9th September 2012, 05:06 PM
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Is there any course related to space communication for ECE students? Which are those colleges?

Is there any course which is related with space communication for ece students?which is dat colleges?

23rd August 2015, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Is there any course related to space communication for ECE students? Which are those colleges?

ECE stand for Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The Center is also associated with the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).

The ECE department has played an especially active role in the Center in recent years, as evidenced by the increasing number of ECE dissertations and theses completed with affiliated faculty.

Engineering students in the CSP have pursued research on one of two broad tracks:-

1) remote sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere and space environment, primarily with radar, optical, or magnetic sensors, and

2) development and deployment of space-flight instrumentation.

The following graduate courses are offered by the ECE department to support these tracks:

ECE Track 1: Radio science and remote sensing

EC505 Stochastic Processes

EC565 Electromagnetic energy transmission

EC566 The atmosphere and space environment

EC702 Recursive estimation and optimal filtering

EC707 Radar Remote Sensing

EC716 Advanced DSP

EC717 Image reconstruction and restoration

EC731 Applied plasma physics

AS727 Cosmic Plasma Physics

AS783 Ionospheric Physics (possible cross-list with ECE?)

ECE Track 2: Space Instrumentation and measurement

EC515 Digital communication

EC575 Semiconductor devices

EC580 Modern Active circuit design

EC582 RF/Analog IC design fundamentals

EC731 Applied plasma physics

EC751 Design of asynchronous circuits and systems
24th August 2015, 01:41 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: pune
Posts: 90
Default Re: Is there any course related to space communication for ECE students? Which are those colleges?

ECE stands for: Electrical Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) deals with implementation of applications, principles and algorithms developed within many related fields like

The telephone, radio, satellite communications, the internet, mobile phones,4G,

information related to course is provided at this university site with its detail information

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