11th December 2010, 12:54 PM
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Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

plz help me in GATE preparetions. i m 3rd year now, and preparing for gate .sir plz suggest me some study material for gate

12th December 2010, 09:45 PM
mini rani
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?


The following links are useful to download the study material of GATE:



12th December 2010, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

hello rohan

your determination towards gate is really appreciable

and before suggesting you the material i want to say you one thing

while posing question you did not provided the information like from where you are i.e. what's your region

because all the books are not available in all places across country if you want digital material then you can try with these sites




if you want to take only material then do a local survey ok

all the best

13th December 2010, 10:47 PM
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Smile Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?


GATE exam only needs your clear concepts of mainly 2nd and 3rd year and mostly 3rd year...................

so prepare well for the concepts and just chill dear

good day
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3rd March 2011, 07:19 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted every year. Many aspirants sit for the exam every year and the competition is intense. The paper is very hard to score well and it requires one to study hard and prepare well as in most cases the most obvious answer that seems to be is the one which is actually wrong.

So, you must opt for good study material and practice a lot of sample papers.

Also, it is very important that you through the previous years question papers as well to get and idea what you are going to face.Set yourself a time of 3 hours for the papers and see how much you can get it right i that time frame.

Now as you have not mentioned in which subject you are appearing, so kindly visit the following link to find the required study materials for the subject in which you are appearing:


Also, you may find the sample papers at the following link:



Wish all the very Best!!
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9th March 2011, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?


regarding the study material for GATE
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted every year. Many aspirants sit for the exam every year and the competition is intense. The paper is very hard to score well and it requires one to study hard and prepare well as in most cases the most obvious answer that seems to be is the one which is actually wrong.
So, you must opt for good study material and practice a lot of sample papers.
Also, it is very important that you through the previous years question papers as well to get and idea what you are going to face.Set yourself a time of 3 hours for the papers and see how much you can get it right i that time frame.
Now as you have not mentioned in which subject you are appearing, so kindly visit the following link to find the required study materials for the subject in which you are appearing:

find the sample papers at the following link:


The following links are useful to download the study material of GATE:


good luck
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10th March 2011, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

dear friends,

Multiple choice questions in all papers and sections will contain four answers, of which only one is correct. The types of questions in a paper may be based on following logic:

(i) Recall:

These are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline. The candidate is expected to be able to obtain the answer either from his/her memory of the subject or at most from a one-line computation.

Q. During machining maximum heat is produced

(A) in flank face (B) in rake face
(C) in shear zone (D) due to friction between chip and tool.

(ii) Comprehension:

These questions will test the candidate's understanding of the basics of his/her field, by requiring him/her to draw simple conclusions from fundamental ideas.

Q. A DC motor requires a starter in order

(A) to develop a starting torque
(B) to compensate for auxiliary field ampere turns
(C) to limit armature current at starting
(D) to provide regenerative braking

(iii) Application:

In these questions, the candidate is expected to apply his/her knowledge either through computation or by logical reasoning.


Q. The sequent depth ratio of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is 16.48. The Froude number at the beginning of the jump is:

(A) 10.0 (B) 5.0

(C) 12.0 (D) 8.0

(iv) Analysis and Synthesis:

These can be linked questions, where the answer to the first question of the pair is required in order to answer its successor. Or these can be common data questions, in which two questions share the same data but can be solved independently of one another.
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Common data questions

Multiple questions may be linked to a common data problem, passage and the like. Two or three questions can be formed from the given common data problem. Each question is independent and its solution obtainable from the above problem data/passage directly. (Answer of the previous question is not required to solve the next question). Each question under this group will carry two marks.

Common Data, for instance, Questions 48 and 49 in main paper:
Let X and Y be jointly distributed random variables such that the conditional distribution of Y, given X=x, is uniform on the interval (x-1,x+1). Suppose E(X)=1 and Var(X)= 5/3

First question using common data:

Q.48 The mean of the random variable Y is

(A) 1/2 (B) 1 (C) 3/2 (D) 2

Second question using common data:

Q.49 The variance of the random variable Y is

(A) 1/2 (B) 2/3 (C) 1 (D) 2

hese questions are of problem solving type. A problem statement is followed by two questions based on the problem statement. The two questions are designed such that the solution to the second question depends upon the answer to the first one. In other words, the first answer is an intermediate step in working out the second answer. Each question in such linked answer questions will carry two marks.


