12th July 2011, 07:26 PM
Review about Bansal, Resonance, Vibrant, Career Point and Narayana?
I m a droper...i have got a cbse 86.8% in 12th....bt i m not sure dat i hav aptitude 4 iit.... i want an institution which gives preference to weak and average students... plz tell me if u hav any idea or experience... n plz give me reviews 4 - bansal(kota), resonance(kota), vibrant(kota), career point(kota) n narayana(hyd).... if ur experienced plz tell me
21st January 2012, 01:09 AM
First of all 87% in 12th CBSE is great. Talking about resonance,bansal etc. these are all like franchises and companies which provide you education material and also guide you to succeed in exams like IIT.All these coaching institutes are the same as they teach you for the same exams and the same syllabus.Kota is a study hub and the atmosphere created over there is all study but if you feel you don't have the aptitude of doing IIT then do not go for it because if you don't have the interest then IIT will slowly become a pain for you.For IIT you need to work hard yourself as teachers are there only to guide you and solve your doubts.IITians are people with great caliber and i feel not every ordinary guy can crack IIT but hard work can take you anywhere in this world.
9th March 2012, 06:30 PM
overall in terms of stdy material,competition,environment,extensive batch system,xperienced teachrs and faculty which is better BANSAL CLASSES OR VIBRANT ACADEMY KOTA plz rply.........i have got my admission in BANSAL CLASSES fr IIT 2014
4th June 2012, 09:38 PM
hi ! i have joined career point , it is better and best faculty team and best academic system ... it has changed my carrier ... i was a duufer now i have got selection in rmo.....all of other are nt gud.....cp is d bst
13th March 2014, 12:50 AM
Hii I'm a studnt of class 10th ...I'm little bit confuse ...which coaching institute I have to join in kota ...I have 2 options ... Allen or motion plzzz sugesst which is bst and why ???
13th March 2014, 12:51 AM
Hii I'm a studnt of class 10th ...I'm little bit confuse ...which coaching institute I have to join in kota ...I have 2 options ... Allen or motion plzzz sugesst which is bst and why ???
18th March 2014, 01:23 PM
According to me Resonance is best institute for preparing (JEE Advance), They have extra ordinary faculty staff and very good study material which help student's to study effectively.
12th April 2014, 05:01 PM
i am very confused betweeen resonance nd vibrant institute.....i hav given entrace exam i both institutes nd cleared also all i need is to know which institute i should go...????
plsss suggest me some ideas why should i choose resonance or vibrant.....thank you |
17th December 2014, 09:27 PM
All the coaching centres in Kota are big scams. They attract students from small towns of India who are cheated of their money and time without any sincere inputs. They take tuition fees and hostel fees in advance and the students lose lakhs of rupees if they want to leave before completing their sub-standard classes. The government of Rajasthan or other regulators turn a blind eye to all the cheating and fraud that's going on since they are getting bribes from the scamsters.
29th December 2014, 08:45 PM
hi, i am in 10th cbse from ahmedabad...is it fruitful to take drop after 12th for preparations of JEE Advance...and if taken which institute would be better to join...career point, resonance or bothra...please reply
23rd June 2015, 01:29 AM
Career point and Vibrant academy are really good options for an average student as they enroll relatively less no. of students than resonance and Bansal classes.
it is 5% coaching and 95% your hard work & determination in the end! That 5% is provided by almost all good coachings but remaining 95% is within you.If you can't bring out that 95% ,no coaching can help you...just join some good coaching ( career point, vibrant, motion IIT etc) and you will get that 5%. After that forget everything and focus on remaining 95%. Don't get distracted by results of coachings, the ratio get changed each year, the no. of selections are just a matter of good no. of hard working students enrolled in that coaching it changes every year! |
24th July 2015, 06:13 PM
I have scored 96,7% In my board exam. I am a dropper this year . I want to join iit or iist .i have joined career point Kota for long term coaching. but iam confused about whether i have taken a right decision or i should have joined some other coaching institute in kota