considered as a basic criteria for selection
23rd April 2016, 11:39 PM
Both TES and NDA are entry to join Indian Army after completing 12 with Science with Physics,Chemistry and Biology.
Technical Entry Scheme, Educational Qualification-Intermediate/10+2 passed with minimum 70% marks in Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics combined together. Age limit-16.5 years to 19.5 years,at the time of commencement of course. Selection Process-Candidates will be called on the basis of marks for Interview of 5 days known as Service Selection Board Interview,followed by medical test at last. A three stage selection of process. National Defence Academy, Educational Qualification-10+2 /Intermediate passed . Age limit-16.5 years to 19.5 years,At the time of commencement of course Selection process consists of Written Exam 5 days Service Selection Board Interview consists of Pshychological test.mental ability test,and at last Medical Test to complete with. NDA is conducted by UPSC and TES is conducted by Indian Army twice in a year in the month of January and June. Go for NDA,NDA is best suited for you. |
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