7th September 2011, 09:51 AM
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Syllabus for JTO Exam for CS Engineers?

what is the syallabus for appearing the examination of J.T.O. held by bsnl for c.s. engineers?

9th September 2011, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus for JTO Exam for CS Engineers?

The Syllabus generally includes 75% of the technical part covering all your core subjects along with 25% of aptitude and current events.The pattern for all the PSU exam remains the same.The syllabus generally varies from group to group.Since your from computer science back ground hence you belong to the telecom section.

For JTOs(Telecom)
Section-I : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions

BSNL shall fix minimum qualifying marks for OC/OBC/SC/ST/PH candidates for each section as well as in the aggregate.Candidates obtaining less than minimum-qualifying marks in any of the sections or in aggregate shall not be considered for inclusion in the merit-list.The merit-list will be drawn up on the basis of candidates’ performance in the exam and the number of vacancies.
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9th September 2011, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus for JTO Exam for CS Engineers?

Syllabus for JTO Exam for CS Engineers is as follows

Theory of Computation: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Undecidability; NP-completeness.

Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits; Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point).

Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data-path, CPU control design, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction pipelining, Cache and main memory, Secondary storage.

Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.

Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and-conquer; Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching.

Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environments, Intermediate and target code generation, Basics of code optimization.

Operating System: Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and security.

Databases: ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control.

Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4), Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers.


For JTO (Telecom) vacancies candidates having a Bachelors degree in Engineering/Technology in any of the following streams are eligible


Electrical or electronics

Radio engg and

Computer engineering

Information Technology.
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