Statement for Linked Answer Questions, for instance, for Questions 52 and 53 in Main Paper:

The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by

First question of the pair:
Q.52 The value of K which will cause sustained oscillations in the closed loop system is

Second question of the pair:
Q.53 The frequency of sustained oscillations is

The questions based on the above four logics may be a mix of single stand alone statement / phrase / data type questions, combination of option codes type questions or match items types questions.

all the best .......................
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15th April 2011, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

hii,gateforum material and GK publishers are good work well exam is tough .
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7th August 2011, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 849
Thumbs up Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

What is GATE ?

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all -India Examination conducted by the six Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.From Freshersworld point of view we have tried our best to give you a clear picture of GATE.


To identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Post Graduate Programmes in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy at the National level. To serve as benchmark for normalisation of the Undergraduate Engineering Education in the country.

Here is an opportunity for advanced engineering education in India. An M.E or M.Tech degree is a desirable qualification for our young engineers seeking a rewarding professional career. Engineering students, while in the final year of their degree course, spend considerable time in seeking an opening for studies in foreign universities
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7th August 2011, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

GATE Results

The GATE result is declared every year on 31 st March and the score of the qualified candidates shows their All India Rank and Percentile Score in the discipline paper chosen by the candidates.

GATE Score Card

Score card will be sent only to the qualified candidates. No information will be sent to candidates who are not qualified.

The GATE score card is a valuable document. Care should be taken to preserve it. Additional Score Cards, (upto a maximum of two) will be issued on payment basis only once.

The Score Card cannot be treated as a proof of category.

The score card of the Qualified Candidates will include GATE Score, Percentile Score and Rank.

i. GATE Score

The GATE SCORE of a candidate is a statistical performance index in the range 0 to 1000. It reflects the ability of a candidate, irrespective of the paper or year in which he/she has qualified. Candidates with same GATE SCORE from different disciplines and/or years can be considered to be of equal ability.


m = marks obtained by the candidate.

a = average of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current year.

s = standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current year.

K1 and K2 are determined respectively from the mean and standard deviation of marks of all candidates across all papers and years since GATE 2002.

A typical qualitative interpretation of the GATE SCORE, for example, can be as follows:

GATE Score Range Ability Level
800 to 1000 Outstanding
675 to 800 Excellent
550 to 675 Very good
425 to 550 Good
300 to 425 Above average
100 to 300 Average
Below 100 Below average
Percentile Score

The percentile score is not the same as percentage of marks. The percentile score of a candidate shows what percentage of candidates, who appeared in the same paper in GATE 2005, scored less marks than him/her. It is calculated as follows: Let N be the total number of candidates appearing in that paper and nc be the number of candidates who have the same all India rank c in the same paper (there can be bunching at a given all India rank). Then all the candidates, whose all India rank is r, will have the same percentile score P, where

The percentile score in each paper is calculated as follows: Let N be the total number of candidates appearing in that paper, and nc be the number of candidates who have the same all India rank c in the same paper (there can be bunching at a given all India rank), then all the candidates, whose all India rank is r, will have the same percentile score P, where

P = {(no. of candidates securing marks less than the candidate concerned)/N}x100

The evaluation of the ORS is carried out by a computerized process using scanning machines, with utmost care. Requests for revaluation of the answer script and re-totaling of marks will not be entertained.

The GATE result and particulars of the qualified candidates will be made available to interested organizations (educational institutions, R and D laboratories, industries etc.) in India and abroad based on written request by the organization and on payment. Details can be obtained from GATE Chairmen of IITs / IISc.
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7th September 2011, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

for the good and effective preparation for you should thoroly study your 3rd year subjects like
signal system
communication system
digital electronic

and also take material from the made easy it will be better choice for you or you can also join the weakand classes from the made easy if is possible for you,.ok
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7th October 2011, 11:21 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 29
Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

for gate preparation buy MADE EASY study material ...according to me this is best ..
every topic in this study material explained well...so just read that study material and do hard work.. definitively it will clear your all doubts.
And try to study from hard copy ....don't use soft copy for doing study because when you are doing study with the help of soft copy so it might be possible that your mind get divert...
if you want to get study material from net then you can refer..
if you have video tutorial for study then its good...
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7th October 2011, 11:40 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 29
Red face Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

for gate preparation buy MADE EASY study material ...according to me this is best ..
every topic in this study material explained well...so just read that study material and do hard work.. definitively it will clear your all doubts.
if you have video tutorial for study then its good...
you didn't mention your branch...if you had mentioned that then i would tell you about subjects...
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11th January 2012, 12:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Suggestion required regarding the study material for GATE?

I am from ece branch. I want to know how many questions must be right to clear gate exam?
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