30th November 2010, 10:32 PM
Syllabus and question paper for the post of assistant?
Please send me the syllabus & question pattern for the post of assistant?
5th December 2010, 11:33 AM
APPSC PORTAL APPSC GROUP-1 PRELIMINARY 2010 MARKS LIST OF ALL ATTENDED CANDIDATES - APPSC GROUP-1 PRELIMINARY 2010 MARKS LIST OF ALL ATTENDED CANDIDATES CLICK HERE 2 days ago BANK EXAM QUESTION PAPERS Rajasthan Gramin Bank Recruitment - *Rajasthan Gramin Bank* (Sponsored by Punjab National Bank) Head Office : 13 - Lajpat Nagar, Alwar (Rajasthan) Applications are invited for appointment in *... 10 hours ago COMPETITIONS TODAY UPSC NDA 2004 SOLVED PAPER - ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILL IN THE BLANKS Directions (For the following 6 items): Each of the following Six sentences has a blank space and four words or groups o... 1 day ago CURRENT AFFAIRS Sarkozy calls for permanent Security Council seat for India - During his first stopover on his four-day visit to India here on December 04, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for a permanent seat for India in the... 11 hours ago CURRENT GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TODAY UPSC GENERAL ABILITY QUESTIONS - 1. Which one of the following countries has its Military base in the Indian Ocean island Diego Garcia? (1) France (2) Russia (3) United Kingdom (4) Un... 4 days ago RRB EXAM PAPERS RRB ALLAHABAD ASSISTANT STATION MASTER EXAM 13-06-2010 SOLVED PAPER - RRB ALLAHABAD ASSISTANT STATION MASTER EXAM 13-06-2010 SOLVED PAPER CLICK HERE 3 days ago SREE MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS BSNL TTA Previous Question Paper 2007 - *Network Filters and Transmission Lines* *Number of Questions: 50 * *Maximum Marks: 250 * *Time Allowed: 90 Minutes * *Negative Marking: Yes * 1. Pick... 1 day ago STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION EXAM PAPERS SSC EXAMS ARITHMETICS QUESTIONS - *1. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation? 158.25 x 4.6 + 21% of 847+?= 950.93 50 45 * - 35 ... 1 day ago सरकारी नौकरी - Government Jobs India - Sarkari Naukri BARC Stipendiary Trainee vacancy Dec-2010 - Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com *Government of India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Yelwal, Mysore - 571130* Advertisement No. ... 17 hours ago This Blog Linked From Here USEFUL SITES The Web This Blog Linked From Here USEFUL SITES The Web Sunday, August 8, 2010 FCI Assistant Grade III (Technical) Exam Pattern Selection Procedure: The selection process consists of written test, group discussion and interview. FCI Written Test Syllabus: The written test will be in English only and in two parts. Part I will consist of 60 multiple choice question of the relevant technical discipline and Part II will consist of 60 multiple choice questions on general aptitude consisting of Reasoning, Data Analysis, Computer Awareness, General Awareness and Current Affairs. On qualifying the Written Test, GD & Interview will be held for short-listed candidates. It is essential to appear in every stage of the selection process. |
12th August 2011, 04:51 AM
Sir maine assisant station master ka exam 13-06-2010 ko diya tha roll no 13103011004785 hai please faizul hasan 69 Facebook id par send karne ki kast kare
27th December 2011, 11:45 AM
Please send me the syllabus & question pattern for the post of assistant of rajasthan gramin bank,alwar? on my email id- [email protected]